4. Vaccination Is Not Immunization – final edition


Early western civilization, dating back to Hippocrates, had definite ideas about the connection between longevity and the digestive system. All through Shakespeare, indeed throughout all Western literature, constant references relating the stomach and the colon to a character’s mental and physical state… Hamlet, Macbeth, etc. Sound mind, sound body. Unquiet meals make ill digestions, etc.…  The colon as the immune center of the body, etc.

Such obvious associations were part of natural, common sense medical practices that prevailed in Europe and America, even to the present day. That was before we had the radical departure from natural science in the early 1900s when pharmaceutical philosophy became predominant, supported by self-serving economic forces. And then today of course it’s all politics, no more science permitted.

In our chapter Journey To The Center of Your Colon, we summarize the structure and physiology of the large intestine, focusing on its vital importance in maintaining the healthy condition of the blood. The role of Leaky Gut Syndrome as the cause of virtually any disease cannot be overemphasized.

Foods that cleanse – foods that clog. We’re constantly making these decisions every day of our lives, which determine how well the colon will be able to perform its two main tasks:

          resorbing water and minerals               


          clearing waste

In the long run, the cumulative total of one’s everyday lifestyle choices will create either a healthy colon or a toxic, debris-ridden colon. The healthy colon clears itself out completely, every day. The toxic colon matrixes layer upon layer of undigested festering sludge, every day. Your choice. Little to do with genetics or random chance or fate or evil spirits.

For the most part people get the diseases they earn.

In the chapter, we explain exactly how the colon determines the state of one’s immune system – for better or for worse – that persists throughout the entire lifespan. And how it relates directly to two primary factors

      Enzyme content of the diet

      Intestinal flora

Chronic disease processes are promoted by the standard American diet of inert, indigestible comfort foods – chips, fries, donuts, hydrogenated snacks, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, etc. Sludge material gradually forms in layers on the inside of the colon, which may potentially balloon out from its normal diameter of 2 inches to as much as 12 inches, as seen in many chronically obstructed individuals. Notably with truck drivers, for some reason it seems…

Over the years, blockage can be the cause of practically any disease of the colon, including

      Leaky Gut

Irritable Bowel


Regional Ileitis




Drugs and surgery have a deplorable track record for treating  these.

Another factor that contributes to colon health involves musculature. We forget that the colon is primarily a muscular organ. Its normal process of elimination – peristalsis – is accomplished through wavelike contractions of muscles which ultimately expel wastes.

Like all skeletal muscles, internal muscles lose collagen and weaken as time goes by. This weakness is accelerated with a diet of soft, processed foods which cling to the colon wall as part of the sludge buildup.  This diet makes increasingly less demands upon the eliminative muscles of the colon.

These dead foods with no fiber or enzymes do not trigger the muscular contractions necessary to expel the wastes. The colon muscles cannot squeeze out the processed buildup very well. As years go by, they weaken, and eventually atrophy.

In youth, elimination is effortless. Later on, the weakened colon may have to strain very hard in order to produce rabbit pellets. Consequently, the indigestible waste just sits there month after month, poisoning the system.

The results are sludge layers, ballooning, blockage of pores in the colon wall, Leaky Gut, florabiotic depletion, obstruction, etc. – the prelude for any disease you can name, including cancer.

It is well documented that 80% of Americans eat a diet of 80% processed foods. This sets the stage for a pre-eminence of colon diseases, with colon cancer holding steady for the past 50 years as the #3 cancer.

What’s the solution? Four steps:

Stop eating trash
Total Florabiotics
4. Hydration

Step 1 – Stop Eating Trash Once again the chapter Journey to the Center of Your Colon discusses the New West Diet. Obviously it does little good to clear the colon out if you continue to load it up with the same indigestible sludge that has blocked it up in the first place. So Step 1 is indispensable.

Step 2 – Expel: An herbal formula centuries old which will chip away little by little at the layers of impacted sludge that have built up for months or years. All natural, no drugs, no side effects. We always say it’s not a question of will Expel work for you, but how long will it take. It always works.

Step 3 – Florabiotics. A dead colon has destroyed all the normal gut probiotics necessary for a healthy immune system. The good bacteria. It’s not just a slogan that the colon is the center of the immune system. More in the chapter.

Step 4 – Hydration. Obviously it does little good to try and clear the colon if you are dehydrated. Try to increase water intake to 2 litres a day.

Organized medicine wants everybody to have a colonoscopy every year or so. This is marketing. They make up words like pre-cancerous, and Crohns disease and IBS and a dozen other labels for which they have a whole array of drugs and surgeries that don’t work. None of which was intended to restore the colon to its original state of health in the first place, because medicine never defines the original state of colon heath.  They wouldn’t be interested in something like that.

A cure for disease was never their objective. Their agenda is to keep everyone sick all the time, always needing more drugs and vaccines. Fairly obvious by now, isn’t it?

They want to have lifetime patients with diseased and resected colons, which hopefully will eventually lead to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – chemo and radiation for real or imaginary cancer.

Most of this is unnecessary, including the yearly checkups. But to confidently avoid all these horrors, we have to take responsibility for our own health, first of all by learning how the organ works – the basic anatomy and physiology. And then what a complete colon detox really involves.

Once your colon is completely detoxed and unblocked, with normal probiotic activity flooding through it every day,  there is an unmistakable feeling of soundness and health that accompanies that condition of 100% health.   And once you learn to maintain that state of health there is no doubt.  And those are the patients who never have routine checkups and scoping procedures, because they are so in tune with their bodies that they know wht a vital colon feels like every single day.    And as soon as they sense the imbalance, they will take the necessary steps to restore total vitality, that very day..

