12 hours CE (includes technique)
Dr Tim O’Shea
Back by popular demand, loaded with new material.
Half day just wasn’t enough even to give an introduction to the real science behind one of the most critical and misrepresented areas today. Trying to introduce this topic along with the detox info on the same day became unrealistic. Because of all the new developments, especially the misinformation about vaccines, it takes all day just to introduce the subject.
Learn why more and more parents are opting out of vaccines these days.
Learn why the response is an increasingly hysterical marketing of vaccines.
The only full day CE accredited seminar in the profession that delves into the details of the vaccine industry
– the economics, laws, biochemistry, toxicology, and immunology.
We focus on what the scientists who make the vaccines say, rather than mass media claims.
By the end of the day you will have a complete introduction to this field.
– Informed decision: What parents must know
– Vaccination vs. immunization
– Vaccine injury: the true stats
– 2012 Schedule: 68 vaccines by age 18
– Peanut allergy and vaccines
– The battle for exemptions
– Mercury and aluminum in vaccines
– Polio, Prevnar, Rotateq
– Germ theory of disease
– HPV vaccine for 12 year olds
– Hepatitis B on the first day of life
– Complete autism chelation protocol
– Effects on DNA
– much more
“This history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools, and decisively more balanced.” – David Ayoub, MD
“A careful collection of irrefutable facts.” – Hans Raible, Esq.
“Simply the best and most accessible deconstruction on vaccines I’ve read.” – Anthony J. Maniotis, PhD
“You are right about pure blood; that is the key.” – Ted H. Spence, DDS
“… Vaccination Is Not Immunization … read through it in about a day. The most important book I have ever read. Thank you. I have not vaccinated my kids but now I really understand why. This book will save many lives and help many parents get the information that is so well hidden.” – Dr Pacelli, Orange, CA
“Should be required by all doctors of every persuasion.” – Dr M. Morris, AZ
“… one of the most shocking yet thoroughly researched exposes on the vaccine industry…an issue that is vital to our children’s health and future.” – Hyla Cass, MD
“I really enjoyed the vaccine seminar. I’ve read a number of books and seen many videos and much literature over the years and this seminar was better, more enjoyable, and funnier than anything I’ve heard. You were clear, stayed on time, and answered all questions.” – Dr J Ameral
“Excellent! The best one attended in 13 years. Kept my attention full time. Up to date info. Appreciate minimum questions from class.”
“The information was staggering and frightening. I wish I knew this when my children were babies. I will suggest this seminar to others in my field.” -GR
Doctors: $169 advance, $199 at door
Students, General Public: $99
(408) 753-9830, doc[ @ ]thedoctorwithin.com
New vaccine text: Vaccination Is Not Immunization 2013
Approved for 12 hours CE, CAA-11-12-6121
Online courses:
Registration: (408) 753-9830 or e-mail: doc[ @ ]thedoctorwithin.com