Hydrolyzed Collagen.

Collagen: Joints, Muscles, Skin
Hydrolyzed Collagen: Your Heart, Your Face, Your Performance
Hydrolyzed Collagen – The Science
Hydrolyzed Collagen: Purest Amino Acids for Your Muscles and Skin
Why You Need Hydrolyzed Collagen
Rebuilding Collagen, From the Inside
Read a few stories from real people, just like you:
(Collagen chapter follows stories. If you want to skip them, scroll down for all the science.)
Hey Doc!
Hydrolyzed Collagen is essential for a speedy recovery! I am a lifelong, avid surfer and snowboarder. In January I was snowboarding at Kirkwood when I took a fall and fractured my right pelvis. It’s now March (just 3 months later) and, with daily Hydrolyzed Collagen (yes, daily!), I’m already enjoying snowboarding and surfing without any pain or restriction. Lovin’ it! That you can repair damaged bone and joint structures with Hydrolyzed Collagen is no false claim. I’m living proof.
– Dr Scott Sawyer, Santa Cruz
Hello Doctor T!
No hip replacement! this stuff is a miracle. Almost 3 years ago I was having severe hip pain. Getting worse. X-rays showed bone on bone in the hip ball and socket joint. They were scheduling me for surgery when a Doctor of chiropractic told me about your Hydrolyzed Collagen. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave it a try. I decided I might as well do it right and take the maximum dose that you recommend on your website – 3 tablespoons blended in juice twice a day. Nonstop – never miss a day. I was blown away when after 3 months all the pain was gone! Never expected the joint to rebuild like that. I figured might as well keep going and build up as much new cartilage as possible, so I’ve kept it up for almost 3 years. Now I have normal use of the hip – no pain. The stiffness resolved – I’m a new man. Going to get new Xrays so I can actually see the new layer of collagen in the joint. Can’t thank you enough – and that chiropractor for telling me about it. The surgeons were really mad!
E. Baney
N. Java, NY
Hello, my name is Don. I ordered your Collagen about 2 weeks ago and am amazed of how well it works. I’m a 41 year old bodybuilder/MMA training & bootcamp participant. My shoulder presses are on the heavy side and i was having problems with my left shoulder for months….now it went away….cannot believe it. I have a question about this product, i noticed that my erections are better and semen volume has risen….no complaints here, but just wondering if this stimulates HGH levels or something? my email is
Hey Dr T!
Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery.
Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. Thank you!
Indiana Gary
Hey Doc,
I have been using the Collagen for many years now. Looking back, after an ACL surgery my knee was getting gradually weaker. I began to wear a knee brace hoping that would improve things. It didn’t. After a year of the brace the knee was getting worse, so my orthopedist was scheduling a second surgery. That was when I started taking your collagen every day. After about 3 months the pain was gone and the joint kept getting stronger. No surgery! Now I am able to do the full F45 workout with no restriction. People should know they have an alternative to surgery – especially when the long term track record is pretty dismal. Really appreciate thedoctorwithin – all the chapters and information!
Kurt Francis
Santa Barbara
Dr. Tim:
I’m now at 4 months on 60/day program with your collagen. This mix has w/o a shadow of a doubt reduced my L hip pain from about 10 to a 2! I’m amazed at this improvement.
Implementing the above is literally allowing me to be more active throughout the day! Had I not experienced this myself, I never would have believed collagen would bring me so much relief!
I’m assuming my L hip cartilage is being restored – would you agree? In November I’m scheduled for a visit w/my orthopedic Dr. and a L hip x-ray should be telling.
I’m also beginning to exercise more although, slightly and carefully.
With much gratitude to you,
Rosanne Manner
Dallas, Texas
Dear Dr T
This hydrolyzed collagen is unbelievable. I thought there was no hope!
I have had low back pain for 6 years, worsening every year. A chiropractor I went to was no help. Waking up at night with pain, I even had to stop exercising. It was getting so bad I had to pick up my legs with my hands to get in the car. I began limping, and walked in a stooped over posture, all the time.
Finally one month ago someone told me about collagen. After 5 days taking it, I could walk straight again. After 2 weeks the pain was over 50% gone, and I began trusting my right leg to bear my weight for the first time in 2 years.
Now it’s been one month and the back pain is completely gone, except for occasional twinges. Medicine had nothing for me, except experimental surgery. My life was going down down down. How I ever found out about collagen, I am beyond thankful!
Cheryl Johnston
For more stories go to Testimonials page.
[Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site
we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose,
cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs]
INGREDIENTS: 100% Hydrolyzed Collagen
During the past decade, Hydrolyzed Collagen has become very much in demand all over the world. For optimum uptake at the cellular level, we recommend that the collagen powder be blended in juice. Organic if possible; fruit or vegetable. Thousands of people seem to have achieved best results following this advice.
Occasionally someone will express concern about taking in too much sugar when using juice for the blend. “I can’t take the sugar” ….
Here are a few reasons why such concerns are groundless.
Any fruit or vegetable juice can be used, including celery juice, cucumber juice, cabbage, kale, or any other juice.
Orange juice is the most popular, being the most common breakfast beverage.
Whatever juice you choose, we’re talking about 100% pure of course, no concentrates, nothing added, organic if possible.
Now fructose is the natural fruit sugar in juices. If pure, the juice will contain within it all the vitamins and enzymes necessary for its complete breakdown into its simplest carbohydrate components. That’s called digestion.
This metabolic process will not cause undue stress, abnormal insulin spiking, overtaxing the pancreas or any other adverse effect in the healthy individual. No matter what you might read on google-pedia.
Blood glucose will always be temporarily elevated following a meal that includes carbohydrates. That is a necessary sign of the digestive process. Postprandial. But it soon returns to normal levels between meals. Pure natural juices are not a cause of diabetes. Just visit any supermarket and look down the double aisle of Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, beer, etc. and see the real cause.
How much of that is in your kitchen?
Pure organic juice seems to work best for blending, for 2 logical reasons:
1. collagen suspended in an easily absorbable medium
2. whole food Vitamin C is an important co-factor in initiating the conversion of hydrolyzed collagen into the body’s own new collagen.
So, yes you can dissolve the Hydrolyzed Collagen in a smoothie.
So just forget about imaginary issues about too much sugar, etc. Fruit juice is not the reason why almost 30% of today’s US population is diabetic! See chapter: Sugar The Sweet Thief of Life
It would be intriguing to be able to look into the refrigerators and kitchen cupboards of some of these callers who are so worried about the ‘sugar’ in organic orange juice. Of course we’d find absolutely no Coke, soft drinks, cookies, donuts, liquor, beer, wine, cakes, pies, candy, chocolate, etc, just lying around… Right.
A polypeptide molecule, collagen is a protein in our bodies. In fact, collagen is the largest and most abundant protein in the body, making up about 30% of our total protein.
