Newsletter October 2017
1. Events: San Jose CE, Minneapolis
2. New vaccine book: Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

3. Euro Report: Mediterranean and Paris

4. Propriooception: The Science of Chiropractic




21 OCT 2017 . . . . . Marriott Residence, Milpitas

12 HOURS CE in 6 HOURS . . . . . CAA 1708 14067
DR TIM O’SHEA . . . 8 AM – 3 PM

To summarize the essential principles of cellular nutrition for the practicing chiropractor, defining the roles of diet and lifestyle in the patient’s overall clinical picture. To provide the practicing chiropractor with a complete nutrition program, based on classical ideas of arterial and tract detoxification.

    “What shows is the amount of work done to make this nutritional seminar way beyond normal relicensure courses. Great info – like drinking out of a firehose – I now have more ammo and purpose to save people’s lives” – Dr B R

    “Excellent nutrition seminar!! the information was important, totally relevant, and able to be implemented into practice immediately.. not bored and actually found myself sorry when it ended! Best seminar I have taken in 25 years. – Dr GM

    “The best continuing ed. seminar I have taken! Great info with practical value. Time went by fast.” – Dr J Hans

    “Very fast-paced — a goldmine of information..” Dr J Jones, Morgan Hill

    “Awesome nutrition seminar! sense of humor, presentation is fascinating I learned so much! T Hills, DC

    “This program literally saved my life – so glad Dr Tim was there for me” — Dr W. Herstad, Seattle

    “the best seminar I have taken… I liked the idea of learning what the old time folks had to say about nutrition and that we are part of a historical chain passing on this information.”

    “This information was so valuable that I can’t wait to share it when I get back on Monday. What a bargain for the information given… this pretty much rocked my world. – Dr Tom Page

    “The best seminar in 13 years! Up to date – excellent overview on biochemical aspect of holistic nutrition.

    “Wow – a CE seminar where you actually learn something – what a concept! Not only useful, but life-saving.” – Dr Aaron Khem, NYC

    “No fluff – scientific but not medical” Dr C Medl, Manhattan Beach

tuition: Doctors – $159 Students, General Public – $99

Register: 915.307.1055 . . 408.753.9830 . . .



Dr Tim O’Shea lecture: Autism Detox Protocol
Sunday 9 am Don’t be late!!

VACCINE LECTURE The global agenda of more vaccines. Come and hear the actual science – learn what the scientists who make the vaccines say, not just what the people selling them say. Open discussion on vaccine safety, efficacy, and necessity. Actual statistics of vaccine injury. The global Autism epidemic. Ingredients of vaccines, according to the formulators. Possibility of danger to your child. Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated – who is healthier? This event is for those who might be interested in the true science behind vaccines, and actually want to educate.Autism Detox Protocol.



Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

The book covers so much that has happened since the last edition, vital intel that is being kept out of everyday media:

    the global agenda to force vaccines and remove exemptions
    the breakthrough film Vaxxed
    why California is the most dangerous state for infants
    world statistics on infant survival
    the end of the science debate, with the new policy of Legislate Don’t Educate
    the persecution of MDs who sign exemptions
    what the future holds for US children
    peer reviewed literature proving the autism connection
    how many children really die from vaccines
    much more
    Certainly th

e new parent’s most reliable introduction to the subject.

An excerpt :

    “Who could have predicted that the next war would be the War on Children? With vaccine injuries increasing over 3000% in the past 20 years, and again for the next 20, and with CDC’s steadfast refusal to study the autism epidemic, it’s terrifying that the worst of it all is likely decades away. The gradual degradation of the human genome, a proven consequence of vaccines, will be evident in the lives of today’s children, but much more so in the lives of their children. And on and on.

    The radical cultural shift occurring today is not primarily about vaccines, but about ownership. Who owns the land, the soil, the atmosphere, the water, the DNA of plants, and of animals, the DNA of humans, and now finally, who owns the people and their children. Policymakers along the Potomac have made it clear that the State knows better than parents how children should be raised, how they should think, and what manmade chemicals should be mandated into their bloodstreams. The trick is to get everyone to comply.

