Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition


You are right –  best to read it in one go. ..your book can best be described as elegant…
beautifully presented ….        – Viera Scheibner, PhD

“This history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical
schools, and  decisively more balanced.”     – David Ayoub, MD

“Your book Vaccination Is Not Immunization was one of my first.  Loved it… your book was my
early teaching once my blinders fell off.”       -Suzanne Humphries MD, Dissolving Illusions

“I learned a lot from Vaccination Is Not Immunization… quite agree that no scientific
proof exists that vaccines are efficient and safe”    – Françoise Berthoud, MD. Switzerland

“A careful collection of irrefutable facts…spent several days reading it — fantastic!”
– Hans Raible, Esq., Stuttgart

“The most comprehensive book I have read over the past 25 years on this subject.”
– Roy Kupsinel, MD – Autism and the Vaccine Connection

“Dr. O’Shea records the shameful history of what has been done by the drug companies…
the harm done has been carefully hidden from public view.” – Abram Hoffer, MD – J Orthomolec Med

“Keep going after the truth — just make sure your bulletproof vest fits.”
– Hal Huggins, DDS, Colorado Springs

“The best source in my library about the history and the horrors of the vaccine industry. …
three generations of wholesale poisoning…”  – Gary Kohls, MD, Preventive Psychiatry

“Simply the best and most accessible deconstruction on vaccines”    – Anthony Maniotis PhD

“You saved my children by writing your wonderful vaccine book… changed my mindset
– Dr LC- Redlands, CA

“… one of the most shocking yet thoroughly researched exposes on the vaccine industry…”
– Hyla Cass, MD,    Pacific Palisades

“Life-changing. Thank you for shining the light of day on this industry.”
– Dr BN,  St. George, MT

“Every new mother and father should read this before subjecting their children to
mandatory vaccinations.”                             – Kilmer McCully, MD  The Heart Revolution

“You have organized a very complex subject so that it can be comprehended by the average person.  – Dr. TF,  Tustin CA

“…refreshing;  clear and concise wording – the invisible problems explained so well…  time to be aware of the dangers we face for our families.”
– Byron Eager, Finland

“Tim O’Shea is one of the few people writing on vaccines today who has the courage and dedication to tell it like it is, in detail.”
– Philip Incao, MD

“You are right about pure blood …. that is the key.”        – Ted H Spence, DDS, ND

“the most well-documented analysis of the vaccination cult of modern medicine. …the dangers, and lack of scientific proof…”
– William Deagle, MD  GCN radio

“Most important book you’ll ever read, after the bible.” – Dr Tim Young, Focus OKC

“The most provocative, well researched, fact filled, blood-boiling text EVER written on vaccines. …  one of my FAVORITE reads of all time… you’ll want to start a revolution.” Billy DeMoss DCS