Proteins are made of amino acids, such as glycine, proline, arginine, hydroxyproline, which are amino acids that exist in collagen in varying proportions, depending upon the source. As the largest protein in the body, collagen is a chain of over 1500 amino acids.
Collagen is the connective tissue for almost all our structures, including
heart……………lungs……….arteries………discs……….blood cells
other organs……hair…………joints………..nails…………prostate
In the organs, decreased collagen causes instability and weakness. Organs like the heart and prostate may enlarge; other organs just get flimsier and weaker. For this type of degenerative problem, drugs simply don’t work.
Why does collagen production decrease? Hormonal changes, drugs, alcohol, processed food, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, overwork, radiation, fluoridated water, excess sun, nutritional deficits, dehydration, stress, trauma.
What else happens as collagen production decreases? Muscles and skin sag. The bones lose density. The joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic. Cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion. Hair loses its wave or curl or thickness. Organs may sag toward the floor (prolapse), and may malfunction. The lungs turn to paper. The heart weakens and enlarges. The liver and prostate may weaken and enlarge. The arteries weaken and are less able to resist plaque formation. Also they are more likely to develop a break in one of their 3 layers (aneurysm). The muscular colon weakens. The skin becomes thinner and it wrinkles.
Ever notice that kids never lick their fingers for friction when thumbing through the pages of a book – only adults do? Collagen breakdown. Ever notice that plastic surgeons often own large houses overlooking the ocean? Collagen breakdown.
Normal digestion breaks down protein into peptides and amino acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream.
In order for the collagen found in foods and most supplements to be utilized by the body, it must first be broken down many times by the digestive system, and then absorbed into the blood in the precise form needed. It’s then reassembled into your collagen. Protein digestion of dietary collagen is often incomplete, resulting in some very large, unusable peptide chains.
This is why eating beef, chicken, turkey, etc. in order to gain muscle mass is an inefficient and metabolically expensive process.
With high end collagen supplements, the protein breakdown is already done, resulting in a more uniform result: usable small chain peptides and amino acids, ready to go. Hydrolyzed collagen radically increases the amount of usable protein in the diet.
Highest quality hydrolyzed collagen supplements are made from cattle hides. All mammalian collagen is structurally identical: including bovine and human. The cattle skin’s outer layer is split from the inner layer. The outer layer is used in the leather industry. The inner layer provides the raw material for a highly technical, multi-step process whose final result is Hydrolyzed Collagen.
This Hydrolyzed Collagen is sourced from grassfed beef.
The raw unprocessed collagen can contain all essential human amino acids except tryptophan, including
Glutamic acid
Aspartic acid
Tryptophan is not necessary to make structural collagen in mammals.[17]
For 100 years, many companies have been using the inner split to manufacture gelatin. Gelatin has been used for decades in the food industry as a thickening, emulsifying, and jelling agent. Examples: marshmallows, candies, health bars, jello, custards, fillings, canning, etc.
There is even a grade of gelatin that is actually used in hospitals as a blood plasma substitute. So we might imagine the strict QC standards for sterility and cleanliness in place in producing collagen of this quality.
High end hydrolyzed collagen as a food supplement came about later on, but does not come from gelatin. Scientists learned to bypass that step and to break the raw material’s long chain triple helix protein into shorter pieces, and then to separate the 3 helices from each other. The resulting short individual peptides make up hydrolyzed collagen.
Cleaving peptides into sections is known as hydrolysis.
One determinant of Hydrolyzed Collagen’s ultimate quality is molecular weight, or size of the finished molecules. The unit of molecular weight is the dalton. The molecular weight of a batch of collagen, although expressed as a single number in daltons, is actually an average size within a range.
Commercial collagens sold as food supplements today can run from 10,000 daltons up to more than 50,000 daltons, depending upon processing. The average is near 45,000. For optimum bioavailability, or uptake at the cellular level, small is better. The lower the number of daltons, the smaller the molecule, the greater the bioavailability.
Below 2000 daltons there would be too many free amino acids, which would give the collagen a very harsh taste. At 3000 daltons, hydrolyzed collagen gives a neutral taste – actually no taste when mixed with fruit juice. This is the optimum molecular size for the best repair usefulness by the body.
Bioavailability is a prime criterion in evaluating any supplement, not just collagen: how much of the supplement actually gets absorbed at the cellular level. Bioavailability is expressed as a percentage, the higher the better, meaning that the greatest percentage of the supplement actually enters the body’s cells.
The 3000 dalton range is more than 15x better than most. Its bioavailability approaches 90%, digested and absorbed [ 2, Asghar] Other studies showed 95% bioavailability by radio-assay testing. [3, Oesser]
By contrast, most health supplements sold in mall stores have very cheap ingredients, which result in very low bioavailability, perhaps in the area of 5% or even less. Many pills, as in most of the multi products, do not even dissolve at all and pass through the body intact. That would obviously be about a 0% bioavailability.
The other criterion for quality is peptide specificity. You probably remember from school that proteins are strings of amino acids. Peptides are pieces of long-chain protein molecules. There are thousands of possible amino acid combinations which can be clipped from any given protein. Each particular length has a specific task it performs once in circulation. It took years of research by the scientists who developed our Hydrolyzed Collagen to produce specific peptides which are the exact size and configuration that can rebuild specific tissues in the human body. No other manufacturer goes to all this trouble. But they charge the same price as our high-end product.
This is the other critical factor that sets our collagen apart from everything else on the market. Peptide Specificity.
For a more complete understanding of Hydrolyzed Collagen please read this whole chapter
Hydrolyzed Collagen comes in a big pouch: 1.1 lbs.
Dosage varies from 2 – 6 tablespoons per day, blended in juice.
How much should you take?
Acute conditions, injuries, arthritis, etc : 3 tablespoons twice a day, blended in juice.
Maintenance dose, or detox program: 3 tablespoons per day, blended in juice. May be done 2x per day if needed.
This is not a pharmaceutical – precise amounts are not critical. You could probably take a whole jar with no adverse effects. But that would be wasteful. Maximum absorbed amount would be in the vicinity of 6 tablespoons per day, for most adults.
That means in order to really give this supplement a fair try, you have to take it every single day, until you go through 2 full packages. Don’t miss a day or you’re wasting money. Only then will you be able to say you really gave it a try.
Why blended in juice? Much better absorption if the collagen is suspended, we found out. Therefore better results. Any kind of fruit or vegetable juice – organic is better of course, no concentrates, sugar, or other additives.
People call all the time and want to know if it’s Type I or Type II. This indicates 3 things:
They’re at the very beginning of an understanding of collagen
They skimmed some superficial articles off google/wiki or one of the low-end collagen sites for a bout 30 seconds.
They never read this chapter.
There’s a short answer and a long answer to this question.
Short answer: it’s both, but Type is a non-issue and not relevant to rebuilding human structures. Type I and Type II are 95% identical. It’s the wrong question for the new shopper. They really should be asking about things like sources and bioavailability, which do vary widely within the industry.
Long answer: (OK to skip this unless you have some college science)
When we’re talking about types, you have to specify, are you talking about the supplement, or the type of tissue you’re trying to strengthen in your own body? There are at least 16 types of collagen in the mammalian body, but most of it is Types 1, 2, and 3.
With our Hydrolyzed Collagen, the source is primarily bovine Type 1. Grass fed, of course, no hormones, antibiotics, etc. But because of its small molecular weight, this collagen is available for many different types of tissues within the body, and all the structural tissues.
So stop reading the contradictory overintellectualized ‘science’ papers pretending to figure what’s the best collagen by Type, and look at the dozens of stories on the Testimonials page of real patients with real problems.
Want to get more technical?
They’re both triple helix,
2 ALPHA helices
1 BETA helix
The 2 Alpha helices are identical. The beta helix is only 7% different.
Therefore the two Types are over 95% identical, with only a very few peptides different.
This is why asking “is the supplement Type I or Type II” is irrelevant, because after hydrolysis, at 3000 daltons average size, there’s no way to tell which type any one peptide came from.
So when someone asks “is it Type I or Type II?” that means that they have just begun to investigate collagen and know very little about it at all. Far less than someone who has read this chapter.
You’re not gonna like this, ladies, but men’s skin is more resistant to aging than women’s. It’s a physiological fact, and it’s incontrovertible.
Why? The short answer is that throughout aeons of mammalian evolution, in trade for the structural advantage for stretchability of the skin, selected for in childbearing, there’s a downside.
Male dermis has a beneficial structural cross linking, a consequence of male hormones. Selected for by hunting and fighting activities, as genetic anthropologists will tell you.
Women’s skin lacks this inborn cross linking, because the lines of skin collagen are formed primarily almost perpendicular from the surface of the skin. Straight in. The result is slightly thinner skin, but extremely more elastic.[17]
This is why those little Chinese gymnast children you see at Cirque de Soleil are never boys. They’re always little girls – extraordinarily elastic. Later on, in the childbearing years, this characteristic comes in very useful, which still applies even to women who give birth in their late 40s. It’s hormonal, directly related to the XX chromosome.
Too bad, but consequently women are prone to the ‘orange peel’ look of the skin’ As the dermis becomes thinner, and fat cells increase, the thin dermis may mold around the bumpy fat cells underneath, giving the classic orange peel look.
This is why women are often willing to rush off to any plastic surgeon who promises to tighten things up a little. It can sometimes help. But many are opting for a much less expensive, natural and noninvasive first resort: Hydrolyzed Collagen food supplement.
You’ll read this on the label – do not take any other protein powders when you are taking this supplement. Why not? Simple. It’s a waste of money.
Our whole philosophy is that we want patients to be taking the least number of food supplements possible, spending the least amount of money on supplements, but still giving the cells everything they need for optimum cell nutrition and detoxification. Nutrition and detox are only valid if they’re addressed to the cellular level.
If you’re taking several protein supplements, how would you know what does what?
Another of the most commonly asked question that people call in with – why no other protein powders? A few of the reasons:
Bringing the raw split all the way to the best finished hydrolyzed collagen is a very expensive and complicated process involving huge tanks and equipment, many of which are some 4 stories high.
Here is a summary of the major steps, again for the technically minded:
1. Washing
First there is a very thorough washing process to remove large impurities from the raw split.
2. Hydrolysis to 3000 daltons
The best method for hydrolysis of the raw split uses a proprietary blend of proteolytic enzymes. Without heat and acids, the bio-compatible integrity of the finished molecules will be guaranteed.
The best companies skip the gelatin phase, and hydrolyze raw material directly from the split.
3. Microfiltration
Next: microfiltration at 80°C to remove small particulate contaminants
4. Deionization, for purity.
All foreign molecules and salts are removed via cationic and anionic ionization
5. Concentration
A proprietary process next brings the 5% protein concentration of the raw split up to the necessary 15% protein concentration.
6. Sterilization
The material is sterilized at 140 degrees C for 3 seconds.
7. Hydrogen Peroxide perfusion
The material is stored in giant vats for 3 days in an H2O2 solution and then tested again for microbes. Virtually never are any found by this stage.
8. Spray drying
This step is done in huge stainless steel vats several stories high, with powerful blowers. A completely sterile process, it takes over 8 hours. Spray drying at 80 ° removes H2O2 and enzyme residue.
9. Metal detection
Last step. The hydrolyzed collagen is blown through a metal detector for any possible heavy metal contamination. They never find anything of course, after all this hydrolysis and sterilization, but they always want to err on the side of purity.
After that, the material is bagged, in a final very sterile process and placed on pallets for shipping.
Very few companies go to all this trouble to get these smallest, purest peptides, so close to human building blocks of lean muscle, damaged joints and providing for other collagen deficiencies.
Once the body is provided with usable building blocks for new collagen, often for the first time, most systems can show dramatic improvement:
Impossible? Why have we heard so little about the fantastic effects of collagen? Well just think – if a natural food supplement 100% clean, with no side effects could actually have powerful therapeutic effects on any system dependent on collagen, who would study that? Who would publish the results?
Actually, legitimate studies have recently been conducted, and the results are overwhelming. See References.
As we’ve seen, skin is made of collagen. As we age, collagen production drops off and skin sags because it gets thinner, weaker, drier, and less resilient, less pliable. This deterioration is directly linked to amino acid content.
Specific amino acids in the skin’s structure, like glycine, proline, hydroproline, and alanine – decrease with age and bad diet.
Since Hydrolyzed Collagen contains most essential amino acids, it is not surprising then that third party clinical studies have clearly demonstrated significant skin improvement by taking it daily.
A 2008 study in Tokyo [14] of 33 women ages 40-60 who took 10 g of Hydrolyzed Collagen daily for 2 months showed a 91% increase in skin hydration and resilience.
A Dermiscan study in Lyon, France in 2008 showed similar findings in an age group of 35-55: an increase in skin smoothness and hydration, using the new Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer technologies. [15, 16]
After 12 weeks of 10g Hydrolyzed Collagen daily, 41% less furrowing, less wrinkles, more resilient, more hydrated. Skin resilience was measured by the C&Z Cutometer, which is objective and state of the art.
Other scientists have shown exactly how the new collagen is rebuilt, not only in the skin, but in bones and ligaments. Metabolites of Hydrolyzed Collagen build bone, skin and ligaments by attracting fibroblasts. This is how they trigger the synthesis of new collagen. ([5] Postlethwaite)
Hydrolyzed Collagen also increases the diameter of collagen fibrils in the dermis by the same mechanism: fibroblast stimulation. This in turn increases cohesion of the dermal collagen fibers themselves, which is a true anti-aging step. In the skin, this action means increased thickness, suppleness and resilience, as well as hydration.
