1. Upcoming Seminars
2. The World of Collagen
3. The Three Attributes of Water
4. The Aim of Chiropractic
5. Swine Flu – I Hate Being Right
6. Vaccine Book



Over the years of delivering seminars and presentations. I would often have concerned parents come up to me and ask questions. Many had heard the horror stories, others were not sure whom they could trust, most had serious doubts about vaccinating.

Nearly all expressed the fear of having their child become autistic, defective or neurologically damaged. No one wants to put their child in harm’s way and the thought of seeing their child go from healthy to physically or mentally handicapped in a matter of months or years is too frightful to imagine. Which is precisely why we must imagine it now, before we vaccinate.

There is a very real potential of seeing your child have a delayed reaction as many as 20 years later. The injection of 68 vaccines, 36 of which are administered before your child is 2 years old, is altering the human genome in ways no one can predict

The new book for 2010 contains 290 references from medical studies, government reports and scientific research. All your questions and concerns are answered and addressed honestly and without hype.

You deserve to know all sides of the story and now you can. Make the decision to get informed and stay informed starting today!

The Nutrition Seminar:

  • San Jose CA – 10 Jul
  • Long Beach CA – 7 Aug
  • Seattle WA – 21 Aug

Vaccine/Detox Seminar

  • Ventura CA – 17 Jul
  • Salt Lake City UT – 31 Jul



In the Nutrition Seminar we deliver a complete discussion of the 60 Day Detox Program, beginning with the no-brainer New West Diet. We begin with the distinction between natural and processed foods, going through the history of the natural diet, and the type of health picture is produced. The crucial topic of GMO is introduced, with some excellent resources being suggested: current books and DVDs. For the patient in survival mode, or one who simply wants to get back on track, these topics are vital:

  • enzymes
  • chelated minerals
  • florabiotics
  • collagen
  • oral chelation
  • megahydrate
  • colon detox

For health care providers, the tools for a complete patient nutrition program are handed around.

If you have taken the seminar before, one big attention to the curriculum is the rise of GM foods, which has taken over world food production in the past 14 years. This shocking and monumentally important information is simply not available in mainstream media, with good reason. Unless the doctors avail themselves of at least an introductory level of resources on the subject, they simply will not be aware why 80% of commercial foods today are Genetically Modified.

For those who cannot attend, both the full day seminars are available on recent DVD sets at the website

New cities are added all the time: See website under Seminar



In the Vaccine/Detox Seminar we will use the morning hours for highlights from the new text book Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2010.

A few of the morning topics:

  • Why 68 vaccines before age 18
  • Autism: an American epidemic
  • Is mercury really gone?
  • Do vaccines work?
  • Why are American kids fatter, sicker and dumber than ever before?
  • The Germ Theory vs. Bioterrain Theory of Disease
  • Doctor as caregiver or agent of the state?
  • Exemptions laws: why more parents take the easy way out
  • Vax facts Manufacturers vs. marketers
  • What is Prevnar?
  • What is Human Papilloma Virus?
  • What is MCV4?
  • Why don’t we know, since these are the vaccines kids are getting?

Then in the afternoon we will do as much as possible from the full day nutrition Seminar, focusing on the essentials of the 60 Day Program.

Most of the seminars above are 12 hour re-licensing seminars, including technique for DCs.

Please call office to register for any event 408.298.1800 or email doc@thedoctorwithin.com

I will also be doing a 3 hour vaccine lecture in Salt Lake City on Friday 30 July for a group called We Are Change.


The World of Collagen

First off, I want to apologize to all of you who have had to wait for your back-orders of collagen for the past 2 months. It will not be happening in the future: finally got it under control.

In Paris in early June I was fortunate to meet with some of the top people in the world in the collagen industry. I learned so much there that I completely re-wrote the collagen chapter on the site. So please re-read it now, if you read the earlier version. This information is simply not generally available, even online.

What is going on now is a worldwide surge in demand for collagen, really within the past 6 months. The few manufacturers of the high-end hydrolyzed collagen are struggling to keep up. What has happened is a sudden skyrocketing awareness of the dramatic improvements one see with the new low molecular weight collagen, taken consistently as a morning supplement.

In Japan it’s primarily cosmetic: women are learning the dramatic results with skin and hair thickness that come from supplementation of the new low molecular weight collagen, taken with juice in the morning. In China, demand is increasing at almost 100% per year. Like the US, China sees the significant results in rebuilding degenerated joints, far better than any glucosamine or steroid approach could ever hope for. In Europe, as in the US, people are becoming aware of hydrolyzed collagen as an anti-aging weapon, since collagen is the structural material for all our organs and tissues, not just the skin and joints. See chapter for a complete rundown.

I was very reluctant to add anything to the 60 Day Program because I want to keep it as simple and inexpensive as possible. Collagen however was a no-brainer since it acts as a virtual elixir for so many systems of the body which are dependent upon collagen based tissues. Collagen decreases as we age. If you don’t keep up, you shrivel. It’s that simple.

