Vaccination Is Not Immunization- eBook Japanese

予防 .. 接種の本当の意味 -大切な人を守るために ティム・オシアー著 この本の読み方 時々、この本を読んでから自分の子供に予防接種を受けさせるのをやめる決意をしたとい う話を聞きます。もちろんそれが危ないというわけではありませんが、この本に載ってい る情報は、こうした重大な決意をするに必要な、ごく最低限の知識にすぎません。この本 は、現在の予防接種の方針のあり方をしっかりと問いただす、最も確かな情報源を簡単に 要約したものであり、事実上の参考にというよりは、肝心な本題を少し脇から見つめ、よ...

Newsletter June 2020

We apologize if you have received this email in error. Kindly scroll to the bottom to unsubscribe. 1. NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: FACEMASK EXEMPTIONS – FACEMASK SCIENCE 2. CANCELLED JOING REPLACEMENT: HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN 3. GERM THEORY OF DISEASE: NEW STATE RELIGION...

Newsletter May 2020

The Germ Theory of Disease: The New State Religion ********************************************** This month’s newsletter comes to you in video form: The Germ Theory of Disease: The New State Religion The world has changed completely since last month....

Newsletter December 2018

1. Orange County Symposium: O’Shea / Bergman 19 Jan 19 2. Enzymes: Overeating for the Holidays 3. An Evening with Bobby Kennedy Jr . 4. Dr Bob Sears: Scapegoat for Medical Freedom? ************************************************************* 1. ORANGE COUNTY...
Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War on Children

Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War on Children

The most reliable book for parents about to make the most important decision in the life of the child. “It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O’Shea’s work. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough...