3. NEW YOUTUBE VIDEOS – thedoctorwithin


1. As anyone present will tell you, Focus X was the event of the season. One of the few remaining legitimate chiropractic venues, Focus OKC lived up to its traditions this year. And then some. Discussion of the art, science, and philosophy of the subluxation evoked some very clear images, which were not lost on this very alert, well informed cosmopolitan audience.

Despite the appalling level of education fostered by most schools, despite all their efforts to extinguish the flame, by some strange magic, a few young DCs are still getting the story, and there are still some very strong practices throughout the country.

Focus says out loud what the timid only whisper to themselves in the dark: that chiropractic is the answer to a very large proportion of health imbalance today. And that chiropractic can replace the necessity for most mainstream therapeutic procedures available to people.

This thing about having a share in the power that animates the living universe – it’s actually true! Who knew? Show me another venue where more than a few oblique references are made to chiropractic’s limitless potential. Getting more and more difficult to find speakers who have firsthand knowledge of common sense notions like the effect of the adjustment on:

ANS imbalances

– chronic pain syndromes

– chronic fatigue

– brain patterning

If chiropractic conventions continue to devolve into smarmy lovefests based on a few clichés and a load of rah-rah, the future will simply replicate the recent trend toward a general failure to thrive, as portrayed by most graduates today. It doesn’t have to be this way. Just needs a little leadership and inspiration, not by the same boring loudest pedagogues, but by the warriors in the trenches doing the day-in day-out miracle work.

Easy enough to point out the shortcomings of our beleaguered profession – that’s why the Focus event is such a refreshing breath of air. As a bonus, the adjacent Bricktown is an authentic example of American nightlife, found in very few cities.

So watch the videos for this year ( https://focusokc.com/ ) or else plan to make it next year, no matter what. You won’t regret it.



I think we can all agree there are those today who are intent on destroying this country, people who despise everything we stand for, who are determined to corrupt our ideals and erode our belief in basic human freedoms.

These powerful forces are well represented in both government and media.

The threats they present are real, and they increase and grow stronger every single day.

In 1974 there were 3.5 billion people in the world. Today there are 7 billion. Does that mean that human life has only have half the value it had in the 70s? Apparently the real decision makers in this country think so.

The current wave of censorship sweeping this country since January was triggered by the imaginary measles ‘outbreak’. Here are some facts no longer permitted in either corporate or social media

    The January ‘outbreak’ was no different from the year before

    – There has been no new science

    – No one dies from measles

    – Measles is a mild, immune-building disease of childhood

    – If vaccines work, the vaccinated have nothing to fear

    – The new measles cases are among the vaccinated.

Now that censorship is in full swing, what happened to the measles threat? It’s gone. Because it never existed in the first place. Just like smallpox, swine flu, avian flu, Ebola and the rest of the Boutique Epidemics since 2001.

What changed? Nothing. Only news coverage.

Obviously this new vaccine hysteria then is 100% media – orchestrated

The agenda: to launch the new censorship, not just on vaccines, but now for any subject they choose

It’s about power.

Let’s say you had untold wealth – either inherited or earned – hundreds of millions. And after you’d bought all the toys: all the mansions, all the ranches, all the horses, the best education for your children, all the boats, all the guitars, all the artwork – at that point – what more do people want? What’s left that they don’t have?

POWER. The power to control others – to bend them to your will.

Just imagine what that would be like – that you had the power to force your opinions and values on all your friends – and all your enemies. Wow.

What if you could make everyone realize that

1. Our Constitution has the most evolved guarantees of personal freedom ever

conceived – and now we’re actually going to follow it:

2. vaccines are the most dangerous immunological experiment ever performed on the human race

3. bones locked out place actually do result in altered afferentation

4. there is literally no imbalance that the adjustment cannot influence—its
effects are virtually illimitable

Illimitable? Really? Does that mean the adjustment can cure cancer? Ask Tim Young that one. Or look at thedoctorwithin.com What is certain is that chemotherapy and radiation cannot.

Now sometimes I think I can be a little too dogmatic about the power of osseous adjusting. This was brought to my attention last year down in the Bahamas.

I was on a beach, waiting for my friends to come in from the ship. And there were all these hammocks strung between the palm trees. So I backed into one but it was a little too high – so I jumped up and sat down hard. The hammock flipped upside down, piledriving my head straight down into the sand.

No such thing as bones out of place pinching nerves? This was constant severe pain and burning – maybe you’ve heard about something like that?

Three days later I’m driving along the coastline up in southern Maine and I see the sign – Chiropractor. I fishtail into the parking lot and walk inside. The place is jammed – rush hour – – open room adjusting, but the doc finds me a table. Lying prone, I can’t really see what he’s doing. After some exploratory prods and pokes, pretty soon he’s got the double headed electric adjusting gun going – variable impulse pressure. He’d do something, walk away, come back, do something else, walk away…

As you probably guessed, a few minutes later I’m out in the waiting room 90% cured.. Next day I come back and he does the other 10%.

This has happened to me several times before – what with all the horses and motorcycles etc – – severe injury, masterful adjustment, complete cure. I’m sure it’s been the same for many of you in your lives, right? But think how fortunate, how blessed we are —that we knew enough to go to a DC, and even luckier to find that rare technician who could deliver the goods

Just ask yourself – what would your life be like today without excellent chiropractic care? Mine would certainly be one of chronic pain and limitation.

