5 . Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition



All set to overeat for the holidays? About ready to excuse yourself once again for holiday trough feeding? Do you already have reflux, heartburn, IBS, stomach cancer, obesity, Crohns, or other digestive disorders? Are you older than your age? Consider this:

Of the CDC’s Top 10 Causes of Death, nine of them are the direct result of chronic overeating.

In their struggle for survival, mammals have evolved two types of enzymes: digestive and metabolic.

Digestive enzymes – like amylase, protease, and lipase – change food into usable forms. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

Metabolic enzymes have to do with operating the body’s specific systems. Cell life, nerve transmission, brain signals, hormone distribution, oxygen exchange, liver function, acid-base balance in the blood, stuff like that. Longevity issues.

Over 5000 metabolic enzymes have been identified in the human body.

The premier authority on enzymes was of course, Edward Howell MD, founder of National Enzyme Company. His book Enzyme Nutrition is the starting point for any awareness of human nutrition.

In our chapter Enzymes: The Key to Longevity, Howell explains that one of the main causes of aging – as well as any digestive disorder – is the decrease in enzyme production in all systems of the body, including digestive.

After age 50 for example, salivary amylase may be only 30% as strong as it was at age 20. Amylase digests carbohydrates. The point is, all enzymes in the body – digestive and metabolic – become weaker and less efficient as we age.

This is why Howell spent his entire life developing the most effective supplemental enzymes. Or as he called them – exogenous enzymes – those that are taken daily in capsule form.

No other scientist of his day was more immersed in the literature of enzymes. Howell documents every word he writes with multiple references. From a lifetime of clinical study, here are just some of his conclusions:

80% of Americans eat an 80% processed diet – enzyme deficient
the less enzymes in the diet, the more the body is forced to make its own.   The more energy spent on producing digestive enzymes, the less available for metabolic enzymes for all other systems.    High-end enzyme supplements take the burden off the body, promoting longer life

What does all this have to do with the holidays? Overeating at family gatherings is practically a tradition in most homes, is it not?. More than the turkey gets stuffed.

Some of the food will be nutrient-dense, some will not. But all of it needs to be digested – broken down by enzymes, taken up in the blood, and the wastes expelled through the colon. See chapters on Enzymes and Colon Detox.

The more natural foods have intact enzymes: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lightly cooked meat and fish, etc.

The overcooked, processed foods with the fake flavors and sweeteners – have no enzymes. Gravy, over-done meats, salad dressings, desserts, pasteurized dairy, etc. – no enzymes. Chips and cookies may taste great, but stress the body trying desperately to produce enough enzymes to break them down and pass them through the tract.

An immense burden on metabolic reserves. Any existing disease conditions will be aggravated as the body struggles to keep up.

The shopworn excuse — well, it’s the holidays – may not be well understood by your poor stomach, gall bladder, colon, or pancreas. Or ongoing disease.


   1. Eat less, opting for a non-porcine mode

   2. Choose enzyme-rich natural foods over processed, fake food and drink

   3. Take 3 capsules of Digestazyme, with each meal and  Expel for the colon during the   holidays

See if that doesn’t help make the Yuletide gay. Or hetero, as your preference dictates.

Best holidays to all. May the coming year advance your every good design!



In the chapter Enzymes: The Key To Longevity we learn the definition of processed food: enzymes scientifically removed from natural foods for one purpose: shelf life.

Enzymes are protein complexes present in all living tissues and foods which are responsible for cell life. They are the most important component in human metabolism, effecting millions of individual changes every second of life.

Any nutritionist who can spell cat knows about the importance of enzymes in the diet. The presence or absence of enzymes is specifically what delineates a nutrient food from a dead processed food.

As high as 80% of the diets of much of the population consists of processed enzymeless foods. Not much of a stretch. Look around. Fast foods, mall foods, snack foods, pizza, donuts, fries, pasteurized dairy, coffee, soft drinks– you get the picture. Cleanse or clog? — take a guess.

Lifeless foods must have fake flavors added to them or else they would taste generally like cardboard. And it’s taste people are addicted to — mouth feel, crunch, sweet, salt, tingle, with fake aromas. [Fast Food Nation]

A very sophisticated science is required to disguise the inert blandness of processed foods. The flavorists.

Clogging, enzymeless, indigestible sludge. Once inside the stomach, digestion is attempted. Now a different class of enzymes plies its trade: digestive enzymes attempt to break these frankenfoods down to usable components.