Read the chapter! You don’t have to wear out that fast!


The Three Attributes of Water

Hydration has always been a big part of the 60 Day Program. Going from almost no water, like many patients, to 2 litres a day can solve many health problems all by itself. I have always known hydration was a prime factor in many of the success stories that appear on the Feedback and Testimonials section of the site.

Recently I have learned how to take hydration to a whole new stratum. The technology is not even new — the Japanese have had it for 30 years. Now in the past 2 years it’s available here.

Just a word on the 3 attributes of water:

  • molecular size
  • pH
  • oxidation

Water coming out of the taps in most houses is very harsh, to say the least. It is in huge molecules, probably closer to H200/O100 than it is to H2O. Molecules this large have difficulty being absorbed at the cellular level, even in the rare event the individual drinks adequate water.

Second is pH. Water we drink should be as close to normal blood pH as possible: 7.3 – 7.45. All the trashy foods and soft drinks we eat are constantly acidifying our body’s system: that means lowering the pH. Acidification promotes virtually every disease process known to man. So drinking high pH water will tip the scales in the opposite end: alkaline. Life functions soar.

Thirdly, the best water can act as a mild antioxidant, like Vitamin C or Vitamin E by neutralizing free radicals. See chapter on antioxidants.

Taken together, drinking 2 litres of this type of water per day can have a curative effect on almost any degenerative process, especially aging! What do we always say – old and dried up…? It’s literally true. When you can begin to hydrate again, for the first time in years, miraculous results occur. Was it really such a miracle though – to add the most vital nutrient human physiology is based on? These days common sense seems to be the real miracle.

There is a machine for the home that can provide these 3 properties to your water supply at home that makes it far better than the unregulated bottled water you’re dragging in every week. For the few cases that are slow to respond to the 60 Day Program, provided they’re actually following it, of course, this alkalized water is the crowning touch, the missing piece of the puzzle. Anyone in San Jose can get this water for free from my office. Anyone who wants to learn about the machine should contact
George Jogopulos DC at 818 209 6817 or email chirogeorge@gmail.com and ask for the DVD.

For more background science, see Dr Batmanghelidj’s last book: Water and Salt.


The Aim of Chiropractic

All classical science texts agree that the nervous system controls the function of all cells and tissues within the human body. One of the most epidemic breakdowns in that com system is the disruption of nerve messages within the spine. Stresses of birth, stresses of life, day to day micro-trauma – all these contribute to an increasingly inflexible spine, as we age.

Spinal nerves are the first casualty they are like fiber optic bundles that get partially squeezed, as a chronic situation. The result is well known and thoroughly documented: either overstimulation or understimulation of the affected nerve fibers. Either one is bad news for the organ or tissue that was supposed to get the message.

These simple facts of human biomechanics have become the center of controversy over the years, not because they aren’t true, but because of turf. If imbalanced organs or systems can be restored to balance simply by correcting the spine, then many of these ‘diseases’ that medical science is always diagnosing and prescribing drugs for really may not exist at all.

This is the elephant that cannot be talked about. That’s turf, my friends, when they’d rather guide you in the wrong direction than steer you in the right direction just because the competition has the answer.

Here we see a fundamental difference between holistic healing and organized medicine the goal. With any patient, is the goal of the doctor to get the sick person well, or is it merely to maneuver the patient into only those protocols which sell the most drugs and billable procedures?

A patient’s main complaint may be the simple result of nerve blockage – years and years of the same nerve being partly squeezed off. Let’s say sciatica is the painful symptom – years of sciatica. What is the mainstream recommendation? Advil, Motrin, Vicodin, etc. If that doesn’t work, disc surgery, rhizotomy, exploratory surgery, cut it open and have a look around, etc.

Noninvasive. That’s the word that means try the simple thing first, the harmless thing. Rule out subluxation the blocked nerve that may be the root cause of the chronic problem. No harm is done by trying this method – chiropractic – first, even in the rare case that it was not the cause.

That’s the underlying modern challenge of the suffering patient today: finding out the truth of the above few paragraphs.

After that the next big problem is to find the DC who understands it as well.

Referrals are good. A few things to look for when you’re chiro-shopping;

  1. Nerve charts on the wall
  2. An immediate and unhesitating explanation of the word subluxation, when you bring it up
  3. Bone models
  4. A very quick but thorough explanation of the whole chiropractic experience; what we’re will accomplish, how we will do it, how much it will cost — all up front and forthcoming
  5. Analysis of your spinal X rays
  6. Hands-on approach, easy on the shake-and-bake part
  7. Smooth and confident delivery of the adjustment

When in doubt, walk out and keep shopping.

Taken together, with chiropractic, nutritional support, detox and hydration, there is virtually no ill condition that will not dramatically respond or resolve. After all we’re only flesh and blood.

