Video: A few testimonials from Real Patients We divided the comments into the following categories. HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN DETOX SUCCESS – 60 DAY PROGRAM CANCER SEMINARS VACCINATION STORIES THE HOLISTIC MODEL HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN STORIES Hydrolyzed...
Hydration has always been a big part of the 60 Day Program. Going from almost no water, like many patients, to 2 litres a day can solve many health problems all by itself. I have always known hydration was a prime factor in many of the success stories that appear on...
1. Upcoming Seminars 2. The World of Collagen 3. The Three Attributes of Water 4. The Aim of Chiropractic 5. Swine Flu – I Hate Being Right 6. Vaccine Book ______________________________________________________________ UPCOMING SEMINARS Over the years of...
An interview with Dr Tim O’Shea, Chiropractor and Vaccination Educator Dr Tim O’Shea residing in ……………. USA is a Chiropractor and tireless educator in the quest of informing people as to the side effects and dangers of...
VIDEOS A Normal Life Feedback/Testimonials The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything The Last Resort The 60 Day Program Maintenance Schedule DETOXIFICATION .Enzymes: The Key to Longevity Digestazyme Hydrolyzed Collagen...