Hydration, or water content of skin tissue, is proven directly related to overall smoothness and decreased furrowing and wrinkling. ([9] Sumida)
Global awareness of the value of hydrolyzed collagen is skyrocketing across the world today at more than 10% per year, in several applications. In Japan and China the most popular area of increased awareness of hydrolyzed collagen is in anti-aging cosmetics, specifically for skin rebuilding, and for hair and nails. Japan is already a huge market for hydrolyzed collagen, and their demand is increasing about 3% per year.
In China it’s a newer discovery, and that demand is increasing at a rate close to 100% per year. The effective cosmetic uses of hydrolyzed collagen as employed in Asia are now well documented by many clinical studies we will cite.
In Europe, where hydrolyzed collagen is certainly very important for cosmetics, the #1 application is in the area of bone health. Elderly folks, especially women, are acutely aware of the epidemic levels of osteoporosis in their demographic. The unfortunate truth is that most of the standard osteoporosis information, furnished by the pharmaceutical industry to promote drugs and calcium supplements, is incorrect. Many of the drugs, like Fosamax, are not only dangerous, but they actually harm the bones in the long run, making them to dense, weaker and brittle as marble.
But Europeans have known for years that hydrolyzed collagen, as a natural product, can deliver the promised improvement to bone health with none of the documented side effects of drugs. That’s one reason demand for hydrolyzed collagen is increasing at about 5% per year in Europe.
In the US and in South America, the demand for hydrolyzed collagen is increasing by about 20% per year, for these same effects: improvements in skin, hair and nails as well as bone re-mineralization.
The increased global demand for hydrolyzed collagen has brought with it some new dangers, of course. Newcomers to the collagen industry, with little experience in processing traditions, seeing the glittering new market, take many production shortcuts, and focus instead on making extravagant claims.
Back in 2005 the World Health Organization said that 41% of Americans were obese. Think it’s gone up or down since then? Different sources, different figures, but just look around. Obesity is a Body Mass Index over 30. Overweight is a BMI over 25, so easily much of the population is overweight, at least 60%.
Obesity happens with a high ratio of energy-dense and indigestible foods compared with body’s energy used. What we don’t need is stored as fat.
It has been known for 25 years that Hydrolyzed Collagen has a very satiating effect: appetite suppressing, thereby promoting weight loss, as shown in many clinical studies. [4,6]
That’s why since the 1990s, the makers of health bars have been adding collagen for weight loss applications because it promotes appetite control.
But with our 3000-dalton powder form, mixed in juices, 10 g per day not only suppresses appetite but also provides highly usable protein. Nor are there any acids, fillers, hormones, antibiotics, or harsh processing — the downside of standard weight loss gimmicks we’re all familiar with.
Another area that is increasing worldwide demand for hydrolyzed collagen is certainly the field of sports nutrition. A natural available molecule that can quickly boost lean muscle gain, decrease recovery time, rebuild damaged joint structures without surgery, improve cardiovascular performance – on and on – athletes all over the world are dumping their steroids and cortisone in favor of Hydrolyzed Collagen.
This is accomplished by its promotion of natural creatine, an essential amino in new muscle growth following workouts. Arginine within the hydrolyzed collagen also promotes increased muscle mass.
Hydrolyzed Collagen is the ideal source for amino acids because of the care taken in production. Enzyme hydrolysis.. This cannot be said for most brands of arginine, creatine, hydroxyproline, etc. sold in mall stores and gyms.
Athletes who want the healthiest training methods are learning that large quantities of pure Hydrolyzed Collagen can be added directly to smoothies and shakes and have a much more immediate effect than the small amounts in the sugared hydrogenated “health bars.” Or the overblown protein drinks, ubiquitous in supplement stores and health clubs, which are not in the same category as low molecular weight Hydrolyzed Collagen, in any discussion of metabolic physiology promoting optimum athletic performance.
The group which probably benefits most of all from these same exact pathways of amino acid nutrition with Hydrolyzed Collagen is certainly the elderly. With reduced diet intake, the availability of usable proteins is optimized if Hydrolyzed Collagen is employed as a food in the daily routine. Same deal as with athletes: maintenance of leaner muscle, decreased fats to clog arteries, increased organ support. [7, Hays]
These days there are many different collagen products online. You see them at health food stores and everywhere. Most are made using harsh production steps, as cheaply as possible and then marketed as the best possible, etc. Capsules are a giveaway it’s less than optimum. Kinda hard to fit 3 tablespoons into a capsule.
In powder form, Hydrolyzed Collagen can be mixed with fruit or vegetable juice, preferably organic, not from concentrate. Any time of day – with meals, without meals – doesn’t matter. Use a blender. If it foams up, just wait till the foam goes away. For marginal results, mix it in water. For no results, try coffee.
Because of the expense of the careful processing described, there is no comparison in results with other commercial collagen. Taking it twice a day, 2 or 3 tablespoons in juice, most patients notice a some difference in 3 weeks or less. After a month, many have experienced dramatic changes. As with any completely natural product, the result is cumulative, which means don’t miss a day once you start. Or expect changes overnight. How long did it take you to get this worn out?
We’ve all heard about Glucosamine sulfate – a protein supplement derived from the chitin of shellfish. Chitin is the hard material that makes up the shells. The theory is that in pure form, glucosamine sulfate will rebuild joints because it is a component of the shellfish’s shells as well as a component of your cartilage.
An Italian researcher, Rovati, was the world authority in the area of glucosamine sulfate for over 60 years. The main problem was stability – isolated glucosamine sulfate naturally tends to degrade into formless mush after about 30 days. In the 1970s, Dr. Rovati patented a process to stabilize glucosamine sulfate, which process is still used today. Glucosamine sulfate can sometimes deliver what it promises – relieve joint problems.
But what usually happens when people stop taking glucosamine? Right – the problem returns. That’s what everybody says. Why is that? Because the action of glucosamine in joints is primarily anti-inflammatory. Not reconstructive. Glucosamine may stop the inflammation, which is caused by the action of worn out discs, joint capsules, menisci, bursae, etc. But the irritation continues and inflammation is constantly occurring. So when the glucosamine stops coming in, inflammation is once again uncontrolled, and the pain starts back up.
Above we have seen recent clinical studies cited for the use of Hydrolyzed Collagen. Some of the early work that was done with hydrolyzed collagen involved cancer patients. As cancer progresses, it often destroys muscle tissue in a very aggressive fashion. People who have been around family members who are dying of cancer may notice the characteristic way that the muscles of the arms and legs seem to turn to limp string. Doctors call this condition cachexia.
As more and more patients began to use Hydrolyzed Collagen, a wide range of clinical gains was demonstrated. First the chronic joint conditions, especially of shoulders and knees that had been weak and painful for years — suddenly, normal. Canceling replacement surgery is almost routine. Many patients report the skin thickens and tightens, after daily supplementation is begun. They say hair often thickens as well. Those changes we expected.
But what was most surprising was the number of organic dysfunction cases that were addressed.