    The vaccine issue is just the first skirmish. If the majority of people will support the State’s takeover of personal vaccine choices that parents should be making for their children, where will they draw the line?

    The execution of this new agenda is a Machiavellian triumph. Slogans, clichés, and soundbytes now replace thoughtful reflection about life and death issues. Wiki and google are the new technocracy for fashioning reality itself in a mind no longer capable of independent judgment.

    Virtual life replaces real life.

    The rest is easy. With an electorate of this calibre, any assigned opinion can be installed onto the public hard drive. [258]

    Human health does not come from a drug or a vaccine or an insurance company. A healthy baby needs no outside assistance, no tampering with the blood. The mysteries of health lie within the body, not within the medical texts, or the writs of law.

    Pure, uncontaminated human blood is indeed a sacred commodity. We will arrive at a position of profound gratitude when we finally come to appreciate the identity, the oneness, the nobility of an inviolate bloodstream.”

Shouldn’t the most important decision in your child’s life should be an informed decision?

To order new book: 915.307.1055 408.753.9830 or



Cruise lectures, Islands, Chateau D’If, Nice, Tower of Pisa, Paris,
Parisian lectures, French school


The world is getting smaller – it really is. The global economy must be doing generally great because all the cruise ships are full and so are the tourist spots of Europe. I mean, this is almost October and it’s not even showing signs of letting up.

So it must be nothing for people to just hop aboard a jet and fly across the pond. Actually fares have never been cheaper– must be some fare wars going on or something, but you can fly from California to many cities in Europe these days for less than $500. Many flights. Last minute even. Forget travel agents. The whole plan is definitely working because once the tourists get there, they’re bringing the plastic along and filling up the hotels and beaches.

Hard to find fault with — seems like it’s all good – certainly helps our European friends – they’re more than happy to see all us loud, portly tourists from the colonies trundle off the planes. Yeah, come on down!

Dr John Bergman’s event was a success. A lot of synergy – valuable information was being shared not only in the lecture room, but all over, the whole week, with new contacts finding common ground. Exponential learning.

One of the lecturers on the ship spoke about the top flight dental services being offered down in the Tijuana clinic of American Bio-Dental.

In addition to standard dental work, this clinic has a revolutionary approach to root canals, amalgam removal, periodontal situations, etc. Following the innovative protocols of pioneer Hal Huggins – the dentist who lost his license bringing the knowledge of amalgam toxicity to general awareness – American Biodental offers procedures that are simply not available on this side of the Rio Grande. Usual reason — they’re too good. Politics, right? Don’t even get me started.

If you have a serious dental issue that’s going to be very expensive and cause a lot more trauma than you have time for right now, well this is certainly the place to get a second opinion before you walk into something that can’t be undone. Their website is Ask for Alessandro. These doctors have been around for a long time, and are about to open up in Cancun as well. I’m making an appointment!

Then of course Dr John Bergman rocked the house with his take-no-prisoners approach to converting the entire world to chiropractic care. And with very good reason – scientific, neurological, humanistic, you name it. John is the only DC I know who has an actual bonafide waiting list practice. Try and get in before January! Why is he doing that when others are wondering how they’re going to make ends meet?

One word: abundance. It’s all abundance — the need for chiropractic is abundant, his desire to reach people is abundant, his concern for each patient. is abundant, so by universal maxim, the amount of people coming to him for care is– you guessed it, abundant…. He’s a big-hearted guy with the Big Idea – an unstoppable force of nature. Dr B is the genuine article – you can’t fake something like this.

What distinguishes the successful DC from the one who never quite gets it? Well, it’s one of those things that you cannot acquire if you try too hard. Or not at all. You have to see or hear about it first hand, and recognize what you’re experiencing. Something just has to happen for you to shift your focus 5 degrees one way or the other, and suddenly Bam! you’re in the Current. Wow! Was it right here all the time?

