



As many of the most visible commentators are saying these days, at least those with apposable thumbs, there’s a real possibility that we could be headed for a new age – one that might see some restoration of traditional American values. In other words – good news, like we haven’t seen in years. And why would that be?

Well, it looks like there’s a new team coming in now that states their agenda as ending the war-mongering, looting, borderless, self-aggrandizing, one-world policies that we have lived under for the past two decades. And even if they accomplish just a fraction of what they’re promising, America will be better off.

It happened just in time. This was likely our last opportunity for the pendulum to have any hope of swinging back to anything resembling democratic principles as stated in the founding documents of our republic. Seemed like we were just inches away from a permanent one-party system. So maybe there really is a universal intelligence of some kind watching over Jefferson’s radical new experiment, undeserving as we are.

Even if the only thing the new team accomplishes is restoring our borders, that would certainly have a positive effect on our future, don’t you think? No matter what the dreamers say, we simply cannot afford to keep importing the dregs of global humanity and supporting them for life. We never signed up for that – it’s not in our Documents. Our responsibility is to this country – to our people, to our children.

If you‘ve done any world travelling you’ve seen that much of the world does not deserve to live in a country like ours. They never fought for freedom. Most of them don’t even pick up their own trash from the street. So let them live in the country they created.

Or even if the only thing the new team accomplishes is drilling our own oil again, and letting individuals choose what kind of household appliances, and cars they buy … that would be an improvement. A vast improvement over some Marxist “Environmental” deal based on junk science and weakening our country.

Or what if they ended the proxy wars that are none of our business and are nothing more than smokescreens for kickbacks to the Swamp-rats who live in the suburbs of Washington DC. “Beware entangling alliances” … ever hear that?

What could we do with all that money we sent to the wars so far? Domestic infrastructure – rebuild our own roads and bridges and hospitals and schools … Double the salary of teachers, after you double the quality of the teachers we have now. Take care of veterans instead of illegals. Burn the brush in our forests. This country could be a palace. We just paid for one, but didn’t get it.

Seems like many Americans don’t believe in democracy any more. They don’t believe in the rule of law or the Constitution or majority rules or honest elections. These people don’t deserve to live in the most evolved political system that ever was – a constitutional democratic republic. So perhaps these people should go somewhere else and start their own country where you can do whatever you like with no laws. Because this country is already taken. And it’s about to undergo some major upgrades. The vast majority have just expressed their preference. One side won and the other side lost. Majority rules – that’s democracy. And for now, the real America is very optimistic.



So many of these collagen success stories come in all the time that we don’t have time to record most of them. (Testimonials) Just wanted to remind ourselves what is so special about this particular Hydrolyzed Collagen that has had a curative effect on so many types of cases.

Two principal reasons: molecular weight and peptide specificity.

First off, it’s molecular weight. That means the size of the collagen molecule that ends up in the finished product.

Most commercial collagens you see for sale in the grocery store and in GNC go through some very hasty refinement processes involving and heat and acids. The purpose of these steps has nothing to do with bioavailability, but rather longevity of the finished product – that means Shelf Life. This is a purely commercial consideration and has nothing to do with the metabolic value for muscle building and tissue repair.

Hydrolysis is the process by which the raw collagen molecule from the cattle is cleaved into specific sizes and lengths. Size is measured in daltons, which is an index of molecular weight. The smaller the pieces the hydrolysis cleaves, the more absorbable they are for human tissue rep[air and regeneration. To a limit of course.

3000 daltons is the optimum molecular weight for human tissue reconstruction from collagen supplementation. It is a very complicated process to achieve that size. The majority of commercial collagens you see in the market are at about 45,000 daltons, which is much easier to manufacture. It is also 15x less absorbable at the cellular level.

The other criterion for quality is peptide specificity. You probably remember from school that proteins are strings of amino acids. Peptides are pieces of long chain protein molecules. There are thousands of possible amino acid combinations which can be clipped from any given protein. Each particular length has a specific task it performs once in circulation. It took years of research by the scientists who developed our Hydrolyzed Collagen to produce specific peptides which are the exact size and configuration that can rebuild specific tissues in the human body. No other manufacturer goes to all this trouble. But they charge the same price as our high-end product.

For a more complete understanding of Hydrolyzed Collagen please read the whole chapter



Natural medicine, universal intelligence, the body’s own innate intelligence – drawing from these sources first when some health imbalance occurs – giving them as much time as they need to really effect a cure, with pharmaceuticals and surgery only coming in as last resorts. That’s the philosophical code of chiropractic. Millions cured in the past century.

During that time we have had many giants, not just DD and BJ Palmer. Some were famous, some were a little bit famous for a short time, and many were never famous except to the patients whose lives they touched. But what they all had in common was they acknowledged the primacy of universal intelligence as the first healing principle. The same power that assembled a human zygote into a newborn infant, that cured the common cold, that mended a broken femur.. . No drugs, pills, or potions required.