[See: Feedback and Testimonials section on the site]
Such improvements would show up with great regularity, and soon we came to almost expect them. When the physiology of these conditions is considered, the logic falls into place. For the first time in years, the body is being provided with the building blocks of its own new collagen. It prioritizes where the collagen is needed most – the epitome of the holistic model.
This is a completely different approach from drugs which admit to being destructive in the chronic case.
Performance athletes and bodybuilders all over the world are switching to hydrolyzed collagen. For a reason..
In the 60 Day Program, it has been practically a mantra that we want to keep the number of supplements to an absolute minimum so that the patient was spending the least amount of money, but still taking in everything necessary for a complete detox and nutrition turnaround. These patients are the target of every Magic Bullet Salesman since Louis Pasteur, all claiming their products were essential to any effective program, etc.
But with collagen this clean and absorbable, the body can often benefit from suddenly having something that hasn’t been present for years, but which is the structural material of virtually every part. And it’s the body itself that is doing the prioritizing – the triage. The body directs the repair materials to the locations most in need — truly emblematic of the holistic model.
Holistic means give the body what it needs to heal its own tissues, remove the interference, remove the accumulated wastes. And stick with the program until normal equilibrium is re-established, no matter what. Classic simplicity, with high expectation of positive results; but difficult to commit to, because it requires lifestyle change.
Sadly, when faced with a choice between lifestyle change and death, most people will choose death.
Obviously that’s not the demographic that can expect the best results from the 60 Day Program, which includes 6 supplements all of the same calibre as the Hydrolyzed Collagen we have been describing.
But for those with the wherewithal to follow through and adhere strictly to the regimen, the missing key to their health picture may appear.
We didn’t even have time to name it – it’s just called Hydrolyzed Collagen. Set forth in the chapters of thedoctorwithin.com it’s a product that can affect all the systems of the body at the cellular level.
Hydrolyzed Collagen is the definition of the 100% natural food supplement, aimed at highest bioavailability at the cellular level.
[Disclaimer: As with all food supplements on this site
we are not guaranteeing or claiming to diagnose,
cure, or treat any disease condition. These are not drugs]
1. Engelbrecht, Christoph – Interview: Paris, France 6 May 2010
2. Asghar, A – 1982 chemical biochemical and functional characteristics of collagen—Advances in Food Research vol 28 p 231
3. Oesser , S – 1999 oral administration of 14cgelatinhydrolasate
Journal of Nutrition vol 129 p1891
4. Veldhorst M – A breakfast with a-lactalbumin protein Clinical Nutrition vol 28 p 147 2009
5. Posstlethwaite, A – 1978 Chemotactic attraction of human fibroblasts National Acad. Of Sciences vol 75(20 p 871
6. Martin A – Advanced nutritional intakes Ed. Tec. & Doc Paris 2001
7. Hays N – Effects of whey and fortified collagen Journal of Am. Dietetic Assn. vol 109 p 1082 2009
8. Guyton, A.C., M – Textbook of Medical Physiology
9. Sumida E The effect of oral ingestion of collagen peptide on skin hydration Journal of Nutritional Food vol 7(3) p 45
10. Theodesakis – The Arthritis Cure
11. Warberg, Otto – The Metabolism of Tumors
12. Rotta Research Labs – “Profile of Glucosamine Sulfate”
13. Woods, Chris – “Repairing Parchment With Collagen” 16 Apr 1997
14. SOUKEN study Tokyo Japan: two month study hydrolyzed collagen 2008
15. DERMISCAN study Lyon France Cutaneous properties of hydrolyzed collagen 2008.
16. COURAGE and KHAZAKA study: Moisturizing effect of hydrolyzed collagen measured with Corneometer and Skin Image Analyzer
17. Seminars with German molecular biologist Stephan Housmanns, PhD – Autumn 2016
A few more collagen stories from patients:
Dear Dr O’Shea
wanted to thank you for all the work you have done to make your detox program available to not only me but the public.
I finished the 60 day program and “wow” what a difference it has made for me. Not only feeling better in all aspects but lost about 30 pounds. I was headed for a health crisis and feel for the first time I can get well.
Before program I was 235 lbs. at 60 years old. Eating well did not change my weight or how I felt……weight gain came on gradually over the last 6 years – it was impossible to lose. Health was getting worse, tired, no stamina, lethargic, could not exercise and got worse when I did.
November 2013 blood pressure was 210/110 and nothing I tried made it any different……..thought I was going to explode internally………every heart attack symptom I knew about I had and then some. Told my kids I felt like I did not have very long to live.
Had to get on Lisinopril and I had not been on any medication since I was 18 years old. Medication helped me get out of crisis mode but still did not feel well. At times my blood pressure was too low while on meds. Started your program and within 10 days my blood pressure was 137/72 most of the time without being on meds. Felt like I was being able to come out of the land of the dead.
Stronger physically…..have had a lower back condition that has been debilitating since 1992 and even that had drastically changed. Stamina increased gradually, not tired, all symptoms associated with going to have a heart attack pretty much have disappeared. I have lost 30 pounds. I started the 60 day program in May 2014 and have continued to follow it.
Thanks again for all your work you have done with developing your program and making it available……….I can only guess as to the amount of time, effort and energy it took. All I can say is I will be eternally grateful for getting a second chance to live again…
Every time my kids see me they are totally shocked as to how much better I am…………they saw me on a downhill slide before that they never thought I was going to come out of other then dying.
Mark M Diede, D.C.
PS: You are right about the trolls in the state of Arizona.
For years I have been a competition water skier, specializing in slalom skiing. I had learned to replace my low-end generic protein powders a couple of years ago with Hydrolyzed Collagen, introduced to me by Dr O’Shea. It always worked extremely well to build lean muscle and also for quick healing of minor injuries and strains in three days or less. So much better than all those other standard health club powders.
I never thought I would have to put collagen to the test however until I had a freak accident that cost me my biceps. I was skiing with a very short line and started to fall. As my hand hit the water, the rope handle popped out of my hand, and in a split second the boat snapped the handle away, which went up my arm, right into my biceps, severing it in half crossways, with the tendons still attached. The pain was unimaginable.
I was most unfortunate then to go first to an orthopedist who delayed treatment due to misdiagnosis of the type of injury. By the time I had found a competent surgeon, my arm was in a pre-gangrenous state. That surgeon did the surgery the next day, removed all that was left of the biceps and insertions, leaving me minus one biceps. I began rehabbing a week later with range of motion exercise, and doubling the collagen dose. After just 3 weeks of rehab I could straighten my arm all the way.
I continued the regimen, and after a few months was able to resume virtually all my sports activities again, including water skiing. Although I no longer perform at the intense competitive level, my recovery has been dramatic. I am able to do almost everything I had done before the injury, with compensatory development of collateral musculature, resulting from the constant rehab exercises and collagen. I am very glad I discovered this very simple and effective collagen product; I just wish I didn’t have to test it to this extent!
