Newsletter Archive


June 2024

May 2024

March 2024

February 2024

The Best of 2023 Newsletters

December 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

March 2023

January 2023

November 2022

Change of Phone Number / Center of Your Immune System – The Colon / Excellent Dog Needs Excellent Home

October 2022

Are Antibiotic Risks Worth It? / New Videos / MDs Bring New Loss of Credibility

September 2022

Newest Video: Dismantling the COVID Pageant / Journey To The Center Of Your Colon

August 2022

Enzymes and Longevity / Lake Mead in Crisis / RFK’s New Book: The Real Anthony Fauci

June 2022

Two New videos: Gender and Vaccine Deaths / Allergies Resolved / CA people the dumbest?

April 2022

Snakes and COVID: Newest and Silliest Controlled Opposition

March 2022

Megahydrate / The End of COVID – Germaphobe Nation

February 2022

MRSA Case – Antibiotic Success / Controlled Opposition – McCullough, Rogan, Brandt, Shapiro / Clearing Arteries and Heavy Metals

January 2022

Testimonials / Cabo Report / Movie Star Dilemma / Facemask Lunacy Update / No More Wars

December 2021

Module 2 Nutrition Course / Can Things Ever Go Back to Normal? / Thailand Update

October 2021

Juice Fast: Unlimited Potential / International Travel: Thailand Opens Up

August 2021

Proof of COVID? / Why Can’t It End In CA and NY? / God Paralyzed By COVID Vax – Clapton / Larry Elder / Update COVID Vax Deaths / Exemptions: Masks, Vaccines

July 2021

Deaths from COVID Vax / Employee Vax Exemption Form / Airports Prolong the Hoax / Vax Exemption for Students

June 2021

Colon: The Immune Center / Employee Vax Exemption Form / Vegas Returns – The End of the Hoax / Manmade Drought / Vax Exemption for Students

April 2021

Less Foam in Your Hydrolyzed Collagen / Betting Your Life On COVID Vax / Six New Videos at thedoctorwithin

February 2021

Two New Videos / Vaccines Revealed Series

January 2021

Coup d’Etat – No More America / Panama’s Stem Cell Institute/ Facemask Update

December 2020

Stolen Year / New Vax / COVID Fading / Mexico Re-Opening / Dead Chiropractor Society

November 2020

Europe’s Top Science Researchers Discredit Facemasks/Lockdowns / Ten Reasons Not To Get The New Vaccine

October 2020

Election: Third Debate – Who Will End Lockdown? / The Triumph of Censorship – YouTube

September 2020

Newest video: Why the COVID Delusion Cannot End / The Secret Brainwashing of Children Sentenced To Online School / Wichita Vaccine Awareness extravaganza: RFK, ANDY, Del

August 2020

New video: Positive Tests Are Not COVID Cases/ Reflux/ Vegas Turnaround/ The Coming Vaccine / Some Doctors Doing Record Numbers Despite the Hoax

June 2020

Facemask Exemptions – Facemask Science, Joint replacements cancelled

May 2020

The Germ Theory of Disease: The New State Religion

April 2020

Coronavirus: Is It Real? / $5K Reward for Proof of Diagnosis / Podcasts 701 – 704>

March 2020

Seminar Orange County / ChiroCruise Athens / Coronavirus About to Disappear / Collagen and Canine Joint Reconstruction

February 2020

Coronavirus Illusion / ChiroCruise 2020 – Athens – Jerusalem


December 2019

End of a Decade:2010-2020 The Good. the Bad, and the Singularity / ChiroCruise 2020 – Athens – Jerusalem

November 2019

PG&E: Third World Makeover for California / Enzymes and Holiday Overeating / Canine Hypothyroid

October 2019

SB276:What It Really Says / Deleted Videos Now Replaced/ Oral Chelation Clearing Arteries

September 2019

Chiropractors: We Are Not Hookers / ADD:A Designer Disease- update/

August 2019

Focus OKC 2019 / The New Censorship/ New YouTube Videos

June 2019

Focus OKC / Discovering The New Censorship/ thedoctorwithin YouTube channels

April 2019
Havana Cruise Report / Onboard Lectures

March 2019
Letter to Mark Zuckerberg /

February 2019
OC Symposium Recap / Clear the Blood / 60 Day Rescue /

January 2019
OC Symposium: Atrium Hotel Jan 19 / Temecula Vaccine Lecture / Collagen Cures /