Your life shifts gears and it all starts to come your way. By then you can’t even avoid it. More patients than you can treat. Money — that’s the weird part — just when you get to the point where you don’t think about it because it was never your priority, that’s when it starts to come in all by itself. By the wagon load. Which you can then use to improve your services even more. If you can sidestep all the landmines along the way, of course – all the silver tongued devils, of every ilk, who have big plans for you, who can’t walk away from a fool and his money…

Some people right out of school get the Idea somehow, right away, and skip that whole part of their professional evolution where they wonder what their unique skill was supposed to be and if they’re going to survive… Some people are kissed by fate, or buddha or whatever– they go right to where their biggest concern from day to day is how am I going to fit in all these patients.

Tim Young is making the same thing happen with his group Next Level in OKC. The vision can be contagious! This profession is still very alive, no matter what people may tell you. Seems to survive in pockets – pockets of awareness. The awareness of abundance.

Next on the Cruise Seminar schedule was my Immunology lecture – exploring the evidence why California is now the most dangerous place in the US to bring up a child. No hyperbole at all. Summarizing some of the research in the new vaccine textbook The War On Children, which just came out. See above.


Oh the cruise… yes.

Nice was without question the crown jewel of the whole trip. French Riviera, and all. Hadn’t been there for a long time, and it has really changed — for the better! No wonder the people who can afford to be anywhere they like seem to gravitate to Nice, at least part of the time.

It’s the water, along the 4 kilometers of beach. That preternatural azure – like disco glacier/sky blue. You won’t see anything like it anywhere this side of psychedelic drugs.

Or so I have read.

Forget the tourist trap restaurants all along the beach by the English Promenade. Just ask anyone where is Vieux Nice, and start walking. Uphill, away from the water. Then you’re going to discover something not in the wiki brochures – the secret labyrinth they’ve got going on up in there – endless cobblestone streets of the best shops and restaurants in all of Europe – Provencal and Nicoise cuisine – at least a square mile of them. No travel agents know about this that’s for sure. Just don’t miss the real people of the south of France – Vieux Nice.

The cruise ship stopped in Marseilles one rainy, drizzly morning. Kind of a seedy port town trying hard to keep up the tourist thing. Two blocks in I was casually accosted by dozens of serious individual young men with that 1000 yard stare you only see in the best parts of Compton, whispering one word to me as I walked by: Moburu. Moburu, or something similar. It’s gotta be a drug, but if these dudes are the showcase for the product they’re selling, well, I’m fine, thank you.

Only later did I learn that Marseilles, population 800,000, has the most murders of any city in Europe – more even than New York City, population 8 million. Another little factoid omitted from the daily Shore Bulletin.

But then, by some provident cut of the cards, I was strolling down the port sidewalk, when I came upon a little shack with a few pontoon tour boats coming in and out from the dock. And the overhead sign said ‘Chateau D’If. ‘

Hang on – Chateau D’If? Of course! Marseilles! Edmond Dantes’ wedding and the betrayal by Caderousse, and the letter from Napoleon… and the 14 years spent in the darkest hell the French could dream up — The Chateau D’If . The French Alcatraz – about a mile offshore.

The world’s greatest writer – Alexandre Dumas – Count of Monte Cristo. This can’t be happening. So I zipped over to the window and asked when was the next ferry to Chateau D’If. The best possible reply came through the window: “Maintenant.” “Un, si’l vous plait” was my autistic rejoinder. And off we went. Only a few folks on board today, willing to brave that drizzly trip out to the gloomiest, most sinister prison in the world.

As you approach the island, Chateau D’If looks more like a fortress, sheer walls going straight up 150′ on all sides. Actually it was a fortress for 200 years. It was only a prison for about 100 years — all during the 1800s, starting around Napoleon’s time.

Now the thing is, The Count of Monte Cristo was fiction, but the prison was real. The details of that prison are permanently etched into the neocortex of anyone who has ever read that book, no matter how many years ago. Which was an entire nation at the time since the novel was serialized in the newspaper because most people couldn’t afford books. So everybody read it. And also 16 other nations into whose language it was translated. Getting the picture?

Even Americans, by now a fairly nonliterate lot, have seen the movie at some point, either with Depardieu, or Jim Caviezel, etc. But the book — this was a book one remembers forever. So if you go all the way out there to the Chateau, you want to see the cells of Edmond Dantes and of Abbe Faria, and the secret tunnel they dug between them during Edmond’s 14-year layover there.