J. Thielman
Lake Tahoe
hi doc,
Skiing in Lake Tahoe. Took a very easy fall but landed wrong and flipped backwards onto the right shoulder. Examination showed severe rotator cuff tear with Grade I acromio-clavicular separation. The shoulder was completely locked up for 2 weeks. No range of motion in any arc, due to severe pain and edema. Practicing chiropractor – could not work at all. Began looking into total disability paperwork. Then I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day. Noticed immediate results — gradually increased motion, decreased swelling, improving quickly. After 2 weeks, I was able to return to work, with some restriction.. After 6 weeks continuing with Collagen, was completely recovered, with no residual pain, stiffness, or restricted motion. No drugs, no medical doctors, no rehab. Just collagen and chiropractic adjustment – natural holistic, vitalistic approach.
Dr Brent Trockman
Avila Beach CA
This hydrolyzed collagen is unbelievable. I thought there was no hope!
I have had low back pain for 6 years, worsening every year. A chiropractor I went to was no help. Waking up at night with pain, I even had to stop exercising. It was getting so bad I had to pick up my legs with my hands to get in the car. I began limping, and walked in a stooped over posture, all the time.
Finally one month ago someone told me about collagen. After 5 days taking it, I could walk straight again. After 2 weeks the pain was over 50% gone, and I began trusting my right leg to bear my weight for the first time in 2 years.
Now it’s been one month and the back pain is completely gone, except for occasional twinges. Medicine had nothing for me, except experimental surgery. My life was going down down down. How I ever found out about collagen, I am beyond thankful!
Cheryl Johnston
i bought your collagen and my tooth is no longer loose
Mary Lynn <
The collagen has been working remarkably well for my patients. And fast. Have one auto accident patient, in her 60s. Badly injured hip joint, limping. 8 weeks of best chiropractic care yielded minimal results. Began collagen and in 2 weeks she had full range of motion and was practically healed up. I’ve seen the benefit for my patients, not just with collagen but with the rest of your supplements as well.
Thank you, Dr T!
Dr Aaron Seaton
Hey Dr T!
Thanks to your Hydrolyzed Collagen I cancelled my hip replacement surgery.
Here’s what happened: I had severe degenerative arthritis, according to my doctor, and the X-rays. The hip socket was bone on bone – you could see it clearly. It got to the point where I was in almost constant pain and had to use a cane to walk. I had to be on 2 pain killers a day, including Diclofenec, which can cause stroke and heart attack – – but otherwise I just couldn’t function. I started taking your collagen twice a day, blended in juice, just like the label says. After 2 months I was much better – after 3 months I had no pain at all! I can walk now, go swimming and do normal activities. So glad I found this solution and skipped the surgery. The doctors weren’t happy. Thank you!
Indiana Gary
Hello, my name is Don. I ordered your Collagen about 2 weeks ago and am amazed of how well it works. I’m a 41 year old bodybuilder/MMA training & bootcamp participant. My shoulder presses are on the heavy side and i was having problems with my left shoulder for months….now it went away….cannot beleive it. I have a question about this product, i noticed that my erections are better and semen volume has risen….no complaints here, but just wondering if this stimulates HGH levels or something? my email is 🙂
Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Cravings Reduced
About 8 months ago my daughter and I started taking the Hydrolyzed Collagen. Our dosage is 2 tablespoons of collagen twice a day.
We both had muscle pain which for her went away quite quickly. Mine, since I’m in my 70’s, healed slower.
We had significant weight loss. She has lost 27 pounds –I have lost 17 pounds.
Daughter has gone from a size 12 to a size 6, and I have gone from a 12 to an 8.
I have also had a remarkable change in hair thickness, as well as faster growth of fingernails. Everyone has noticed these changes, as well as a thickening of the skin of the face.
We try to stick to grass-fed meat and organic produce but it wasn’t until the
introduction of the Hydrolyzed Collagen that things started to improve.
We both will be taking this amazing supplement for the rest of our lives. I believe this will slow down the aging process.
Sue P. — Las Vegas
I had major degenerative changes in the cervical spine – discs gone C4-T1, both knees bone on bone, both the hips – bone on bone at acetabula, discs gone at L4 and L5. This was after a lifetime of sports including martial arts, marathons, etc. I was reduced to a wheelchair for more than a year, in constant pain. I could walk at home, but very slowly, and was bent forward at a 30 degree angle.
Then I learned about the Hydrolyzed Collagen from Dr O’Shea’s seminar I attended. After a month or 2, I quit the wheel chair for a walker, then went to a cane, and finally returned to unassisted walking. But the most amazing finding was getting new X-rays after a year of taking the collagen 2x a day: the discs had returned in both the neck and low back, and the menisci in both knees had returned! Also the hips, though still close up against the acetabula, were significantly improved. I had far less pain than before, allowing me to walk. The doctor said the new X-rays looked like that of a 30 year old. (I’ve been in practice that long)
What really turned it around for me was when I upped the daily dose to 3 tablespoons 2x a day. I could just feel my strength and mobility return. I feel very fortunate having discovered this Hydrolyzed Collagen. Without it I would certainly have been in the land of the tall trees by now.
– Dr S. Bosshuf, Santa Barbara
HI Doc
For many years I used to get Cortizone shots in the base of each thumb and my big toe approximately every eight months. After taking your Hydrolyzed Collagen for a few months the pain was gone! Because of an injury to my toe I had one additional shot. With that exception, I have been pain free all this time. I have been taking Hydrolyzed Collagen every day for 3-4 years. Thanks for a great product!
Jerry Medinger
Key Largo
Dear Dr O’Shea
Our office has been buying 50 Collagen at once for several years. Paients love it. Many success stories. we just had a man with a knee surgery who was told it would take 14 weeks before he could walk again, After 7 weeks he was completely healed and walks with no pain.. thank you!
Dr Roger Roberts office
Sierra Vista AZ
[Dr T]: that’s great, doc. I just wished he would have tried it sooner – might have avoided the surgeryua altogether, like so many others. Keep up the good work. The healing begins in your office.
Hi Doctor Tim,
Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen.
All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobblY. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction.
I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to regrow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee!
That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July.
Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my team mates appreciate my high work rate.
Thanks Tim
Philip Wen
Dear Dr,
Can you send another consignment of Collagen ?
However while reading through your testimonials I noticed the advice you gave to a couple of people about a loading dose – so for a low back pain I had been experiencing I doubled the dose, as you advised, and literally the next day my back had improved. The day after that I was 100% better.
Couldn’t believe it. Great Stuff. Many thanks.
Kind Regards,
T. O’Kelly
Very informative Dr T.
You have obviously spent a great deal of time and effort with this subject and the products. In a world with so much marketplace competition it is rare to find your web page. .. there are exceedingly unscrupulous merchants that sell rotten and harmful foodstuff from China and anywhere else they can get it to unsuspecting consumers. For the sake of myself and my family I am careful of what we all consume.