But human evolution is very limited – no enzyme ever invented in human physiology can hydrolyze creations like Velveeta, fries saturated in GM hydrogenated oil, dead snack foods and candy bars, with fillers that don’t even have to appear on the label, congealed hydrogenated pizza cheese, on and on…

The bolus cannot be metabolized. It remains in the stomach, maybe for several days. You get that feeling you’re already full, even at the beginning of a meal. That’s because the last meal is still in there – digestion never having occurred. But it’s meal time anyway according to the clock, so here come heaps of new processed foods down the hatch.

As the lower esophagus opens to deposit the chewed food into stomach, digestive juices are splashed onto its delicate mucosa of the esophagus. Sharp pain ensues – heartburn.

We all pretty much know the scenario here. So then why don’t Tums and Prilosec end this epidemic of indigestion which NEJM estimates as more than 20% of Americans.

Because they take away the only thing that’s going to unblock the stomach: digestive enzymes. Heartburn stops temporarily, but so does intestinal motility. Now we’re blocked and really full. Further attempts at swallowing may come right back up.

Obvious solution here: twofold.

1. Stop eating trash.

2. Start taking full spectrum enzyme supplements 3x a day. Digestazyme.

The startling realization is that it often doesn’t take 60 days of Digestazyme to clear the tract and stop the vicious cycle of reflux and heartburn. It’s much simpler for most people. A few weeks of enzymes and the patient wonders why he’s spent all these years in pain and discomfort.

Just like the patients who discover chiropractic and wonders why they spent so much of their life in unnecessary pain. No use looking back, but once you know, you know.



Can’t be advising people to do something I wouldn’t do myself, right? What am I, an MD?

So here we are, halfway through the 60 Day Program. It’s actually not that difficult, once you get started. The hardest thing is stop listening to all your lame excuses and just make the decision to follow through. After that, it’s just the routine of buying the right foods and making sure they’re on hand, three times a day. You know what they are. But obviously it requires some planning. And then taking the supplements on time.

Now the diet is just common sense. Except that we can no longer take that for granted, what with all the misdirection from the online geniuses. Everybody’s an expert, right? Common sense isn’t quite so common any more.

For starters then, we have to omit all

   Refined CHOs (white sugar, white flour)
Pasteurized dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, yogurt)
Hydrogenated oils

For 60 days. We have to study a little to learn what these mean. Each is linked to its own chapter, for the full explanation.

Other specifics that must be left out:

   All seeds and nuts
White flour

   White rice

   Cooking oils and salad dressing oils

   All fried foods

   All commercial salad dressings

   Canned foods



   HFCS and aspartame (all soft drinks)

   Refined flour pastas

  All soy

This isn’t really a surprise is it? No processed, enzymeless foods. For the ‘why’ of any of these, see the full chapters.

The fundamental axiom here is we’re doing everything possible to clear our two hydraulic systems: the tract and the blood. Because they nourish and clear every cell of the body. So we don’t want to introduce anything else during the 60 Days that adds further obstruction.

Garbage in, garbage in – that’s what got us to this pitiable state in the first place, isn’t it?

Nine out of ten of the major causes of death in the US come from years of bad diet.

Almost every time, these illnesses can be resolved by correction of that lifestyle. Clearing the two hydraulic systems is the most direct way to recalibrate. For many patients, it’s sufficient to restore normal health.

Part of the resistance to detoxify lies in the enormous emotional component diet plays in our lives. For so many of us, the stresses of everyday life must be neutralized by an evening of comfort foods. Every night. Or else we ‘can’t go on.’ Life isn’t worth living, etc

This self–indulgent fantasy must be confronted head on, at the beginning, for those who would embark on this serious, life-altering rescue.

We’re addicted to the things that poison us. Illusions: I need coffee to function. I need pasteurized milk and cereal at night… I need that 40 ouncer… With two bags of chips….

You don’t need them. It’s right there – right in front of us every day – digging our graves with our teeth. Those comforts we ”need” – they’re really not that comfortable, if you think about it. After drinking a liter of Coke and a large bag of Cheetos, we may feel sated mentally. But physically, for the over-30 crowd, it’s hard to ignore that cement feeling in the gut for the rest of the night, disturbing sleep, and adding to that billowing muffintop where the waist used to be …
Or for the tragically duped, you’ve suddenly “become” a diabetic – from genetic causes of course – and now need fake insulin pills for the rest of your life so you can ‘be normal…”

20% of the population have bought into this sinister hoax.

