Module 2: Modern Food Industry – Health or Chronic Disease?

Dr Tim O’Shea 10 Sections This short course will address the following subjects: Recombinant bovine growth hormone in all pasteurized dairy Gastric reflux The creators of psychoneurological addiction – Comfort Foods Calcium buffering, pH, and normal weight...

Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2017 – eBook

______________Dr. Tim O’Shea______________ copyright MMXIX: immunition ltd vaccination is not immunization: the war on children / Tim O’Shea Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publications 99-95690 .. ISBN: 1-929487-16-7 Boothbay, Maine All rights reserved. No...

Juice Fast: Unlimited Potential

Juice fast. We have a YT video See video that explains the whole process. The video gives a good introduction how to do a juice fast, mostly for first timers. And then it makes some general recommendations for those who are about to start the 60 Day Detox program...
Newsletter October 2021

Newsletter October 2021

1. JUICE FAST – UNLIMITED HEALING POTENTIAL 2. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL: THAILAND TRIES TO REVIVE ITSELF ******************************************************************************** 1. Juice Fast – Unlimited Potential We have a YT video entitled Juice Fast The...