We can recall a few of these giants who were famous for a fleeting instant, who handed down our sacred tradition to the next generation – Drs Michael Kale, Clarence Gonstead, James Cox, Glenn Stillwagon, Gerry Clum, Sid Williams, David Walther, George Goodheart, Rolla Pennell, Don Harrison, DeJarnette, Jim Parker, Reggie Gold, James Sigafoose, Mark Sutton, Dan Pogrelis, Elizabeth Narvaez, etc.

But I just discovered a new addition to this list of giants who just took his place in the tall grass: Dr Jon Howat, whom I wrote about in the Newsletter of June 2023

Dr Howat took parts of AK and SOT from DeJarnette and Walther and Carrick and made a complete technique from it – sphenoid adjustment via internal pterygoid contacts. He was getting the kind of miraculous results that upper cervical specialists always talk about – neurologic cures, headaches, cognitive rebalancing, chronic incurables, etc. He taught his technique all over and had many faithful disciples. Dr Howat was one of those rare magicians that sometimes emerge within our profession. His clinic was with a group of neurologists in Oxford, England. I interviewed him there 2 years ago. For those who are interested in cranial cures, read about Dr Howat in the newsletter and on his own website CranialFascial Dynamics



Having received a mandate for change from the electorate in a landslide decision, Donald Trump is the new favorite. His old enemies are falling all over themselves now trying to gain his favor and hoping he will forget the years of insults. Countries that have considered the US a running joke for the past 4 years are now beating a path to Mar A Lago to pay homage to the new Messiah. Such a swing of the pendulum was inevitable.

But the one unassailable Golden Calf that must remain as a permanent deity is the mythology of vaccines. Vaccines are the underlayment for the entire global pharmaceutical religion.

So in the past even though both Trump and RFK have shown some unwillingness to worship at the altar of Edward Jenner, they both have enough political sense not to cast any direct aspersions in that direction at the present time.

This must be particularly difficult for Bobby, as the author of the definitive vaccine textbook The Real Anthony Fauci – a thousand references on the dangers and lack of science behind vaccines. So in his new capacity as director of HHS, Bobby avoids the topic whenever possible and when asked a direct question will point out that he and all his children are vaccinated, which satisfies the average superficially-informed fake news “reporter.”

So Bobby will focus on food contamination, since the country will never be ready for vaccine reform. We’ll strive to Make America Healthy Again, but let’s not get carried away, right?

Now Trump is no academic and never tries to be one. So he relies on soundbytes he has memorized whenever forced to give his opinion on anything scientific. Coupled with his absolute rhetorical mastery which will immediately change the subject, he can easily extricate himself from the stickiest of interview situations.

So the soundbyte Donald has memorized to utter whenever the topic of vaccines comes up involves an invocation for the polio vaccine along with a peculiar veneration for the Salk vaccine. Followed by an immediate subject change. He has calculated correctly that this is sufficient endorsement to show his approval for all vaccines. This is a master here.

The irony here is that the polio vaccine was one of the worst vaccines ever invented. The Salk vaccine in particular was so harmful that it was taken off the market in less than a year. There is an entire chapter on polio vaccine in the final edition of Vaccination Is Not Immunization.

Here are some excerpts from that chapter:


Polio no longer exists in the Western world in its wild state. The only cases of poliomyelitis since 1979 have been from the polio vaccine. ( Vaccine Guide p108 [246]) No cases in the US 1979 – 2023. [17] The risk of acquiring wild polio in the US is zero.

A viral infection of the grey matter of the spinal cord, poliomyelitis in its natural state was never such a killer, even before vaccines came out. 90% of those who carried the polio virus never had any symptoms. (Burnet, p 93) [235] And only a fraction of 1% of cases ended up with long term paralysis. [246], p 108]

The polio vaccine was not responsible for the decline of polio in the U.S. Many researchers show how that decline was taking place quite on its own. [244] (Figure 2 above (p 58)


The original Salk polio vaccine in 1955 caused

“…one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history” – admitted by vaccine capo Paul Offit. [349]

The vaccine caused over 40,000 new cases of polio, which resulted in at least 164 cases of permanent paralysis and at least 10 deaths.

The disaster, known as the Cutter Incident, was widely reported in media at the time. [348, 349] ([273], p 487)

The Salk vaccine was taken off the market after only 11 months, to be replaced by the Sabin oral vaccine.

Here’s what Albert Sabin, MD, the inventor of that vaccine, had to say 30 years later [286] :

    “Official data has shown that the large scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases for which they were supposed to provide immunization. In essence it was and is a failure.”