Speaking of limitation, here’s a new disease endemic to DCs. The guilt of success.

Astounding that now we’re being made to feel guilty for being successful. Anybody know what I’m talking about here?

I first learned about this perversity a few years back when speaking at one of the schools in England, where their nonpracticing, nonadjusting, anti-chiropractic “teachers” had convinced the students that anyone who spends less than 4o minutes a visit was exploiting people. Not kidding.

So they criticize any successful DCs who have large practices – that these docs had brainwashed their patients into coming in for that 2 minute placebo, or whatever.

Who do you think all the Teslas, or the beautiful homes in the world—who do you think they’re for? Shouldn’t they be for those who contribute the greatest amount of service to mankind?

Or I see Tim Young getting criticized on FB by the morbidly clueless, demanding to know what his “tools of assessment “ are for all those visits. Tools of assessment? He’s probably thinking – I got your tools of assessment right here buddy….

Or I think about ALIENS invading the earth. And just before they’er about to eat us …. someone might say …Well have you met Dr Young? Tim Young is probably the most dedicated and modest individual you’re likely to meet. When you hear him talking about all those years he’s done more than a million in service– that’s not him bragging —it’s more of a lament. It’s him wondering who is going to help him going to help him – try and make a dent— so much work to do—so much service needed.

Let’s look at the numbers. We have 330 million people. That we know about. How many of them do you think are subluxated? What percentage of those will never get adjusted because they’ll never find out about chiropractic?

People will tell you 90% but I’m telling you — it’s more like 99%.

We’re not even scratching the surface……

So let’s look at some of the problems we have today in this subluxated country of ours:

    the glorification of perpetual war

    the marketing of illness

    the enthronement of ignorance

    the suppression of science

    the dilution of education

    the new exemption laws

Are the architects of these agendas – do you think there’s any chance they might be … subluxated?

Even if all DCs in the US were seeing 150 patients, 5 days a week, we wouldn’t even begin to keep pace with all the subluxations there are.

If you need 40 minutes a visit, that puts you at 12 per day. What are people doing with all that time? We are not marriage counselors, massage therapists, personal trainers, fortune tellers, … or hookers. If you need your hand held for 40 minutes, see a manicurist.

We are chiropractors.

In those few precious, sacred moments we have with a patient, we have one task and one task only: find it and fix it. Anything else – that’s where the exploitation comes in. Because then you’re stealing something much more valuable than their money – then you’re stealing their time.

Up until recently I had 2 channels on YouTube. A month ago they sent me a text one morning that they had deleted one of my channels. No warning – no back up. Gone. 70 hours of continuing Education videos — 30% of which was on vaccines.

In my March newsletter I talk about the letters congressman Adam Schiff and I both sent to Mark Zuckerberg. My letter was ignored. Shiff’s letter brought in a whole new era of global censorship, the likes of which the world has never seen. The Epistemological Apocalypse I call it. .

Now In order to bring you up to date a little on Google’s behavior for the last few years, I want everybody to take a picture of this slide: ProjectVeritas.com The Google Insider.

A 25 minute video will come up. After 5 minutes you’ll think you know what it’s about. You won’t. Watch the whole 25 minutes.

You’re going to see a hidden camera interview of a top Google drone who’s in a position to control the search algorithm of the largest information platform in history. She ‘s part of an inner circle who are able to impose their narrow bias in every area upon the entire world.

You’d think that the people at the top of such an enormous corporation would be the best and the brightest right?. Far from it -very low IQs, with no trace of integrity or moral responsibility—

This dark little clique has its own Orwellian vocabulary to justify its quirky version of something they call “Fairness.”

For Google this word means they’ll promote anything that agrees with their sharply biased opinions – Politics, science, health and medicine, immigration, environment – they control which conversations will be published, and which are to be blocked.

All this is accomplished by means of an Artificial Intelligence technology they call “Machine Learning Fairness.” That’s their mantra – Machine Learning Fairness. What in the world is that?

It’s google’s constantly changing secret algorithm that continues to block any narratives that deviate from their very parochial, unenlightened view of the world.

It’s kinda like Social Engineering by hillbillies.

Though Machine Learning itself is highly sophisticated, its controllers are anything but Their behavior is the diametric opposite of anything remotely resembling fairness. It’s the very antithesis of democracy, and free speech,

I imagine you’ve suspected for years that Google wasn’t being entirely objective with any particular search. But when you watch this video you’ll realize just how far down the rabbit hole they’ve gone.

Now I’ve done a fairly miserable job here with this brief little expose on Google. Everybody — write this down —projectveritas.com — and watch the entire 25 minutes. This weekend!

But let’s not be disconsolate. There may be silver lining here. Wiki/ Google YouTube – they’re already being replaced. It’ s true. Now that they have become so obviously compromised and unreliable, there is a growing demand for their original idea – a truly open and objective forum for sharing information. Millions are switching now to more unredacted sources , such as





Millions are learning how to get google and youtube out of their life, now that they’ve outlived their usefulness.

Did you ever get the feeling that all the lectures you’ve given in all those cities, all the airports you’ve trudged through, all the adjustments, all the reports, all those consults—

… did you ever get the feeling that – that people don’t really listen to a word you say?

I mean even with the speakers we hear at an event – 10 minutes after they’re finished – will you remember one thing they said?

I’ve got an idea. Let’s try another tack here – – and just do images.

See Video: Dr O’Shea Focus OKC lecture – 2019