You hop off the ferry and it’s all there, exactly like in your imagination all these years! I walked right into Edmund’s cell with my Samsung Galaxy T2 on Record. The cell was big! And simple . The decor motif was: stone. Walls, ceiling, floor – stone. One window. One door. 14 years. The whole book comes rushing right back at you – all the details. What a thrill. And all for 20 euros!

The funny thing is, a lot of people realize that Dumas made up Dantes and Faria – they weren’t real. But the staff doesn’t assume that. They just go right into – here’s Edmund’s cell, here’s the tunnel, and they reprise all the details of the book with you– the escape by sewing himself into the Abbe’s body bag when the guards went to dinner. Being thrown over the wall into the icy seas below. Cutting his way out of the bag with the dagger that Faria made out of his crucifix… and then being rescued from drowning by some fishermen, who happened to need another man, someone who wouldn’t complain too much..

And then the whole discovery of the hidden treasure on the tiny island of Monte Cristo (also real) . And then Edmund’s return as an oriental nabob to Marseilles and Paris, where the revenge theme finally plays out…. They ‘ll feed right into your excitement —. Of course it was real — it all happened right here….

My opening position is – skip Marseilles – it’s kind of a dump, UNLESS you’ve read the unabridged version of The Count of Monte Cristo. Twice. And then take the Chateau D’If tour.

Back to the cruise, the cruise – oh wait, I forgot about Pisa!

I lived in Italy for 2 years but somehow never made it to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I didn’t expect too much, it being an Italian tourist trap and all. But I had the whole day to kill the last day of the cruise. So I took the bus into the town of Pisa from the port. The bus drops you off in this big parking lot and nobody tells you anything. You’re nowhere near any Leaning Towers or antiquities of any kind. So you just start walking with the crowds. And crowds and crowds. Thousands of people with iPhones, from everywhere.

And finally you walk through a warren of cheesy little kiosks where the Africans are selling trashy souvenirs, and then suddenly you turn left into this huge walled off campus with beautiful lawns and 3 enormous classical buildings and all at once you notice that the third one, about 150 yards away, is it: the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

You’re immediately astounded by 2 things: its size and its beauty. It’s huge. Eight stories high. Then it’s so perfectly built.. It’s all white marble, top to bottom, shining there in the muted Tuscan sunshine, looking like it was just finished yesterday.

And then it’s appointed in the most tastefully artistic way. Like a giant wedding cake, each layer adorned with statues and friezes and all those architecture terms I don’t know – so detailed, yet restrained. Doesn’t look trashy at all. It looks like the best example of classical Italian architecture still left intact anywhere in the world. This is way pre-Renaissance – this tower is over 800 years old.

Then you see that everybody in the crowd at one time or other does the oddest thing: they stand up on the benches and freeze into this weird posture with both arms and hands extended while someone takes their picture. Oh, I get it – they’re holding up the Tower from falling down. Wow. Tourists. Yes, yes, I did it too. I mean what’s the use of travelling to a foreign country if you’re not willing to make a complete fool of yourself, right?

But then you find out the stupid part. In the 1100s, they built the first 3 stories, on clay of course. And it started to tilt after awhile. So they thought they’d let it alone and see how it settled. A hundred years went by. Still leaning. Then in the 1300s some genius decided to add another 5 stories to it – maybe that would straighten it. It didn’t. Italians. I know, right?

So they left it – actually it was just in time for Galileo to be placed under house arrest there for having the temerity to tell his friend Pope Innocent Whatever that he could prove the earth went around the sun. Which of course was the opposite of what the Church taught. Back then the Church was the equivalent of today’s insipid liberal media – they had the power to create any reality their puppeteers demanded, no matter how counterfeit. So poor Galileo didn’t get the ankle bracelet. He got the Tower. For life.

Oh, the leaning part. OK, finally in 1990 the government geniuses decided to close the tower for a decade because it was leaning a little more each year.. They counterweighted it and fixed the foundation. But not the tilt. And now they guarantee it will be safe for another 200 years. And you can take that to the bank! Welcome to Italy.