The sharp drop-off in polio cases reported on Alderson’s statistics chart above is due to the radical change in the way polio cases were reported rather than to the effect of the vaccine. A full explanation can be found on p.109 of Neustaedter’s The Vaccine Guide, [246] .

To make a long story short, doctors over-reported polio before 1954, and under-reported it afterwards. Their assignment was to show that the vaccine worked.

From Dr Herbert Shelton, ( Hygienic Care of Children) [259] :

    “The apparent disappearance of polio was brought about by clever juggling. Before the Salk vaccine was introduced, thousands of cases of polio were diagnosed each year in children who had no polio.

    “After the introduction of the vaccine, these cases were no longer diagnosed as polio. This appeared to reduce the cases to a near vanishing point.”

What is certain is that polio virtually disappeared, but not because of the polio vaccine. The inventor of the vaccine, Jonas Salk himself testified in 1977 that the few cases of polio we now see in the U.S. are the result of using the polio vaccine rather than the result of the disease itself. ( Science Abstracts 4 Apr 1977) [283]

Even the CDC also admits that all cases of polio in the U.S. after 1979 have been caused by the vaccine, not the disease! [243] p 568.

Are parents listening? If the only cases of polio in America in the past 40 years are caused by the vaccine itself, why are we still vaccinating? With 5 shots?

Wouldn’t be so bad if the vaccine were harmless. But there are two complications of this ‘harmless’ vaccine:

    the polio vaccine was stabilized with neurotoxins like

    mercury and formaldehyde

    the original polio vaccine contained SV-40 monkey virus

The first of these is beyond controversy. The manufacturers admitted it. ( Physicians Desk Reference [270] )

, as we all know, is a metabolic poison, damaging brain, kidneys, and bone marrow. (Widmans, p.691; Bernard [240, 222]) Formaldehyde, used in embalming, is a known carcinogen.

The second of these complications, the contamination of polio vaccine with SV-40, bears elaboration.

50,000 MONKEYS

were slaughtered in the 60s in order to make the Salk vaccine for polio. (James, p166) [233] Tens of thousands of rhesus monkeys had been killed to provide kidneys on which to culture the vaccine. ( PDR, 1998 p 2131)

Looking at the statistics of polio during the past century (Figure 2 above), many researchers, including the inventor himself, later felt the polio vaccine was unnecessary, because by 1954 the disease was obviously winding itself down throughout our species. Herd immunity.


A 1963 issue of Science Digest shows that in the 1950s a monkey virus named SV-40 was unwittingly put into hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of doses of Salk vaccine. (Snider) [248] And where did this happen? Africa. The favorite testing ground. (Curtis, p1259) [249]

Some 98 million doses of the SV contaminated polio vaccine were given to American children between 1955 and 1963. [219] Horowitz shows why anyone who got polio vaccine prior to 1964 is probably carrying SV-40. ([273] p. 493)

Later research linked SV-40 with cancer as well. In Mar 02, scientists at University of Texas and at Baylor independently found the same high correlation (43%) between SV-40 and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, the eighth most common cancer in the US. (ACS) [216]

Leading scientist Michele Carbone MD:

    “… there are more than 70 papers from 60 different laboratories that have confirmed the association of SV-40 with human … bone and brain tumors.” [193]


Polio vaccine is still unsafe. In the Caribbean during 2002 there were 21 cases of polio and 2 deaths caused by the oral polio vaccine. [208, 205] The vaccine itself has created a new disease, capable of spreading from patient to patient, according to the CDC. [175]

A CDC scientist, Olin Kew tells us that in this case:

“…the virus, originating in the vaccine …had undergone a series of genetic mutations .., had reverted to a virulent form and caused the very disease it was meant to prevent.” [205]

Even the Wall Street Journal [209] reported:

“Scientists had long speculated that the virus contained in the vaccine might re-emerge … in a virulent form. But this had never been seen until Kew analyzed the changes in the Hispaniola bug … they saw the alarming manner in which the virus had ‘back-mutated.’ ”

We should also recall the above-cited Morgensen study, from 2017, which demonstrated a much higher rate of death among African children who had received the polio vaccine, compared with those who had not. [62]


Hostility against US vaccine programs has become more and more evident in Third World places, who grasp the true politics of being the dumping grounds for the Gates’ drug throwaways.

In Pakistan during much of 2008, fighting broke out among groups who were resisting mandatory polio shots from UNICEF [Reuters [161], seeing vaccination as a genocidal effort. [189]

Difficult to justify trying to vaccinate half a million people in an area with only 32 cases of polio in all of 2007, especially with the vaccine’s track record of fatal reactions.

Polio vaccine is clearly perpetuating a disease that would have disappeared completely on its own by now.”

For the exact sources of the above selection please see the final reference page in Vaccination Is Not Immunization – final edition