December 2018
OC Symposium: O’Shea & Bergman / Enzymes: Holiday Overeating /An Evening With RFK Jr / Dr Bob Sears – Medical Scapegoat /

November 2018
Autism? It’s Not the Glyphosate /The Miracle of Colon Hydraulics / ChiroCruise Havana 2019 /

October 2018
Black Salve and Skin Cancer / New Chelated Minerals / ChiroCruise Havana 2019 /

September 2018
New Radio Show / New Chelated Minerals / Pasadena Cancer Breakthroughs / ChiroCruise Havana 2019 /

August 2018
Lectures: Sacramento and Pasadena / Colon Detox -The Balloon People / East Coast Mexican Escape / ChiroCruise Havana 2019 /

July 2018
Thai Cave Rescue: Medical Captives / End of Vaccine Exemptions in California / Newer Agendas in American Dentistry / Kevorkian Jailed for Seeing Future?

June 2018
Bobby Kennedy New YouTube Clip/ California’s Vaccine Police / Why Is Media So Down On Tesla / Cancer Survivor

May 2018
Disease As Adaptation, Part II / Juice Fast / PRP, Prolo, and Stem Cell Therapy / Need DC

April 2018
New Container for Collagen / DiCaprio’s Before the Flood / Evidence Based? Mantra or Real?

March 2018
Sacrificial Virgins: New movie / Technocracy #2 – More Evidence for De-Evolution

February 2018
Seasonal Hoax For Influenza / Technocracy #1: Why Kids Don’t Ride Their Bikes Any More / Donald to End Vaccines? Not Likely

January 2018
American BioDental Clinic Tijuana / Disease As Adaptation/ Chemtrail Update

December 2017
Minneapolis, Bioterrain Analysis, Pleomorphic Cycle, Somatid Cycle, etc/ New YouTube Videos/ New vaccine book: The War On Children/ Chemtrails Return to Bay Area

October 2017
San Jose CE Seminar/ EuroTour: Mediterranean and Paris/ New vaccine book: The War On Children/ Proprioception: The Science of Chiropractic

September 2017
San Jose Seminar/ EuroTour/ Another “Suicide”?/ Cancer Recovery/ New vaccine book: The War On Children/ San Francisco Vaccine Conference

August 2017
San Jose CA/Barcelona/Paris/San Francisco/ Minneapolis/ FocusOKC/ New vaccine book: The War On Children

June 2017
FocusOKC/ Somali Autism / The End of Vax Science?/ Sugar in Fruit Juice – Not An Issue/
Vaccines Kill Children – New Proof/ New Chapters

May 2017
Filler Words in Conversation / Mediterranean Chiro Cruise

April 2017
The Four Horsemen of the Vaccine Apocalypse / Barcelona College Accredited / Health Insurance Alternative / Mediterranean Chiro Cruise

March 2017
Events/ AdjustingMetacarpals/Med TourismSE Asia/Bigtree Video/Flaw in Vax Awareness

January 2017
Vital Lectures 2017, RFK Commission, SB18, Measles, Chelated Minerals

December 2016
Vital Lectures 2017, Natural Correction Election, Collagen Cure, Chiropractic vs. Podiatry

November 2016
Vaxxed, new Minerals, Motorcycle Injury Adjustments, No More Glasses, Practice 4 Sale

October 2016
North Georgia Symposium| Euro Report: Paris, Cardiff | Election Circus

September 2016
Euro Seminars | Alaska Report | CA Vaccine Update| Codeword Search | Seminar in Wales

August 2016
Seminars | Focus OKC Report | New Chelated Minerals Immunition| Adjusting Seminar in Wales

July 2016
Seminars | Radical New Vax Rules for College | Vax Exemption Letter for College Admission| A Dog Bit Me | Retire To Mexico For DC | Adjusting Seminar in Wales