I have ulcerative colitis and am hoping this will be a healthy choice for me. So for these reasons I am careful to read and understand product information on labels. I do not know anything about you or your product and only have your website to go on for information. I am the sole provider. I cannot afford to risk my health for any reason because that would jeopardize my livelihood as well.
Based on the manufacturing process of this product described on your website I would like to purchase your hydrolyzed collagen today. The information in the chapter of your web page was what to look for in the best hydrolyzed product and did not claim it applied to your product necessarily. But I will assume your product is produced exactly the way as described on your site.
Thanks for your time and for the lesson on collagen.
David Stokely
Thanks a lot, Dr. T.
We will always remember you as our angel who watches over us and guards us against all evils and from being lured in by charlatans and “googlepedia” as you call it.
Really for a novice who is desperately looking for a cure, we are often drawn to our eventual disappointments. There’s so much to learn from you and from your website that it will take two lifetimes to learn from it. How you were able to master it is beyond admirable. My wife and I often think of your sage words whenever we are reading something and often use this question to help guide us:
“What would Dr. T think about this?
For instance, we were all along doing our smoothies with your Hydrolyzed Collagen with all the mixed fruits and berries thinking we should get as much nutrients and enzyme as we can to optimize our body’s needs. We were also following your direction: “Get the most nutrients into your body as you eat.” Good thing you caught us in time when you told us, mixing Hydrolyzed collagen with tea is bad. Mixing it with so many varieties is also bad and it’s better to mix with one fruit or one vegetable juice. Whew! What a screeching halt that was.
Anyway, this statement is to tell you how much we must still learn from your immense knowledge. Thank you also for sharing it with us and everyone so generously and openly.
God Bless You.
Molly Vivian and Joseph
Los Angeles
Greg White, 60 years old, Santa Paula, CA
Two years ago, Mr. White was taking morphine and Vicodin multiple times a day. His original injury had been mishandled by Worker’s Compensation, – four failed back surgeries, and his medical doctors were trying to convince him to go for a fifth.
For some 31 years Mr. White has been a patient of Dr. Alice Nelson of Santa Barbara CA. He had been coming in for adjustments every six weeks or so. After a nutritional seminar with Dr. Tim O’Shea, Dr. Nelson thought a trial of collagen for Mr. White would be worthwhile.
He no longer looks like the man we knew 2 years ago. That man had severe muscle wasting, and was by his own admission, a drug addict to those pharmaceutical drugs he was taking. The man we see now has regained much of his musculature and is completely free of all prescription pain medications.
How did Mr. White get to this point? In his own words:
I started taking the collagen about a year ago (June 25, 2009), . The collagen calls me. I listen to my body. I take it every day, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. I don’t forget, it’s food to me. It’s what my body wants. I like to think I can trust what my body says, now.
[When under medical care] I was doing what I was told, and it was killing me, slowly. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. Ignorance isn’t bliss!
I asked if his medical doctors wanted to know why he is so much better.
I don’t think so. They were angry I didn’t want to continue with the morphine. They lost money, I think that was it.
With regard to taking collagen:
It’s easy. If you take the collagen once or twice a day for a couple of weeks you’ll know there is a difference. Your fingernail clippers don’t work as well… If it helps my fingernails, I’m thinkin’… what else is it doing all over my body? …THIS is modern medicine. Making people better. I’m a better person with less pain. And, I’m clearer now. No more fog in the head.
Mr. White told his surgeon that he’s saving about one thousand dollars a month in prescriptions.
“Collagen unlike pharmaceuticals is not poison, it’s GOOD. If you’re paying attention at all, you will quickly notice improvement – little bit by little bit – until you say wow! This stuff is amazing!
I wouldn’t let them do a lumbar fusion – and they fought me, hard – …I don’t know why they [the medical doctors] didn’t get on the phone and call you guys. Why didn’t they want to know what’s so different about the collagen, and chiropractic? Where is “here, have some more morphine” in the Hippocratic Oath?
In the dark of the night, there’s only one person there… and until you call for help, you’re alone. …If you don’t think there’s hope, there isn’t hope.”
thought you might be interested that your collagen is turning my grey hair back to its original color of dark brown.
– dr steve
Thank you for your advice regarding your 100% hydrolyzed collagen supplement. I will look forward to receiving 12 packs in due course.
Regarding my knee story, if it is helpful:
I have had weak knees since i was a child. Most of my life, I was not able to kneel down for more than a few minutes without pain, and when i got up I was always stiff when i started walking.
Ten years ago I was advised to take some serrapeptase enzyme for a different reason, and my knees became very loose and would regularly clunk slightly out of joint. This was painful and very alarming. As a result I was no longer able to sit cross-legged, or kneel down at all. Every time i got up, I would hobble for several minutes in pain and stiffness. I was only in my early 40s.
Then, earlier this year, I tried your collagen. I took two heaped tablespoons in vegetable juice twice a day. Within two months I was able to kneel down without pain. It was amazing. My knees no longer clunk out and I am not stiff when i get up. This is hard to believe as I lived with stiffness for most of my life, but it is absolutely true! I am so grateful!
My husband used to have very white hands and feet in the winter, but after taking the collagen at the same dose (two table spoons twice a day) his noticed his hands and feet were a normal colour again. He was really surprised and happy and he no longer gets chllblains, which were very painful.
And lastly, our dog. She is an old rescue, and was very poorly. Since starting on the collagen, she has had a new lease of life. She is no longer sick after eating, and her back legs, which were very weak with no muscle, have strengthened up really well. Although she will never be a strong dog, she bounces around and is so much happier.
With kind appreciation and thanks.
Joanna Fuller
Somerset UK
Hi Doctor Tim,
Was glad to have stumbled upon your site and took a chance to purchase your collagen.
All my life, I had been an avid soccer player, and 8 years back I had to call it quits as both my knees were wobblY. I suffered from acute stabs of pain in my left knee whenever I suddenly changed direction.
I had an MRI done and the orthopedic doctor asked if I would like to consider microfracturing to try to regrow some worn knee tissues. All it cost was around USD $15K or so per knee!
That was only in June this year before I ordered my Collagen from you which arrived in early July.
Now, I am actually playing soccer again!! – for 2 teams whose average age is around 35. I am 52 and am proud to say that my team mates appreciate my high work rate.
Thanks Tim
Philip Wen
Dr. O’Shea – you have another winner with this new Collagen supplement! It is definitely on my top five supplement list. The list of side benefits are amazing. The weight loss my wife has experienced was an unexpected bonus. Scars disappearing, hair and nails thickening, better sleep, etc. I and my family will be taking this for life in addition to the other fine cutting edge supplements you recommend. It’s so nice to know someone who has done the research and sells the “real deal” and that I’m no longer wasting my money trying to find the right supplements in the health food jungle.
– Martin Runik, Cameron Park CA
Dear Dr O’Shea,
I had a emergency liver transplant in 2009, after a severe liver infection. The drs. said I wouldn’t make it and my family was told to say goodbye. By the grace of God and the Cleveland Clinic I survived. But, as a result of the trauma, medically induced coma, and a long hospital stay I came out with neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I woke up with severe body pain all over, in my joints, and been loaded with so many toxins they didn’t function well.