The whole natural medicine concept reminds me of:


You’re born. You get no drugs and no vaccinations. During childhood you have the usual illnesses, but conservative treatment gets you through them without antibiotics or drugs, and you build your natural immune defenses. You don’t eat white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, too much meat or cheese, or drink soft drinks or pasteurized milk. You concentrate on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a clean, natural diet. You never learn to drink coffee or to smoke cigarettes. The only pills you take are natural antioxidants and enzymes and minerals, which are part of your daily intake. You drink at least 1 liter of water every day.

Into adulthood, you never get sick: no colds, no flu, no headaches, no diabetes, no ADD, no thyroid problems, no panic attacks, growing pains, fatigue, or digestive disorders, no high blood pressure. The only pains you experience come from accidental injury. Perhaps you do moderate exercise or sports activity to maintain mobility and general fitness. You look to the care of your spine. Your entire adulthood is spent in this disease-free mode. As you age, your mind gets sharper, your body gets stronger, your immune system tougher. You experience no arthritis, cancer, or osteoporosis, no Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Finally one day after 90 or 100 years, you flicker like a candle and go out.

The above paragraph may be useful in choosing a doctor. Some doctors will say all this is impossible; which for them is true. So don’t choose them. All this is possible; moreover, thousands and thousands of people are living it. So listen only to those who can help you achieve such a condition of living health. Because now we’ve arrived at the threshold of a time when good health and a powerful immune system are not only advisable; they are the very determinants of survival.


Sayonara Swine Flu: — I Hate Being Right

For those of you who followed the swine flu vaccine hoax on my website during the past year, you know that all my predictions came true. As soon as they created enough hysteria to sell vaccine contracts, the “pandemic” disappeared. Big surprise. By June 2010, all the states as well as all European countries were sending their shipments of swine flu back because nobody was getting the shots. People just never quite believed the threat was real. Which it certainly wasn’t.

Here’s the kicker Usually failed vaccines are put on the shelves and stockpiled for decades, even though they have expiration dates. Not the case for swine flu. Very suspiciously, the stockpiles are being burned just a few months after the “threat” has disappeared:

Millions of vaccine doses to be burned
Associated Press Jul 1, 2010 M. Stobbe

“. . .43% of the US supply have gone to waste.”

Which begs 2 questions:

  1. What’s the hurry to burn them? If it was a real threat, why might it not come back? Wouldn’t we need the vaccines then? Are they covering up evidence here?
  2. Were these “swine flu” vaccines really just some experimental Avian flu or some other kind of vaccine they had stockpiled that were completely untested? Seems likely, considering the research laid out in the Goodbye Swine Flu chapter approved after one month of testing!

The main point we must remember here is be ready for the next fake pandemic, which is almost certain to follow in the same tried and true pattern:

  • Allege a new microbial disease in some exotic location
  • Exaggerate the projected deaths and infection rate
  • Offer drugs and vaccines as the only hope
  • Spend the money
  • Watch the “threat” vanish into thin air

I’m really not that smart — I just keep track of events.

The next pandemic’s coming, for certain sure. It has to be they need the money. Just don’t be so quick to fall for their same old lame story next time.


New Vaccine Book: Vaccination is Not Immunization – 2010

Vaccination Is Not Immunization is written for everyone concerned about the health and well-being of their children and of themselves. It’s all there: the history of vaccines; the ingredients of vaccines; the dangers of vaccines. It’s for parents, educators, those in the medical profession, midwives, nurses, those working in government and practitioners of alternative medicine as well.

Vaccination Is Not Immunization is 200 pages of fully documented information, along with some 290 references that will open your eyes. It is not an anti-vaccine text, but rather a detailed history of vaccines and how they came about. This latest edition has been updated to include the most recent vaccines released.

It’s written in an easy-to-understand language as well – not the “med-speak” found in medical journals. You’ll come away understanding the big picture as well as the actual science behind the most common vaccines.

You’ll have what you need to make an informed decision about how to best care for your child.

Over the years of delivering seminars and presentations I would often have concerned parents come up to me and ask questions. Many had seen the horror stories, others were not sure whom they could trust, most had serious doubts about vaccinating.

Nearly all expressed the fear of having their child become autistic, defective or neurologically damaged. No parents want to put their child in harm’s way; the thought of seeing their child go from healthy to physically or mentally handicapped in a matter of months or years is too frightful to imagine. Which is precisely why we must imagine it now, before we vaccinate.

There is a very real potential of seeing your child have a delayed reaction as many as 20 years later. The injection of 68 vaccines, 36 of which are administered before your child is 2 years old, is altering the human genome in ways no one can predict.

The new book for 2010 contains 290 references from medical studies, government reports and scientific research. All your questions and concerns are answered and addressed honestly and without hype.

You deserve to know all sides of the story and now you can. Make the decision to get informed and stay informed starting today!

Order Now