June 2016
Seminars | FitExpo Cautionary | Common Core: Wristbanding Our Kids? | Hydrolyzed Collagen | Paris and Wales UK Seminars

May 2016
Seminars | Vaxxed– The Film They Don’t Want You to See |Where Are All the Chiropractors? | Cancel That Joint Surgery | Wales UK Seminar

April 2016
Seminars | Wakefield’s Vaxxed | Dane Wigington: Chemtrails | Manmade Drought | Media: Retarding the Electorate

March 2016
Upcoming Seminars | Trump and Vaccines | ZIKA – Boutique Epidemic for 2016 | Next Level – Scouting the Path | Can SB277 Be Delayed?

February 2016
Upcoming Seminars | Glenn Frey: Goodbye To the Hotel California | Holistic Docs Murdered for Discovering New Vaccine Toxin? | Sky View Update Bay Area | Vaccine Exemption Update | Vaccine Textbook: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

January 2016
Advanced Clinical Nutrition Seminar | Barcelona College: Second Chance | Asia Travelogue: Koh Samui Thailand | Interview: Charles Koch | Gardasil Under Attack: Documentary | Vaccine Exemption Update | Vaccine Textbook: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

December 2015
Advanced Clinical Nutrition Seminar | Chemtrail Update | Esophageal Reflux Cure | Asia Travelogue: New Discovery | Vax Referendum – Next Step | Election 2016 | The 60 Day Program | Vaccine Text for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

November 2015
Barcelona, Edinburgh, Windsor Tour 2015 | OAKLAND VACCINE RALLY – WHISTLEBLOWER COVERUP | Fading Art Video Archive | IN REVIEW: The 60 Day Program | BOOK REVIEW: Adios, America by Ann Coulter | Two New Letters – Protection from Vaccines | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

October 2015
Seminars: Barcelona College Lecture – 30 Sept – Chiropractic Philosophy and Neurology; 3 Oct – Fading Art Adjusting – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Fading Art Adjusting Windsor UK; 9 Oct – Windsor Vaccine Lecture | VIDEO ARCHIVE | SB277 – The New Vax Strategy | ChiroFest a Triumph | Parents’ Letters to School | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

September 2015 – UPDATE
CA Law SB277: Forced Vaccines

September 2015
Events: Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; Fading Art – 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | New hours in Fading Art Video Archive | Chemtrails Chelation – Your Only Option? | Philosophy of 60 Day Program | SB277 Referendum – 3 Reasons You Should Sign | Two Exemption Letters | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

August 2015
Events: Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; Fading Art – 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | Continuing Ed for CA DCs – End of the Road? | Temecula Parents Face Cold Reality of SB277 | Chiropractic – If We Don’t Want It They’ll Take It | Whooping Cough Cure | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

July 2015
Events: July 17-18 Focus OKC; July 17 Oklahoma City, Evening Vaccine Lecture; Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | New Patient Dilemma | SB277 Signed and Sealed – California Auschwitz? | Colombian Interlude | Tesla – The Invisible Paradigm Shift | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

June 2015
Events: July 4 Medellin, Colombia; July 17-18 Focus OKC; July 17 Oklahoma City, Evening Vaccine Lecture; Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | What To Do After CA Vax Law Passes | Chemtrails Update | After the 60 Day Program | Wakefield’s Documentary | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

May 2015
Events: 27 May – Foothill College; July 17-18 Focus OKC; July 17 Oklahoma City Evening Vaccine Lecture; Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | Forced Vaccines in California: How It Happened | Wakefield’s documentary | Geoengineering Update | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

April 2015
Events: 27 May – Foothill College; July 17-18 Focus OKC; July 17 Oklahoma City – Evening Vaccine Lecture; Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK | EULOGY FOR DR J.R. WELTCH | THE POLITICS OF FORCED VACCINES – CALIFORNIA AND ELSEWHERE | The Best Vaccine Movie so far: Trace Amounts | Radio Interview | CalJam Review | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

March 2015
Events: CalJam 26 Mar; Foothill College 27 May; Edinburgh 3 Oct | The Best Vaccine Movie so far: Trace Amounts | Measles Vaccine: The Lies We Tell Each Other | Radio Interview NYC | Chiropractic Magic | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

