Cleanse diet. This page should only be considered after reading The Last Resort. All of it. To have any hope of success, all eight components of the Last Resort must be included. Below are sketched out the foods most conducive to the 60 Day Program.

You already know what this is going to say: Stop Eating Trash. The short version of the New West Diet is this:

    no pasteurized dairy
    no refined carbohydrates ( white sugar, white flour)
    no hydrogenated oils

Below you will see four categories of food.

For serious illness or acute situations where time is of the essence, a raw foods or juice fast diet will probably be the most expeditious way to stabilize and detoxify, for the first week or two.

For everyone else, you owe yourself the 60 Day Program. That simply means that for the next 60 days you restrict your intake to what you see below in Categories I and II. Religiously — no cheating.

It’s not really as scary as it looks — there’s a lot of variety in those two categories. The important part is that you eat a lot, eat all the time, and don’t let yourself feel the least bit hungry. If the body gets the idea that it is being starved or deprived, it will hold onto everything, including stored toxins. That’s just its natural survival mechanism.

This is a program of nourishing abundance. The body must be shown that it is getting an abundance of easily digestible nutrients – enzymes, vitamins, minerals. Then it can let go of the debris.

The enzymes in the raw food coupled with the natural enzyme supplements are the active components of blood detoxification. Remember, the blood goes everywhere – it is the milieu in which all cells of the body are bathed every second of your life, from birth to death. So if that blood is clean and oxygen-rich, so will the cells be.

This program approaches the body at the cellular level — that’s why it cannot fail to work — every time. Because no matter how sick you are, no matter what diseases you may believe you have, as long as you’re still alive your cells have to follow the same human physiological principles as the rest of us. After all, you’re just flesh and blood. Nine times out of ten, you don’t have to accept the dead-end guesswork diagnoses of the disease-care merchants.

So here it is, the classic traditional human diet, cleanse diet, responsible for the healthiest people who have ever lived.



    Fruits, Vegetables, Juices – preferably organic

    Brown rice
    Grilled fish
    Whole grains
    Integral breads, including rye and potato (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils)
    1-2 litres good water


    Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics)
    Eggs (organic)
    Raw dairy
    Selected food grade herbs

CATEGORY III. ON RARE OCCASIONS – (not during 60 Days, generally not recommended, and only with enzyme supplements)

    Processed cheese
    White sugar/ White flour
    Commercial pizza
    Real ice cream
    Canned foods
    Pasteurized dairy
    Seeds, Nuts (occasional)
    Oils, except for supplement oils


    Soft drinks
    Fake milks: soy milk, almond milk, etc.
    French fries
    Potato chips
    Refined protein powders
    Hydrogenated oils
    Diet soft drinks
    Diet anything
    Nutrisweet/Aspartame/ high fructose
    Soy in any form

[For angelic results, of course, forget about sections III and IV. Magnetize this Diet to refrigerator door in a position of maximum guilt potential. Nothing to excess, including abstinence!]

In the 60 Day Program, there are no seeds, no nuts, no oils. No cooking oils, no salad dressing oils. Exception: EFA supplement oils, like fish oil, flax oils, DHA, etc. Also no popcorn, and no fake milks – soy silk, almond milk, etc. And of course no alcohol.

This is not a diet – it’s a lifestyle. Only when that is understood will normal weight and normal health return.