A Normal Life


The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything


The Last Resort

The 60 Day Program

Maintenance Schedule



Enzymes: The Key to Longevity


Hydrolyzed Collagen

Journey to the Center of Your Colon – New Updated!


Expel: 100% natural colon detox supplement

Flora – The Forgotten Component of Detox

Oral Chelation (Phase2)


New West Diet

The 60 Day Program

Type II Diabetes: The Only Cure

Juice Fast: Unlimited Potential

Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity

Autism Detox Protocol

To the Heart Patient

To the Cancer Patient: Natural Cures vs Conventional – New Updated!

The Post-Antibiotic Age: Collapse of the Germ Theory

Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life

Natural Whole Food Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C

Soybeans Since the 90s: The Dawn of Hydrogenated Foods

Genetically Modified Foods: a Short Introduction

Hydration & Dehydration: Two Litres a Day


The Three Attributes of Water

Letter to Tucker After the Putin Interview

Death By Treadmill

Module 2: Modern Food Industry – Health or Chronic Disease – A Short Course 2021

Essential Books and Films For Life

Common Core: Making Sure Your Kid Is Dumber Than You . . – New!

Chelation of Chemtrails and Vaccines: Your Only Option?

Pediatricians, Brain Fats, Formula, and Raw Milk

Every Woman Needs To Read This Chapter Now

New Agendas in American Dentistry

Newer Agendas in American Dentistry: LANAP, Implants, Extractions

American Bloodroot, Black Salve, and Skin Cancer

ADD: A Designer Disease

Alternative Lite

Government and the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Essence of Quid Pro Quo

Bioterrain Analysis


Exemptions To Vaccines And Facemasks

Seminar Notes and References

Timeless Nuggets from Past Newsletters



Chiropractic Aloft– Patient favorite

Chiropractic: Spare Us the Philosophy – Just the Science Please

Silicon Valley Syndrome

Curing the Frozen Shoulder

Chiropractic Consent Forms (CA)

The Chiropractic Position On Vaccines



The History of Vaccines

Employee Exemption From All Vaccines and Testing

Hospital Form for Vaccine Exemption

Parents HPV Letter to Schools

Vaccine Exemption Letter to Colleges and Universities

Autism and Vaccines

Autism and Mercury

Human Papilloma Virus: The First Cancer Vaccine

HPV Vaccine: 26 US Girls Dead

Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy Epidemic

Hepatitis A – Creating a Market for Another Superfluous Vaccine

Andrew Wakefield: Lesson in Ethics

The Psychology of Vaccine Injury Awareness

Vaccine Articles: AB2109 and SB277

The AIDS Mythology: Black Plague or Golden Goose?

The Global Mythology of AIDS

Goodbye Swine Flu

Swine Flu: Global Pandemic or Just Makin’ Bacon?

Swine Flu Vaccine: Licensed and Untested

Ebola: Boutique Epidemic for 2014

Bexsero: Searching for a Villain in 2014

Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children – vaccine manual for parents

They Shoot Horses But Vaccinate Dogs