February 2015
| Ebola Vanishes | Measles Vaccine: The Lies We Tell Each Other| Barcelona College of Chiropractic |

January 2015
Nutrition Seminar Ventura 24 Jan; CalJam – Mar 2015 | Vegetarian Meditation | Asian Report 2015 | Dosages – 60 Day Program | Movie Review: The Interview | New 4th Edition for 2015: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

December 2014
Vietnam Seminar December 18; Ventura 24 Jan; CalJam – Mar 2015 | Ebola: Update | GeoEngineering or Tin Hat? | TV Programs That Make Your Kid Dumber | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization Holiday Book Offer

November 2014
Vietnam Seminar December 18; CalJam – Mar 2015 | Ebola: Order Up! One Epidemic, With Everything | Found a Real Veterinarian | Slaves to Coumadin | Best/Worst of All Possible Worlds: GeoEngineering/MegaH | Mexico Practice for Sale: $20K | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

October 2014
Vietnam Seminar – December 18 | New! Online Technique Video Library | Bioterrain Class – Thursday 9 Oct – SJ | Tulsa OK Assn. Weekend | Best/Worst of All Possible Worlds | Looking For a Real Veterinarian | Clint Throws Down On Obama | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

September 2014
| MileHigh Review |Eulogy for Robin Williams | Bioterrain Class 9 Oct – San Jose | Book Review: FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE?? | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

August 2014
Focus V Review – Oklahoma City | Educating the Unvaccinated | Sigafoose: Burn Down the Schools? | Best/Worst of All Possible Worlds: why go to veterinarians? | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

July 2014
Lectures: FocusOKC, Denver; Avila Beach, DCs Clubhouse | New! Online Technique Video Library | Martial Arts chiropractic | Case Studies: Natural Cancer Cures? | Best/Worst of All Possible Worlds: Neocate and the Mickey Button | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

June 2014
Lectures: Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Focus OKC | Secrets of a New Technique Seminar | Vaccines 2014: Revisiting the Germ Theory | Eulogy for Aunt Peggy | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

May 2014
Lectures: Seattle, Palmer College, Focus OKC | Euro Report | Two New Videos | Bexsero: Latest Vaccine Hoax | Best and Worst of All Cabo’s | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

April 2014
Lectures: Cabo, AECC, Barcelona, London, Seattle | On the Road with Tim Young | Two New videos | Just Saw the Devil | BEST AND WORST OF ALL WORLDS: Mammoth Report | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

March 2014
OC Adjusting – 22 Mar, AECC, Barcelona, Madrid Lectures | Target: The Elderly | The Gluten Myth | Cancer Stories | BEST AND WORST OF ALL WORLDS: National Parks | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

February 2014
Ventura Nutrition 8 Feb, CalJam 28 Feb | FluVax Hysteria | New Interview with Andrew Wakefield | Chiro Academic Decline? | Collagen Stories | BEST AND WORST OF ALL WORLDS: Test Drive the Tesla

January 2014
Kansas City Technique seminar 18 Jan | Greenpeace in Russia: The Price of Success | Health Care Debacle: Chiropractic To The Rescue | Best and Worst of All Possible Worlds | New Online Nutrition Seminar | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2013

back to top

November 2013
Recent Seminars – outcomes | New! Kansas City – Technique seminar 15 Jan 2014 | A Dog Bit Me | MOVIE REVIEW: OBAMACARE HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH OBAMA | Mechanism vs Vitalism – not that simple. | New Online Nutrition Seminar | THE UNDYING MYTHOLOGY OF TETANUS – Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2013

October 2013
October Seminars | Russian Translation Vax Book | MMR Measles Outbreak | Shipyard Shooter: Drug Coverup | Radio Interview Vaccines | New Online Nutrition Seminar | New Oral Chelation

September 2013
October Seminars | VACCINE DEBATE CHALLENGE | New online Video Nutrition CE seminar | Trump on Obamacare | Cancer Death Sentences? | New Oral Chelation | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization

July 2013
Seminar Events: Phoenix; Oklahoma City; Sherman College | Oral Chelation – Formula Upgrade | Excerpt from 2013 vaccine text | Best and Worst of All Worlds

June 2013
Seminar Events: Amsterdam, UK Tour, Edinburgh Lectures, Boulder CO | Subluxation Nation: Celebrities and AutoMutilation/ New Oral Chelation/ Lyceum Success

May 2013
Chiro Events: Functional Nutrition; UK Tour; Edinburgh Lectures | The Physics of Sound Healing: Pythagoras to DD Palmer | Excerpt from 2013 vaccine text | DD’s tombstone | Oral Chelation

April 2013
Chiro Events: Functional Nutrition; UK Tour; Sherman Interview | The Physics of Sound Healing: Pythagoras to DD Palmer | Excerpt from 2013 vaccine text: Human Papilloma Virus | Response to Anti-Chiropractic Witchhunt by Oz Media | Tiny Demons | The Value of Antioxidants

March 2013
Chiro Events: Philosophy and Neurology | Adjustophobia – New chiropractic disease? | Excerpt from vaccine text: Prevnar | | Challenge to Debate: Defending Vaccines? Now’s your chance!

February 2013
Chiro Events: Vaximmunology, Philosophy and Neurology | Excerpt from vaccine text | Radio show 11 Feb: The Power of Chiropractic | Challenge to Debate: Defending Vaccines?| What schools would BJ be banned from?

January 2013
Upcoming Seminars: 19 Jan Ventura; 9 Feb LAX | GUNS PERSONALIZE – DRUGS DEPERSONALIZE | Lorax and Caltrans | Chelated Minerals | New: 2013 ed. : Vaccination Is Not Immunization

back to top

December 2012
AU NZ Tour | Upcoming Seminars: 15 Dec Orange County | Kuala Lumpur Chiropractic | CONSULTATIONS | New Book: Vaccination Is Not Immunization – Third Edition – 2013

November 2012
SE Asia / AU / NZ Seminars November | Merck Ignores 40,000 Pediatricians | No Seeds, No Nuts, No Oils | How the World Really Sees Us | Today’s Excerpt: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

October 2012
New Beginnings Rocks | CA Religious Exemption? Believe it when you see it! | Asia / AU / NZ Seminars November | Today’s Excerpt: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

September 2012
Upcoming Events | King George and AB2109 | Chiropractic Always Works | Today’s Excerpt: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

August 2012
Tim Young’s Oklahoma: Hotbed of Chiropractic | Reflux: 20% of the Population? | 12 Hours CE in 6 Hours of Class Time | Today’s Excerpt: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

July 2012
Philosophy Embarrasses Us: Let’s Have the Science | AB2109: Auguring for Oblivion Express | When Antibiotics Can’t Be Avoided: Normal Digestion | Upcoming Lectures | Today’s Excerpt: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

June 2012
Pulling Out The Claw: Wonder of Chiropractic | Upcoming Events | Mute DCs: Silence of the Lambs | Senators’ Letter AB2109: Live Ammo | Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012: Vaccination Is Not Immunization

May 2012
AB2109: White Coats and Bad Theatre | Upcoming Events | Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012: Vaccination Is Not Immunization | Radio Interviews on AB2109

April 2012 – Special Bulletin
AB2109: Medical Freedom Under Attack in CA | Upcoming Seminars | New vaccine textbook: 2012

April 2012
Freedom With Permission: No more Exemptions? | Upcoming Events | Challenge to Public Debate: CA Bill 2109 | Chiropractic and the Myth of Adhesive Capsulitis | Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012

March 2012
New Chapter: Frozen Shoulder Syndrome | Upcoming Events | End of CA….Exemptions | Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012

February 2012
Detox During Pregnancy and Nursing | New Seminars | New Poisoning for San Jose Water | CalJam 2012 — Homestretch | Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book for 2012

January 2012
The 2012 Chiropractic Story: Second Law of Thermodynamics | Enzymes: Key to Longevity | Four New CE Seminars | Parents’ most reliable vaccine book: New for 2012 | CalJam: Feb 2012 – Event of the Millenium

back to top

December 2011
Best Holiday Gift: Your Brain | Last Seminar: Orange County Dec 3 | Pockets of Awareness | New vaccine textbook: 2012 | New Online CE Courses