Anyway, I’ve seen all the monuments and palaces and temples in Italy, and there’s nothing compares to the Leaning Tower. I’d rank it over the Taj any day of the week. No one could duplicate it today, even with modern construction methods . And of course it goes without saying that we could never have done something like this, then or now. When do we build anything more esthetic than a new strip mall, or box shaped skyscraper?

So for all these reasons, it’s worth slogging through the rundown cities of Livorno and Pisa to see this marvel of sublime architecture from a time and a place that can never ever be again.


Enough of Italy. Next day I took the cheap Vueling flight to Paris. Four lectures scheduled so I better get to work arranging all these slides into some semblance of a narrative.

Like a set from a Woody Allen movie, I wander from bar to bar, cafe to cafe, even in the hidden corners of St Madeleine’s…laptop in hand … After the second day it started to fall together. Everybody knows the only way to see Paris is just start walking.

New facts:

    – did you know the Champs Elysees was the first street anywhere paved in asphalt

    – that it now has 2 separate Five Guys burger joints

    – that the Obelisk is over 3300 years old, a gift from Egypt?

    – that Paris is named after the ancient tribe of Gauls who used to live on the City Isle – the Parisii, back around 300 BC?

    – that the Seine is mostly only 10 to 20 feet deep?

    – that the French still honor and revere Napoleon even though he made some very bad decisions at the end

    – that the artists and writers of the 1920s Belle Epoch used to hang out at Maxim’s restaurant, which is still there, over by St Madeleine’s church– if you don’t know what that means, see Midnight in Paris.. skip Maxim’s — now a tourist ripoff—

    – that the baguettes in Paris actually crackle, just like Colette says in Ratatouille

    – that American bread doesn’t crackle because it’s all oil– it just squishes – try it!

    – that French people are mostly normal weight

    – that French people can understand really bad French

First Paris lecture was the Neurology and Technique presentation. It was attended by students and DCs who wanted to improve their adjusting skills. I was floored by how bright and serious these people were about delivering the best care possible to their patients. Never expected that. Most of them do see the importance of melding philosophy with practice. They just never really picked up much on the subject since philosophy is not in their curriculum – completely off their radar screen.

I couldn’t understand why the French chiropractic school does not have a particularly good reputation – actually there’s only one school in all Europe that does. But then I found out that the French school does not deserve this reputation, because it is a very well-run school and actually has a very creditable technique department. These students must make 360 supervised adjustments in their clinic career, as opposed to 250 in US schools.

So I gratefully accepted the invitation from some students to visit the French school the next day, to see it firsthand.

First thing that hits you is how young everyone is. Just like at the schools in Barcelona and Kuala Lumpur, French students can begin chiropractic college right out of high school. Then it’s 6 years, with summers off. Except now they’re just changing it to 5 years, summers off, which is the same as Barcelona. The French school costs align approximately with most American chiropractic colleges.

Graduates can take all 4 parts of US National Boards, since the school is accredited, although few choose that option.

The school itself occupies a couple of floors of a very large office building. It’s actually pretty impressive, especially the technique rooms, which are full of some very good adjusting tables. Diversified, HIO, a version of Gonstead, and some drop work seem to be the main techniques taught. All in all, a very professional and well-intentioned ambiance to the place.

Even though philosophy and concepts like subluxation and universal intelligence are absent from the curriculum, there is no active ridicule of these ideas, like there is at AECC and many other colleges, US included. The students attending my philosophy and neurology section were very interested in the straightforward, matter-of -fact, nonreligious way notions like innate intelligence were presented. Being completely unfamiliar with such premises, and hearing that they are part of our traditional principles, they were very curious, even attentive.

The truth has a certain ring to it, I guess.

Had a lot of time between lectures to explore the endless surprises of walking the Paris streets. Even though I’ve been to this city many times, I somehow missed Notre Dame – the biggest tourist attraction in Europe. Generally, you can skip it, for my money. Which was 10E, by the way. Parisians never go there, mainly because of the 14 million iPhone junkies swarming to the place every year. And also the long queues every day, tended by some very unpleasant Gallic individuals, clearly not happy in their chosen profession.