Learn the whole story here:  Journey To The Center of Your Colon.  Time to take control of your own health.


2. Enzymes: The Key To Longevity  (excerpt from the chapter of the same name}

Diseases don’t just fly in on the night air and invade our pure, innocent bodies. Loading up on indigestible, devitalized foods slowly kills the body’s cells and tissues, week by week, month by month by starving them of nutrients. Whichever particular organ gives out first – that’s what we say someone died of: he had a bad heart, he had a bad liver, he had a bad stomach, he was a lunger, etc.

But that’s not right. Healthy people don’t get sick. The body is either healing or dying, every day. “He not busy being born is busy dying,” says Mr. Dylan.

The principal obstacle to full health is blood toxicity.

You may think of poisons as things like arsenic, or cyanide, or rat poison, or things that secret agents in James Bond movies bite in capsules just before they’re captured. There are many levels and types of poisons. The best ones kill you the slowest and are undetectable.

Let’s consider the slowest poisons of all: the food we eat.

A good poison will

1. block the flow of blood,
2. decrease the amount of oxygen to the tissues
3. interfere with one or more major systems of the body,
4. cause addiction to the poison itself
5. eventually kill the subject without ever being detected


No poison in history has achieved these goals on the scale that processed food has.

Eighty percent of the population eats an 80% processed foods diet. Processed foods by definition have had all their enzymes scientifically removed, for one reason: shelf life.

Whole food enzymes are essential for a food to be live, vital, nutritious, and digestible. Whole foods include fruits, vegetables, meats, and seafood.

Whole foods do not include chips, fries, donuts, coffee, hydrogenated oils, refined carbohydrates, or pasteurized dairy. These are processed foods.

Processed foods are not well digested. Not broken down in the digestive tract, they can make their way into the blood through Leaky Gut Syndrome. Once in the blood they are foreign protein and sensitizing allergens. They can take up residence in virtually any organ or tissue, and bring chronic inflammation.

Processed foods clogging the tract are the cause of most disorders, including:

    Heart disease

  • IBS
    Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Reflux Esophagitis
    Barret’s Syndrome
    Any cancer of the digestive tract


Medicine has two solutions for these diagnoses: drugs and surgery. Both have dismal track records and do not unclog the blocked arteries. The patient is practically guaranteed the problem will progress into a more serious condition somewhere in the body.

The only reasonable cure is

  • – stop adding to the toxic load: no more processed foods
  • – enzyme supplements to metabolize the sludge blocking the tract and the bloodstream


The solution is the same as the problem: enzymes.

The definition of processed food is that it has had its enzymes scientifically removed for one reason: Shelf Life.

Solution: switch to an 80% natural foods diet full of natural enzymes, and put back the enzymes that were taken out by food processing, via enzyme supplements.

Natural whole food enzyme supplements take away nothing from the body and require that no energy be expended by the body after they’ve done their job. Natural whole-food supplements contain within them exactly what a perfect food should contain: all the enzymes necessary for complete breakdown and absorption by the body, with nothing left over.

Three Digestazyme capsules three times a day for 60 days. What could be simpler? Decades of success.

This has been an excerpt from the full chapter: Enzymes: The Key To Longevity



No matter what your affiliations may be, the next month or so will be a period we will all remember for the rest of our lives.  No matter how it turns out.

There is a nationwide polarization among the population today, the likes of which this country has not seen since the Civil War.

It has been percolating for the past decade, but was ramped up significantly with the advent of the COVID vaccine mandates in 2021.  That was when Congress forced the captains of social media into a new era of censorship in order to silence any opposition to the untested jab.

After that pageant wore itself out because of so many deaths and complications from the shot, the censorship itself nevertheless persisted.  But the focus of the censorship was now changed.  Word came forth from on high across legacy and social media alike that what must now be suppressed was the ideology of one of the two sides, in whatever form it occurred.

One event in particular then increased the intensity of the polarization exponentially – and that was the abdication of the president and the subsequent appointment of his unelected second in command to simply take over, not only running the country but also his position as candidate in the coming election.     Without any vote, or mandate by Congress.

Such an eventuality was never considered or provided for by the makers of our Constitution.  Has this transfer of power gone unchallenged since there are no precedents or federal laws that would cover it?

Today the opposition of the two parties to each other has reached new levels of bloodlust never before seen in this country.  No election has ever carried this amount of invective and vitriol, in which one side may spend more time demonizing the other side than they do promoting an agenda.

Looking back at old videos of the Kennedy /Nixon or Bush /Gore debates, one grows almost nostalgic for the undercurrent of civility, gentlemanly behavior and mutual respect for opposing views.  All that is gone today  – not even the pretense of respectful behavior.

Today we are witnessing the de-evolution of American politics, as it abandons all traces of the decorum of previous days and replaces it with Third World banana republic type viciousness, and utter lack of substance.  Name-calling is king.

The justification behind such labels is not even necessary.  The insulting name is called, picked up by various sources, and then echoed over and over across corporate media without ever a discussion of its accuracy.  So a campaign’s agenda can consist almost entirely of name-calling.  We’re not particularly for anything – we just know we’re against this.

What’s the phrase we’re hearing over and over these days  – threat to democracy?

If you have any appreciation for the American experiment, is this not the most frightening month of your life?