My hairdresser sells the collagen at her salon and recommended I try it. I was at a point I could barely walk when I woke up because of hip pain.
After trying your collagen powder for just one night. I woke up with NO HIP PAIN what so ever. After taking it for a couple weeks by body all over body pain is now finally gone!
I also had tried the WEN hair products and lost a lot of hair as a result. Nothing was helping me grow it back but your powder. I can feel new growth !!
Now I hop out of bed and feel like I did when I was 30 and am now 48yrs old. HUGE DIFFERENCE in my life in every way and I don’t have to take pain meds. Prescribed by dr.
Michele Manco
Cleveland, OH
Hydrolyzed collagen for my dog?
Wouldn’t have guessed it but thank you for this wonderful product.
Our 13 year old retriever has been undergoing chemotherapy for cancer for some time. As a result, she developed an abscess in her leg that was resistant to all antibiotics, for months. It was very painful and caused her to limp.
In desperation one night she chewed her leg all the way down to the bone to get at the abscess. She actually got most of it but by that time there was a huge hole where the skin and muscle had been chewed away. The wound would not close, became infected, and was not getting better. The vet couldn’t help at all. This was when we started adding Hydrolyzed Collagen to her food. There was an immediate improvement– you could see it – the wound began to close. With no drugs, she got better and better until after two months of collagen, her leg is completely healed . I wouldn’t have believed t if I hadn’t seen it happen right before my eyes.
Thank you for this great product!!
– Dr Susan
San Jose
I have been taking collagen for almost 4 years now. I originally had chronic joint pain of the knees and hands for about 10 years. Nothing helped except for glucosamine, and that was only a little. Nothing appeared like a cure until I began taking Hydrolyzed Collagen regularly. Soon I could exercise normally – no pain. This collagen definitely cured me of joint pain. I found a winning ticket and I will continue to take it. HC for the rest of my life because of everything it does.
Thank you!
– A. French, Bay Area
Greg White, 60 years old, Santa Paula, CA
Two years ago, Mr. White was taking morphine and Vicodin multiple times a day. His original injury had been mishandled by Worker’s Compensation, – four failed back surgeries, and his medical doctors were trying to convince him to go for a fifth.
For some 31 years Mr. White has been a patient of Dr. Alice Nelson of Santa Barbara CA. He had been coming in for adjustments every six weeks or so. After a nutritional seminar with Dr. Tim O’Shea, Dr. Nelson thought a trial of collagen for Mr. White would be worthwhile.
He no longer looks like the man we knew 2 years ago. That man had severe muscle wasting, and was by his own admission, a drug addict to those pharmaceutical drugs he was taking. The man we see now has regained much of his musculature and is completely free of all prescription pain medications.
How did Mr. White get to this point? In his own words:
“I started taking the collagen about a year ago (June 25), . The collagen calls me. I listen to my body. I take it every day, once in the morning, and again in the afternoon. I don’t forget, it’s food to me. It’s what my body wants. I like to think I can trust what my body says, now.
[When under medical care] I was doing what I was told, and it was killing me, slowly. Nobody saw anything wrong with that. Ignorance isn’t bliss!
I asked if his medical doctors wanted to know why he is so much better.
I don’t think so. They were angry I didn’t want to continue with the morphine. They lost money, I think that was it.
With regard to taking collagen:
It’s easy. If you take the collagen once or twice a day for a couple of weeks you’ll know there is a difference. Your fingernail clippers don’t work as well… If it helps my fingernails, I’m thinkin’… what else is it doing all over my body? …THIS is modern medicine. Making people better. I’m a better person with less pain. And, I’m clearer now. No more fog in the head.”
Mr. White told his surgeon that he’s saving about one thousand dollars a month in prescriptions.
“Collagen unlike pharmaceuticals is not poison, it’s GOOD. If you’re paying attention at all, you will quickly notice improvement – little bit by little bit – until you say wow! This stuff is amazing!
I wouldn’t let them do a lumbar fusion – and they fought me, hard – …I don’t know why they [the medical doctors] didn’t get on the phone and call you guys. Why didn’t they want to know what’s so different about the collagen, and chiropractic? Where is “here, have some more morphine” in the Hippocratic Oath?
In the dark of the night, there’s only one person there… and until you call for help, you’re alone. …If you don’t think there’s hope, there isn’t hope.”
Dr T:
Having initially started on the collagen for kidney degeneration (blood tests every 6 months) 8 months into the collagen I herniated a lower back disc and began treating with inversion – which has definitely helped. I have confirmed cervical spondylitis aggravated by torn rotator cuff muscles in both shoulders which never seemed to heal completely.
I have been taking the collagen one time a day – 2 tablespoons – for several months, and I can see no obvious benefit. I exercise but invariably arthritis kicks in and I have to ease up.
At 61 I seem to be suffering from steady degeneration thanks to a very hardworking life – complicated by massive stress. Always lived a healthy life on all fronts. I see much sense in your approach – and humour.
Am I expecting miracles from the small ration of collagen? is it worth continuing?
Many thanks for your consideration, it is much appreciated.
from ……
the Yukon
[Dr T]:
THAT’S EASY- no loading dose. someone with as stressful a life as you is causing destruction faster than your tissues can be repaired. not unlike a basketball player with a sprained ankle who thinks it’ll heal if he keeps playing. In your extremely traumatic lifestyle, you must start out with a loading dose – which you’ve never done– which would be 3 tblsp twice a day.
what you’ve been doing is barely enough to keep pace with the rate of declining collagen production that accompanies aging– to reverse a degenerative trend you have to tip the balance in favor of abundant availability– to give the body all it needs to maintain tissue integrity and at the same time repair tissue damage–
i thought this was explained in the chapter on hydrolyzed collagen, but maybe it wasn’t clear enough– so the answer is — double or triple your intake — not forever but at least for 2 or 3 jars until you reverse the trend more toward healing instead of progressive degeneration.
and take a break– ! life is short enough!
dr t
thought you might be interested that your collagen is turning my grey hair back to its original color of dark brown.
– dr steve
After attending Dr O’Shea’s nutrition seminar I have been using the 60 Day Detox in my practice.
Recently I was working with a patient, a 50 year old construction worker who had a swollen and arthritic knee for years. Painkillers and antibiotics couldn’t touch it. Recently he had a severe flareup and had great difficulty walking.
He started taking Dr O’Shea’s collagen, and after one week was 80% recovered. In 3 weeks he was 90% cured.
His wife is a nurse and doesn’t believe in anything holistic. But after seeing these results with the husband, decided to try the collagen for the rheumatoid arthritis in her fingers that had been worsening for years. After 2 weeks, her hands were 80% recovered.
I don’t know what this collagen is, but my patients are amazed.
– Dr Yaniv Farbenbloom, Los Angeles