The interminable climb to the top, up the ancient winding stone staircases with 100 other tourists, while good aerobic exercise and a suitable penance for all those croissants you’ve been eating all week, finally puts one atop the cathedral, where you walk around this very narrow stone parapet with its 360 degree views of Paris. That’s the big payoff. It is a grand panorama, but trust me, after 5 minutes and a dozen photos all you want is down and you wonder what else you could be doing with these few days in the world’s most beautiful city.

My opinion is that even if churches are something that excite you, St Madeleine’s is much more beautiful and inspiring, I guess, than this drafty giant, that seems more like it should be a train station.

One interesting bit of apocrypha I did overhear from this peripatetic Parisian tourist guide out front, standing by the main wooden front doors – The 2 middle doors are huge — at least 15′ tall. And they’re decorated with some very ornate ironwork filigree fastened to their entire front.

So the story goes that the guy who landed the ironwork gig was only given 2 weeks to complete the task. Which really doesn’t sound reasonable, since the whole edifice took 2 centuries to complete, so what’s the hurry…. Also because of the complexity of the job — first creating the iron work, and then affixing it to the big wooden doors with perfect symmetry– it seems like an occupation that would take at least 6 months or a year.

Anyway, here it is – the legend goes that this ironworking artiste sold his soul to the devil in exchange for meeting the 2 week deadline. And then he actually did finish the task in time. And the very next day the devil came calling, and the artiste had to shuffle loose his mortal coil…..

No idea if it’s true. But it was the most interesting thing I learned the whole time I spent at this obligatory tourist rite du passage – the cathedral of Notre Dame.

What would be infinitely more informative and entertaining than stumbling around this dark and crowded ecclesiastical behemoth, in my view, would be reading Ken Follett’s masterwork– Pillars of the Earth —

This is the definitive historical novel about the early 12th century builders of these impossibly gargantuan cathedrals in Europe, which still stand today. The difficulties they faced, the artistic and political challenges they suffered, the secrets they had to learn and then carry — why they became the secret societies like the Masons — it’s why there’s an image of a builder’s compass on the back of the dollar bill, and why many of their descendants run our country even today. Ayn Rand talks about it.

Follett teaches you the purpose for the flying buttresses that you see right here before your eyes – their evolution and necessity. If you didn’t know what they were and their significance, you probably would walk right past all of them and not even notice. Like most of these lemmings.

Also other architectural milestones – like ceiling vaults and domes—these didn’t just fall into place one day at first try— you learn about the many early failures and the motivation and obstacles they had to surmount in order to finally unearth the architectural secrets for constructing a ceiling vault that would last for a thousand years. Which these 12 century builders actually did eventually figure out, obviously.

So many more Paris adventures, but this travelogue is already too long – think I’ve exceeded the 140-character limit…. There’s a reason why this town attracts all these people year after year – no other city like it anywhere. Bring your best tennis shoes. Maybe you’ll see Claudia Schiffer too!


One of the brightest new stars in the chiropractic firmament, as well as one of the most worthwhile people it has been my good fortune to encounter – is certainly Dr Badon. In her all but invisible third floor walkup clinic on Rue du Pont Neuf – almost a boutique practice – after one year, she has one of the busiest chiropractic pediatric clinics in town.

Once people meet this dedicated individual, they seem to want to bring their families the next time. Not just the best pair of hands for the newborn, but a profound understanding of the necessity for the chiropractic examination and correction of newborns and small children.

Look for Dr Badon’s brilliant lecture on plagiocephaly – or the condition of flat head among infants – how it can be corrected by adjusting the unfused sutures of the skull if detected early enough.

She also talks about other more subtle signals from the infant – certain classic gestures and stretching movements of the infant that may indicate holding onto reptilian brain reflexes that are associated with disengaging from the womb during childbirth – why they may persist – and how to move beyond them.

Dr Badon is mesmerizing as she launches forth into an explanation of these very sophisticated, little-known concepts, which are to her self-evident and commonplace. And you wonder how someone could have learned all this in such a short time in practice.

Dr Badon will soon be turning away invitations to present on the world stage of chiropractic conventions – that much we can be sure of. Look for her there. Good thing these newsletters are archived, because you can remember that you heard it here first!