The irony is, it’s not that hard to detox. People who begin the 60 Day Program all seem to say the same things after the first 2 weeks – wow I really don’t miss… . (fill in the blank) – coffee, sugar, beer, chips, ice cream, milk and cookies, Marie Callenders …. If I’d known it was this simple I’da done it years ago….

Almost everyone says that.

From the New West diet page, we’re now eating only from Categories I and II:

 Fruits, Vegetables, and their Juices – preferably organic
Brown rice
Grilled fish
Selected food grade herbs
Whole grains
Integral breads (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils)
1-2 litres good water
Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics)
Eggs (organic, cage free, etc.)
Raw dairy
Salt and pepper

May seem restrictive at first glance, but there’s a lot of latitude once you start experimenting.

A few suggestions:

For those with advanced digestive pathologies, a Juice Fast might do the trick for the first 10 days, to give the tract a break, and a chance to recover from abuse. Again, no need to fear a juice fast. Drink 8 ounces of juices every 2 hours, on the dot, from morning till night – the best organic juice you can get. Fruit or vegetable. And keep up the hydration, of course.

But everybody says the same thing – after 2 days they don’t even miss food. Not kidding. And they feel much better right away, with renewed energy to spare. Why? They’ve temporarily lifted the burden from their poor digestive tract.

And if you feel marvelous after 10 days, why not do another 10?

Alimentary, my dear Watson.

Most popular is the breakfast smoothie – i.e., the smoothie is your breakfast. Your favorite fruits and juices, along with Hydrolyzed Collagen, in the blender. Doesn’t have to be elaborate – you can do fine with just OJ, a banana, and cocoanut juice. Or make it elaborate. But that smoothie should be of substantial size, because it’s going to carry you through till one o’clock, with no hunger at all.

Lunch might be a large salad, maybe topped with shrimp or grilled chicken … Or two carrots and a large apple, with half a liter of Voss water. Latitude. Or an occasional BLT with organic bacon, raw cheese, no mayo, whole grain bread with no oil. No need to be monastic about the whole thing. We’re just trying to eat right for a few weeks, that’s all.

Dinner might be grilled salmon, brown rice, with steamed green beans or corn on the cob, raw butter and sea salt. Latitude. Or an organic Cornish hen, baked. Or simply a gigantic green salad with vinegar and lemon juice, topped with a few strips of raw cheese. Or oatmeal with raisins and bananas and raw milk, with a little raw sugar.

These are just a few simple suggestions within the parameters above. Be creative!

The important thing is to eat a lot all day long, but nothing processed. At all. Takes a little more time than just ordering that congealed commercial pizza, or the death meal from DelTaco, or thawing out a frozen dinner from the Juneau icefield… But it’s easy to get into the new rhythm, especially once you begin to feel the effects.

This might be a good time to stop listening to other people’s ideas of what you should eat. Have confidence in what you know. You’ve taken the time to educate yourself. This simple program has a century of clinical support behind it. By reading these chapters you know more than most.

Don’t feel like you have to defend anything. Take a good look at anyone giving you unsolicited advice – a close look. Also, suspend dietary ideas based on cults or religion. Or restricted to weird foods. Man evolved as an omnivore, aeons before the advent of processed foods. You’re trying to survive here – just check out Exhibit A: the life you’ve been living.

Here’s a partial list of some conditions patients said have resolved:

    • Type II diabetes
    • Crohns
    • Reflux esophagitis
    • Hypothyroid
    • Hyperthyroid
    • Colitis
    • Chronic gastritis
    • Endometriosis
    • Joint dysfunction
    • ADD
    • Malignancies
    • Non Hodgkins
    • Brainfog
    • Chronic fatigue

Sounds like Dr JH Tilden: “Every disease is a crisis of toxemia…”

Why is such a possibility reasonable? All these can have a dietary etiology. Correct the diet / recalibrate the organism.

Once you’ve set your course, keep to the route. It takes the entire 60 days to give it a go.

There’s really no particular advantage in telling anyone you’re even doing it. Let them notice the results. You certainly will.

See Feedback and Testimonials for many stories from people who were much worse off than you at the outset.

In any case, stop whining and telling yourself you’re not equal to the task. Whether you think you can, or whether think you can’t, you’re right!

Related chapters:

60 Day Program
Journey to the Center of Your Colon
The Last Resort



During the past decade, Hydrolyzed Collagen has become very much in demand, going out all over the world. For best absorption, the label recommends that the collagen powder be blended in juice. Thousands of people seem to have achieved best results following this advice.

Occasionally someone will express concern about taking in too much sugar when using juice for the blend. “I can’t take the sugar” is what they always say.

