1. Events: Lectures and Conventions

2. New vaccine book: Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

3. Another Mysterious Suicide?

4. Holistic Approach To Cancer: John H’s story




PARIS LECTURES – Sept. 17 – 24, 2017

Dr Tim O’Shea

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 rue du Pont Neuf 75001 Paris . . 06 82 99 00 03

Neurology, Technique, Philosophy: – Sept 25, 26 – 7 pm

The Problems With Vaccines – Sept 27 – 7:30 pm

Advanced Topics in Practical Nutrition – Sept 28 – 7:30 pm


CHIROPRACTIC LECTURES The science of chiropractic – fundamentals of neurology. The critical importance of mastering a technique by deconstructing the fundamentals of physically adjusting vertebrae. Medical definitions of subluxation. Impingement and compression, neurology and endocrine effects. The science of subluxation. Why are schools pretending subluxation doesn’t exist? Exactly what are they replacing it with? Why don’t they define chiropractic? Set-up. Pre-stress. Intention, determining fixation, line of correction. The athletic skill of adjusting. Distressed to see your profession reduced to some vague therapy? How are all these patients getting well? What do the successful docs know that the unsuccessful do not? Come and find out what’s true and what’s an illusion about chiropractic. First night: science and philosophy. Second night: hands-on adjusting technique: focus on you.

VACCINE LECTURE Why do they suddenly want to triple the amount of vaccine for French children? The global agenda of more vaccines. Come and hear the actual science – learn what the scientists who make the vaccines say, not just what the people selling them say. Open discussion on vaccine safety, efficacy, and necessity. Actual statistics of vaccine injury. The global Autism epidemic. Ingredients of vaccines, according to the formulators. Possibility of danger to your child. Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated – who is healthier? This event is for those who might be interested in the true science behind vaccines, and actually want to educate.

NUTRITION LECTURE Diet and lifestyle do not affect your health – they DETERMINE your health. This lecture will illumine essential principles of cellular nutrition, arterial and tract detoxification. Processed food vs. nutritive – The 60 Day Program – Detox at the cellular level – Leaky Gut – Collagen Production: fitness and organ integrity – Autism detoxification – DNA alteration and cancer – alternatives to chemotherapy – Immunity and Probiotics – Joint reconstruction – Chelating heavy metals and arterial plaque – Glowing health, not just for athletes



SEPT 30 – OCT 1, 2017


Two days of open discussion on the science behind vaccines – what has really taken place in California

Eliminating the fear of childhood diseases and understanding vaccine basics.

For schedule of speakers: www.liveaware.com

Dr Tim O’Shea – author of the new vaccine text: Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

will lecture Sunday afternoon: The Undying Mythology of Tetanus

Don’t miss this vital 2 -day event!



SAN JOSE CA . . . 21 OCT 2017 . . . . . Marriott Residence, Milpitas

12 HOURS CE in 6 HOURS . . . . . CAA 1708 14067

DR TIM O’SHEA . . . 8 AM – 3 PM

To summarize the essential principles of cellular nutrition for the practicing chiropractor, defining the roles of diet and lifestyle in the patient’s overall clinical picture. To provide the practicing chiropractor with a complete nutrition program, based on classical ideas of arterial and tract detoxification. Autism detox, joint reconstruction, 60 Day Program, etc.

“What shows is the amount of work done to make this nutritional seminar way beyond normal relicensure courses. Great info – like drinking out of a firehose – I now have more ammo and purpose to save people’s lives” – Dr B R

“Excellent nutrition seminar!! the information was important, totally relevant, and able to be implemented into practice immediately.. not bored and actually found myself sorry when it ended! Best seminar I have taken in 25 years. – Dr GM

“The best continuing ed. seminar I have taken! Great info with practical value. Time went by fast.” – Dr J Hans

“Very fast-paced — a goldmine of information..” Dr J Jones, Morgan Hill

“Awesome nutrition seminar! sense of humor, presentation is fascinating I learned so much! T Hills, DC

“This program literally saved my life – so glad Dr Tim was there for me” — Dr W. Herstad, Seattle

“the best seminar I have taken… I liked the idea of learning what the old time folks had to say about nutrition and that we are part of a historical chain passing on this information.”

“This information was so valuable that I can’t wait to share it when I get back on Monday. What a bargain for the information given… this pretty much rocked my world. – Dr Tom Page

“The best seminar in 13 years! Up to date – excellent overview on biochemical aspect of holistic nutrition.

“Wow – a CE seminar where you actually learn something – what a concept! Not only useful, but life-saving.” – Dr Aaron Khem, NYC

“No fluff – scientific but not medical” Dr C Medl, Manhattan Beach

tuition: Doctors – $159 Students, General Public – $99

Register: 915.307.1055 . . doc@thedoctorwithin.com


Wise Traditions Conference Minneapolis – 10 Nov

Hyatt Regency

Dr Tim O’Shea Lecture: Autism Detox Protocol

full details



Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children

The last edition has sold out and will never be re-printed. Thanks to everyone who read it!

The new vaccine book for 2017 –

is a complete re-write. If you have read any of the previous editions, this isn’t it.

The book covers so much that has happened since the last edition, vital intel that is being kept out of everyday media:

    the global agenda to force vaccines and remove exemptions
    the breakthrough film Vaxxed
    why California is the most dangerous state for infants
    world statistics on infant survival
    the end of the science debate, with the new policy of Legislate Don’t Educate
    the persecution of MDs who sign exemptions
    what the future holds for US children
    peer reviewed literature proving the autism connection
    how many children really die from vaccines
    much more

Certainly the new parent’s most reliable introduction to the subject.

An excerpt :

    “Who could have predicted that the next war would be the War on Children? With vaccine injuries increasing over 3000% in the past 20 years, and again for the next 20, and with CDC’s steadfast refusal to study the autism epidemic, it’s terrifying that the worst of it all is likely decades away. The gradual degradation of the human genome, a proven consequence of vaccines, will be evident in the lives of today’s children, but much more so in the lives of their children. And on and on.

    The radical cultural shift occurring today is not primarily about vaccines, but about ownership. Who owns the land, the soil, the atmosphere, the water, the DNA of plants, and of animals, the DNA of humans, and now finally, who owns the people and their children. Policymakers along the Potomac have made it clear that the State knows better than parents how children should be raised, how they should think, and what manmade chemicals should be mandated into their bloodstreams. The trick is to get everyone to comply.

    The vaccine issue is just the first skirmish. If the majority of people will support the State’s takeover of personal vaccine choices that parents should be making for their children, where will they draw the line?

    The execution of this new agenda is a Machiavellian triumph. Slogans, clichés, and soundbytes now replace thoughtful reflection about life and death issues. Wiki and google are the new technocracy for fashioning reality itself in a mind no longer capable of independent judgment.

    Virtual life replaces real life.

    The rest is easy. With an electorate of this calibre, any assigned opinion can be installed onto the public hard drive. [258]

    Human health does not come from a drug or a vaccine or an insurance company. A healthy baby needs no outside assistance, no tampering with the blood. The mysteries of health lie within the body, not within the medical texts, or the writs of law.

    Pure, uncontaminated human blood is indeed a sacred commodity. We will arrive at a position of profound gratitude when we finally come to appreciate the identity, the oneness, the nobility of an inviolate bloodstream.”

    Shouldn’t the most important decision in your child’s life should be an informed decision?

To order new book: 915.307.1055 or doc@thedoctorwithin.com



Another one? Didn’t we just see a curious “suicide” last month – the Manhattan chiropractor and wife? (See August Newsletter)

Review that one, then compare it with this new story.

From southern California now, this dedicated, holistically inclined doctor turns up hanged in her own garage? Right. The difference this time is that it was reported that even the police thought it was a badly staged “professional” job, and the news story reflected the same contradictions.

