AB2109: Road to Oblivion

– Dr Tim O’Shea In its newest metamorphosis as a necessary measure to ‘prevent communicable diseases,’ AB2109 seems unstoppable. Starting out as a bit of excess legislation which would make a Personal Beliefs Exemption no longer personal, by...

Newsletter June 2012

1. Pulling Out The Claw: Wonder of Chiropractic 2. Upcoming Events 3. Mute DCs: Silence of the Lambs 4. Senators’ Letter AB2109: Live Ammo 5. Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012: Vaccination Is Not Immunization...

Newsletter April 2012

1. Freedom With Permission: No more Exemptions? 2. Upcoming Events 3. Challenge to Public Debate: CA Bill 2109 4. Chiropractic and the Myth of Adhesive Capsulitis 5. Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012...

Newsletter March 2012

1. New Chapter: Frozen Shoulder Syndrome 2. Upcoming Events 3. End of CA….Exemptions 4. Parents’ Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012 ______________________________________________________________ 1. Curing the Frozen Shoulder . Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is...

AB2109: End of Vaccine Exemptions in California?

– Dr Tim O’Shea . Blinding ignorance doth mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! – Leonardo da Vinci . Didn’t take much of a fortune teller to predict the attack on the philosophical vaccine exemption in California, which we saw in...