Here are a few reasons why such concerns are groundless:

1. Any fruit or vegetable juice can be used, including celery juice, cucumber juice, cabbage, kale, or any other juice.

2. Orange juice is the most popular, being the most common breakfast beverage. Whatever juice you choose, we’re talking about 100% pure of course, no concentrates, nothing added, organic if possible.

Now fructose is the natural fruit sugar in juices. If pure, the juice will contain within it all the vitamins and enzymes necessary for its complete breakdown into its simplest carbohydrate components. That’s called digestion.

This metabolic process will not cause undue stress, abnormal insulin spiking, overtaxing the pancreas or any other adverse effect. No matter what you might read on google-pedia.

Blood glucose will always be temporarily elevated following a meal that includes carbohydrates. That is a necessary sign of the digestive process. But it soon returns to normal levels between meals. Pure natural juices are not a cause of diabetes in today’s world. Just visit any supermarket and look down the double aisle of Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, beer, etc. and see the real cause.

How much of that is in your kitchen?

You can actually mix the collagen powder in anything you want , and daily intake will eventually have a beneficial effect. The loading dose. But we have noticed over and over that pure organic juice seems to work best, for 2 likely reasons:

1. The collagen is suspended in a most easily absorbable medium

2. whole food Vitamin C is an important factor in initiating the conversion of hydrolyzed collagen into the body’s own new collagen.

So, yes you can dissolve the Hydrolyzed Collagen in water or applesauce or milk, or sprinkle it over oatmeal – or mix it into any wholesome food – all of that works. Except for coffee of course – which is a non food – no nutrient value, and will dilute the value of this excellent supplement. (Yes, yes, I read that too – it’s nonsense. ) But for optimum results, most people just use the best organic fruit or vegetable juice they can find. That’s what most of those success stories in the Feedback section did.

So just forget about any imaginary issues about too much sugar, etc. Fruit juice is not the reason why almost 30% of the US population is diabetic!

It would be intriguing to be able to look into the refrigerators and kitchen cupboards of some of these callers who are so worried about the ‘sugar’ in organic orange juice. Of course we’d find absolutely no Coke, soft drinks, cookies, donuts, liquor, beer, wine, cakes, pies, candy, chocolate, etc, just lying around…

I know, right? So please stop calling with this question!

Read full Collagen chapter

And also Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life



5. Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition


Ironic how all the immune science on our videos that have been banned from FB and YT for the past 3 years is now being corroborated by a flood of concerted attacks from the highest sources. Fauci is being exposed for the unelected, looting tyrant he has been.  All the lies about spike protein, mRNA vaccine, vaccine deaths, that COVID vaccine was never a vaccine at all, thousands of heart disease and stroke fatalities as consequences of mandatory COVID shots – it’s all coming to light now, like shining a flashlight on cockroaches in a dark basement.

This latest and last edition of the parents’ vaccine text book is no longer available in a paperback.  Only eBook.

Published in 2023, this final edition includes the science behind the disastrous COVID vaccine pageant, mRNA science,  as well as documented deaths from the COVID vaccine in excess of 1.9 M in the past year.  Which is greater than the number of deaths from COVID itself.   These are CDC figures and we cite the exact sources here.  This fact has been successfully kept out of corporate media since the vaccine began in early 2022.

This book is a one-stop shopping introduction to the problems with vaccines, written for parents about to make the most important decision of the child’s life: whether or not to vaccinate.

It is not an anti-vaccine text. Better described as pro-science, the book is in favor of any vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective by researchers wholly unconnected to the global vaccine monolith.

This 227-page book has over 360 references, drawn from mainstream medicine, science, and law. Parents, not the state, should have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children. The documented facts stated in this book represent the minimum parents must know in order to make a truly informed decision.

If you have any reservations at all about the shots you’re about to give to your kids, read this first. Did you know that in the 1950s kids got only 2 vaccines? By the 1980s, the number was up to 20 vaccines. In the 90s we were at 40 vaccines. Today in the post-COVID age, we are up to 84 vaccines given to American kids before age eighteen.

Why is that? Here is the unequivocal, incontrovertible rationale behind such an approach to mandated childhood vaccines – one which exists only in the US.

                                                        “The most comprehensive book I have read over the past 25 years on the subject.”   – Roy Kupsinel, MD

Read More https://thedoctorwithin.com/read-more/


                                            For a synopsis of the book start with the Epilogue.

There is an entire section on the COVID Pageant.


eBook only

Order book or call 915.330.4629      email: doc77777@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                 ($45) 

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“There’s fever in the funkhouse now.”