1. Orange County Chiropractic Symposium: . . O’Shea / Bergman 19 Jan 19

2. Vaccine Lecture – Temecula – Dr Tim O’Shea – 18 Jan 19

3. Collagen Cures

4. Best Vaccine Text for the past decade





Atrium Hotel at John Wayne Airport 8 am to 3

Healthy people don’t get sick – ever. No colds, no flu, no arthritis, no headaches, no diabetes, chronic fatigue, or any of the other diseases marketed by popular media and organized medicine. Any imbalance is corrected immediately. Dr Bergman and Dr O’Shea will explore how some people seem to have learned to tap into the power inside, thedoctorwithin – the same force that animates the living universe. How it’s possible to maintain glowing health, year in, year out.

    Chiropractic as the pre-eminent first resort
    Your true health potential
    Why heath care has nothing to do with health
    Medical failures: drugs as the #1 cause of death in the US
    Biomechanical, neurological, endocrine, nutritional, and circulatory components of any health imbalance
    The real cause of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer
    Disease as normal adaptation to abnormal lifestyle
    Without knowing the cause, how can there be a cure?
    Athletic performance
    Enzymes as the key to longevity
    Somatovisceral pathways of disease and healing
    Chiropractic adjusting skills
    Much more…

Public: $99

Continuing Ed: $159 . . (12 CE hours in 6 hours class time)

To register: 915.307.1055 doc77777@gmail.com

——————– SAME SEMINAR ON 15 MARCH 2019 ———————-



Dr John Bergman announces the next in his series of chiropractic seminars aboard Azamara Cruise lines: 15 March 2019, leaving from Miami to Cozumel and then coming back through Havana for 2 days. Total: seven day cruise. 12 hours CE. Deductible.

For some idea of what you’ll be in for, read these accounts of our last 2 cruises: to Alaska and the Mediterranean .

This cruise will certainly be a life experience – not the typical floating Denny’s elephant tour you get with the standard Caribbean cattle call liners. . Cuba alone would make it worthwhile.

But the seminar itself will be an affirmation that chiropractic is the key to the de-evolution and decomposition of American culture, so evident today at every turn. Not just the solution but the inspiration, the redemption, the Avatar of survival.

This is just some of the subject matter for Bergman’s chiro cruise – the universal, the infinite, the enduring, the philosophical underlayment. Can you really afford to miss it?

So plan your vacation time now – this opportunity will not come around again!.
March 2019.

Further information please call 915.307.1055



Dr Tim O’Shea
Temecula . Friday 18 Jan 19 . . . 6 pm

By popular demand, we will present another vaccine lecture for the Murrieta and Temecula communities. There have been so many developments with vaccines in the past year that are being kept out of corporate media, which are vitally important for parents. Why has California become one of the most dangerous places in which to raise a child?

Shouldn’t the most important decision in the life of the child be an informed one?

    Brief history of vaccines, from the text
    Vaccine science, from the manufacturers
    Actual ingredients
    Natural vs. artificial immunity
    The only branch of pharmaceuticals with no safety testing
    The real economics of vaccines
    Why is California is the only state where exemptions are practically impossible
    What does the future hold for vaccinated kids
    Bobby Kennedy’s recent research
    Autism Detox Protocol
    Q&A for parents.

Please call to register, or else just show up:

39400 Murrieta Hot Springs Road -suite 122B,
Dr Chris Boman


So many of these stories come in all the time, we don’t have time to record most of them. Many of them already had the surgery scheduled, which they cancelled:

    “When I was in grade school I injured my knee in a fall. It soon developed into Osgood Schlaughter’s disease – detachment of the patella, etc. So for many years, I was in almost constant pain, and had trouble walking and running. If I wore a knee brace I could exercise on the treadmill, but then a premature onset of arthritis forced me to stop even that about 4 years ago.

    “I tried the stationary bicycle for awhile, but as I got worse , eventually I had to stop that 2 years ago.

    “As I worsened, it got to the point where I even had to wear the knee brace at night because of the pain. Doctors wanted to fix my knee but the moment they mentioned knee replacement surgery, I said No, and I walked out. I knew that success was elsewhere.

    “In the past few months I learned about your Collagen and began taking it religiously. Results were quick and amazing – after a short time I’m virtually pain free, after all these years. There’s no more need now to wear the elastic brace when I exercise,. Such a great product – glad I found it! … thanks Doc.”
    – Steve


    Hey Dr T!

    Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery.

    Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. Thank you!

    Indiana Gary


    Hi Doctor Tim,

    Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen.
    All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobbly. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction.
    I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to re-grow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee!
    That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July.
    Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my teammates appreciate my high work rate.

    Thanks Tim
    Philip Wen

After all these years in practice, it is disconcerting indeed to see patient after patient opting for unnecessary joint replacements of knees, hips, and shoulders. Some are temporarily successful, but wouldn’t it be infinitely better to keep the structures Life originally gave you? That’s the force that constructed you in the first place.


Read the chapter.


4. Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

For the past decade the most widely read vaccine manual for parents all over the world.

Now in 6 Languages.

This is not an anti-vaccine text. It is in favor of any vaccines that have been proven absolutely safe, effective, and necessary by legitimate, verifiable third party science wholly unconnected with the global vaccine industry..

The book is written for everyone concerned about the health and well-being of their children and of themselves.

Why is this the best vaccine book available today?

Easy to read

Doesn’t bury the reader in obscure science, but summarizes the relevant science into just what you need to know

Complete. Tells you what vaccines are. The money behind them. Discusses each individual vaccine, risks and dangers

Just long enough. Saves you time. Many parents make their informed decision relying on this book, and its references.

Up to date, with abundant references for those who wish to go deeper into the best research

How much do you really know about what you’re allowing to be injected into your child: the ingredients of vaccines; vaccine side effects, the dangers of vaccines, autism and vaccines, HPV vaccine. This book is for parents, educators, those in the medical profession, midwives, nurses, those working in government and practitioners of alternative medicine as well – a rare vaccination book that is meticulously documented, and is not the usual parroting of special interest narratives.

Easy to read — not the med-speak found in medical journals and everyday media.

Vaccination Is Not Immunization is 200 pages of fully documented information along with over 300 references that will open your eyes. Whether or not to vaccinate your child is arguably the most important decision you will ever make for your child. The nervous system only forms once, and most of it happens before age 2.

Just look at kids around you. Who are the healthiest – the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?

Since there are so many doctors who don’t vaccinate their own kids, and serious questions about vaccines from some of our most educated people, perhaps it isn’t such a good idea to get all your information from advertising, or from the people selling them.

Let’s look at what the scientists who make the vaccines have to say. Only then will you have what you need to make an informed decision about how to best care for your child.

So if you’re having the slightest doubts about the safety of the vaccines you’re about to give your child, get the facts, from the most reliable vaccine book available today.

Doesn’t your child deserve that much?

When a child becomes autistic or vaccine injured, most parents realize their bad decision too late. And that’s when they all say the same thing: “I wish I’d known.”

Well, this is your chance to know, right now.

Order now