Successful career, respected professional, no history of drug use or serious social challenges – they couldn’t even find the usual ‘debt angle’ to use as a hypothetical rationale. She also happened to be on the Montel Williams show talking about the problems with vaccines. Simply did not fit the profile of someone who would commit suicide.

The rationale is in the economics. In 1993, the global vaccine industry comprised $3 billion annually. Today that total is well over $35 billion. By 2025 the CDC’s goal, stated in their published syllabus, the figure will be $100 billion per annum.

Anything that gets in the way of this juggernaut is in the line of fire. Assault at any level is possible – verbal attack on TV news, movies, regular programming.

Frivolous lawsuits, harassment from government offices, or even physical violence – no limit to the methods. Every day new evidence shows this is not paranoia, but is part of the overall agenda to ensure that their target for 2025 is met.

We’re not on schedule – we’re ahead of schedule.



For many years the Feedback/Testimonials page at thedoctorwithin has been growing. Even these hundreds of stories are only a fraction of what really comes in – just no time to record all of them.

Anyway, this week there was success story worth noting, from a cancer patient who decided to follow the simple 60 Day Program instead of conventional treatment. His words:

    “Dr Tim:

    Your system works wonders…so far, my urinary problems are gone, my sexual function and drive are increasing (I am 70) I feel better than I ever have and I have always been pretty healthy. The supplements and the diet, just plain work. Just two weeks and I see a vast improvement and I know it is kicking cancers A$$. I can not believe I have stage 4 prostate cancer and have no symptoms at all. I am positive that by the time 60 days passes I will be healed from this disease.

    When the doctor told me I would not live long, I just laughed because they are locked into their little box and they can not think outside of it…no wonder so many people die of this disease and your program has changed my eating habits for life. I blend a drink of Orange juice, three tablespoons of collagen, blue berries, raspberries, dark grapes, and a green apple…and I use that to take the supplements you supply.

    This has made just an unbelievable difference in reversing this disease…along with a positive attitude (I have always had that) I cannot believe the medical community is ignoring the fact that our food is killing us and that good food can reverse this trend and rebuild our immune system.

    Thank you for developing this program, I will continue on it for the rest of my life and will continue to use the supplements if this is recommended…it is so easy to give up the junk food, i do not even want it anymore…I also eat good vegetables and make a killer salad….it all makes a difference and if everyone did this…hospitals would be out of business.

    Best regards,

    John H.” (email withheld)

This story is not that unusual. Why would it be surprising that people improve when they take measures to enhance their immune system rather than act to suppress it? Unfortunately, common sense is rarely driving the bus when there are corporate fortunes in the balance.

Now don’t misunderstand here – we’re certainly not making the claim that this proves the 60 Day Program is the cure for Stage IV metastatic cancer. Nobody is saying that. But on the other hand, where is the proof that it could NOT be the cure? That proof simply doesn’t exist either.

In the chapter To The Cancer Patient, which is a summary based on years of observations of holistic approaches, we quote authorities who document that cases of ‘spontaneous remission’ always involve some radical transformation in mental outlook. The effect of positive mental attitude on any course of healing is well known and recognized in medical as well as pop literature.

But these authors go one step farther, and state that mental outlook can overcome seemingly insurmountable pathological conditions, citing hundreds of cases, underscoring once again the limitations of what science actually knows about the mind/body arrangement that oversees the human specimen.

In everyday life, many people get cured without their doctor’s permission. That becomes the definition then of spontaneous remission. For those doctors who are thus dismayed, what does that say about their own motivation and agenda regarding the physical wellbeing of the patient in the first place?

Do they really have the authority to tell John H. above that his body does not have the power to cure itself, using its own methods, even if completely unknown to medical science?

That would be hubris indeed. Hubris and a lack of familiarity with their own literature, which is replete with terminal cases that resolved completely, either without – or in spite of – recommended protocols. .

A closer look at this chapter may help to explain why cancer has remained the 3rd leading cause of death in this country for the last 30 years. And also why the chemotherapy/radiation empire is a boom market, the darling of investment portfolios everywhere.