So much else went on Paris, as it does every day – but this is getting much too long…

The short version of a Euro Report, for a Yank visiting France, Spain, and Italy in 2017 might be this: you see generally the same pattern everywhere today: the everyday people who are basically good, struggling through their lives to find some measure of happiness and security for themselves and their children, but who have become too lazy and sheeplike to read anything past wiki/google, or do anything against their increasingly repressive, malevolent governments. They are kept in a state of somnolence by sports, the internet, and social media.

Spain just had that huge popular uprising in the Barcelona area in September where half of the region tried to secede from Spain. Remember? That was summarily put down by the government, simply by “forbidding” the election.

In France, a recent poll showed that more than half the people had little confidence in vaccines. The government’s response: add about 20 new vaccines to their current list of 23, with absolutely no exemptions, medical or otherwise. They even reinstated the dangerous Hepatitis B vaccine for the first day of life, which had been dropped in France back in 2000, after a mass protest of 15,000 signatures from the people. Guess those days are gone – no more protests today.

Then Italy a few months ago had hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets decrying the new vaccines laws there, which increased the number of dangerous mandatory vaccines for Italian children. Their government’s response – same thing – ignore the people entirely, and bring in the vaccines..

Didn’t have time for Germany this year, but we find the precise same phenomenon in charge there, moving towards reprising their history yet one more time, this time under a lockstep matriarchy.

With the global corporate monoliths controlling both the government and the media in all these countries –- the creeping advance of Statism seems to be getting easier and easier.

Just like here, despite the best efforts of the few, right ?



A common human dream is the one where you are falling, and it jolts you into waking up. I just realized why such an archetypal dream is a likely sign of subluxation. Well, think about it… with 98.5% identical DNA, we inherited most of everything we have from our arboreal ancestors. For a million years, they evolved by refining their climbing skills — longer fingers and toes, apposable thumbs, etc.

Their greatest fear was missing a treelimb and falling – an event which became extremely rare in the most viable progeny. What evolved to a very high level in order to accomplish these lightning-like reflexes and accommodations high up in the canopy was, of course, proprioception. Highly refined position sense of each hand or foot in relation to the body, with split second correction skills – lightning fast Plan B decisions, accommodation, etc.

So now with us new monkeys, the processed food monkeys, the vaccinated monkeys, the monkeys with nuclear weapons, the CNN monkeys, the Fukushima monkeys, the Merck monkeys, the monkeys of the new technocracy, the subluxated monkeys – we monkeys don’t climb any more. Because it’s hard to climb when you’re so busy facebooking, youtubing, or downloading Nintendo bootlegs ….

However, our proprioceptive sensibility, the most highly evolved of any species, is still present and functional and still richly distributed in the paraspinal area, where it has always been concentrated, by Natural Selection..

And this is one of the first detriments of chronic subluxation – incorrect proprioception, however slight. Consequently, it’s certainly a prime contributor, if not the main cause of stress – stress in the strictest neurologic sense of the word.

Conversely, when adjustments are finally made, proprioception will be the quickest to respond, because after all this time, they were reset. Ahhhh! I’m a normal monkey again…..

Other effects of the adjustment – that we know of – include:

    re-oscillation of blocked vertebral segments
    re-ordering of injured musculoligamentous fibers as they repair, along the lines of normal motion
    unpinching of nerves (no matter what the nonpracticing cultists say)
    restoration of motion to locked joints
    recalibration of endocrine system through new messages to hypothalamus and cerebellum
    correction of defective neuroplastic changes associated with previous patterns of imbalance
    inhibition of descending pain pathways

Astounding that there is massive documentation for all of the above – not mainly in chiropractic literature, which is sparse enough, but rather in mainstream ortho neuro textbooks and journal studies which have been around for the past 30 years. Only a very few chiropractic academics think it important enough to put the pieces of this subluxation/adjustment puzzle together. But those few are bringing to light the most important secrets, not of medical science, but more elegantly — of that traditionally forbidden field of inquiry: the science of chiropractic.

Ironic isn’t it – we have what everybody is looking for, yet most of us never hear about it.

Who’s got time to read, right?
