Newsletter Archive

August 2024 Dehydration and Disease | Hospital Nightmare | Lake Mead Report June 2024 Collagen Cures | Consultations | New Music | May 2024 Environmentalistas and the Politics of Climate Change | Artificial Intelligence: The Creeping Slime | Clearing Your Arteries |...

Newsletter October 2011

In this issue 1. California TDaP Exemption Form: 4. CA Chiropractic Consent Form ************** 1. California’s New TDaP Exemption Form: Goebbels Science of Lying Have you noticed how the campaign for vaccines has ramped up to a near fever pitch during recent months?...

Newsletter April 2012

1. Freedom With Permission: No more Exemptions? 2. Upcoming Events 3. Challenge to Public Debate: CA Bill 2109 4. Chiropractic and the Myth of Adhesive Capsulitis ****************** 1. Freedom With Permission – The End of Debate CA Bill AB2109 “This bill, if...

Newsletter November 2015

1. Barcelona, Edinburgh, Windsor Tour 2015 2. OAKLAND VACCINE RALLY – WHISTLEBLOWER COVERUP 3. Fading Art Video Archive 4. IN REVIEW: The 60 Day Program 5. BOOK REVIEW: Adios, America by Ann Coulter 6. Two New Letters – Protection from Vaccines 7. New 4th...

Newsletter July 2015

1. Events: July 17-18 Focus OKC; July 17 Oklahoma City, Evening Vaccine Lecture; Sept 18-19 ChiroFest – Seattle; 3 Oct – Edinburgh; 10 Oct – Windsor UK 2. New Patient Dilemma 3. SB277 Signed and Sealed – California Auschwitz? 4. Colombian...