November 2011
New chapter on Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine | Upcoming Seminars: Oklahoma and Orange County | New release: 2012 vaccine book | New online CE courses | Holiday Diet Excess: Clearing It Out

October 2011
California TDaP Exemption Form: Desperation on display | Upcoming Seminars | New vaccine book Vaccination Is Not Immunization | CA Chiropractic Consent Form

September 2011
Barcelona Report | Upcoming Seminars | Pourcyrous study: vaccines cause brain injury | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization: DARWINISM AND VACCINES

August 2011
Euro Seminars: Oxford, England and Barcelona, Spain | New Report on Shaken Baby | Focus: Chiropractic Thrives in OK

July 2011
Upcoming Seminars: US and Europe | New Research: Vaccines As the Cause of Peanut Anaphylaxis | Adjusting the 97 year old patient | Marketing the Heart Attack | Flu vaccine damages AU babies | Breakfast of champions

June 2011
Jarvis Reinforces Chiropractic! | HPV Vaccine for Boys? | Upcoming Seminars | Vaccines and California 7th graders | Prevnar: unnecessary vaccine?

May 2011
The Survival of the Correctly Informed | Upcoming Seminars | CCE: ANNIHILATION BY DILUTION? | Excerpt from Vaccination Is Not Immunization: HPV Vaccine | Chemotherapy

April 2011
Legal Disaster in WA state | Upcoming Seminars | CE changes for CA DCs | My patient’s friend – death at 35

March 2011
Upcoming Seminars | Supreme Court Decision rejects vaccine injuries | WA state exemption law in doubt | Think mercury is out of vaccines? It isn’t.

February 2011
Measles outbreaks from the vaccine | Upcoming Seminars | Philosophobia | Andrew Wakefield clears the air | Mercury Story | CalJam 18 Feb.

January 2011
Drug companies no longer recommend cold medicines for kids | New Seminars 2011 | Elements of chiropractic | Vaccine awareness more important than ever | The Food Enzyme Concept | CalJam 2011

back to top

December 2010
Poster contest results | Holiday Detox? | New Seminars for 2011 | Airport X-ray: Why You Want To Opt Out | Flu Shots 2010: Worst year so far | Protect your kids: Vaccine information for 2011 | California Jam

November 2010
Poster Contest for vaccine awareness | New Seminars for 2011 | Excerpt from new vaccine text Vaccination Is Not Immunization | Excerpts from new re-written chapter To The Cancer Patient | Billy DeMoss and the Big Event of 2011

October 2010
DCs: Response to deadly new CCE proposals | Last seminars of 2010 | New chapter on holistic approach to cancer | Importance of Vaccination Is Not Immunization

August 2010
Upcoming Seminars | Hydration & Dehydration | New Vaccine Book: Vaccination is Not Immunization – 2010

July 2010
Upcoming Seminars | The World of Collagen | The Three Attributes of Water | The Aim of Chiropractic | Swine Flu – I Hate Being Right | New Vaccine Book: Vaccination is Not Immunization – 2010

June 2010
New Book: Vaccination is Not Immunization

May 2010
Vaccine/ Detox

April 2010
New Book | Goodbye Swine Flu

March 2010
Speaking Engagements and Other Events

January 2010
Vaccine/ Detox

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November 2009
Even if you believe in vaccines, this will not be the year to get H1N1 – licensed, untested. And thimerosal.

October 2009
Swine Flu UPDATE…

– New Vaccines to Contain Unrestricted Levels of Mercury;
– Are the New Vaccines Really New?

September 2009
An interview with Dr Tim O’Shea, Chiropractor and Vaccination Educator

April 2009
US vaccine court admits vaccines cause autism; the Bailey Banks case – $1 million award

March 2009
Genetically modified foods in your grocery cart

February 2009
Vaccine Risks: response to Average Parrot

January 2009
Dead on the Treadmill

back to top

December 2008
Thanks for participating in thedoctorwithin in 2008

November 2008
Thanks for participating in thedoctorwithin in 2008