1.  Water: Disease Is Dehydration

2. Medical Nightmare: Save My Life But Not Too Much

3.  Annual Lake Mead Report

4. Almost Gone: Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition




1.      Water: Disease Is Dehydration

One of the original chapters of thedoctorwithin, the Water chapter offers proof that many diseases may be nothing more than chronic dehydration.  Here are a few examples:

                                    SYMPTOM . . . . . USUAL REMEDY

                                       peptic ulcer . . . . . . . antacids

                                       craving sweets . . . . sugar

                                       depression . . . . antidepressant drugs

                                       allergies . . ……..antihistamines


Of course none of these remedies work.  They’re just laying the groundwork for the chronic disease which may be eventually terminal.  And each one causes more dehydration.

These ideas are summarized in the most revolutionary, useful book on hydration ever published: The Body’s Many Cries for Water.   If you’re dehydrated and have a disease there are no drugs that can cure you.  No one can recover from disease without re-hydrating.

Time to start with the fundamentals and stop blind worship at the foot of the Mammon idol:  pharma.

Have a chronic disease which they told you was incurable?  How much water are you drinking every day?

See chapter.


2. Medical Nightmare: Save My Life But Not Too Much

Guess I’ve had my share of injuries and hospital experiences in my life – motorcycles, horses, broken ribs, hemopneumothorax, herniated discs, etc.  But none of them came even close to The Week from Hell I just survived.

A botched dental procedure ended up in a life-threatening abscess, that put yours truly in the hospital and almost killed me.

The symptoms didn’t appear until the morning after the dental trauma:  The throat closed up in spasm, preventing swallowing – either water or food.  Severe constant pain at the site of the surgical trauma and throughout entire oral cavity.  Tongue in rigid spasm. Dehydration.  Malaise, weakness.  Antibiotics and painkillers – zero effect.

After 5 days, when one side of my face swelled up to 3x normal, I went to Emergency.  Hours later the diagnosis was: dental abscess.

Unfortunately they had no team ready to do the procedure, which required general anaesthesia.  Delays took 3 more days to find the team – at Stanford Emergency.  During all that time virtually no food and no water could be swallowed. All symptoms persisted, including constant severe pain. Dehydration.

Finally admitted to Stanford and placed on IV for rehydration.  IV also had antibiotics and pain meds.

Throughout the day I was subjected to the usual prodding, poking, imaging, etc.  All this was supposed to be preparing me for the general anaesthesia procedure to aspirate the abscess.

Then the hospital became flooded with injury cases, which kept pushing my case farther back in the queue.  I retained the fluids IV.

After about 6 hours, they finally had time to operate on me and did the final examination.  Magically, the pain, swelling, and spasm was practically gone! From 6 hours of IV.

Remember I had been completely dehydrated and starved now for a week.

I was sent home with antibiotics and pain meds.  Throat clear, I could finally eat again for the first time in a week.  Recovered slowly.

For all thedoctorwithin’s reputation as an anti-medical critic, this was the third time organized medicine has saved my life.  So I’m happy to give credit where credit is due.

Stanford meets a monumental challenge every day with the flood of humanity who wander in there in desperation.

As my first time being admitted into Emergency in a large hospital, what shocked me the most was the endless throng of humanity itself.  It was like  Night of the Living Dead – the constant flow of very sick people of all ages, slowly plodding, limping, and shuffling by, many in wheelchairs or gurneys…   Nonstop, in all directions, all day long.  The third circle of hell in Dante’s Inferno ..

With the tall, thin gentleman with the Scythe over his shoulder always lurking about in every hallway …

Why is everybody so sick? This was a cross-section of the population – of all ages. The common denominator was being sick and rundown.  But many of them are not even that old.  What’s going on in America?

First and most obvious: the large percentage who were morbidly obese.  That’s not contagion or genetics or random chance – it’s deliberate self indulgence.  Jesus Christ, stop eating! Their limbs cannot support their own elephantine carcasses. They can barely walk.  Lower extremity edema, no muscle, no circulation …

These people have earned their degeneration and illness by their own self-annihilating lifestyle.  Their diabetes is all Type II – which means they created it.   Everyday Lifestyle choices – years in the making.  Low self-esteem.  A true pandemic.

Of CDC’s Top 10 Causes of Death in the US, diet and lifestyle are principal effectors of 9 out of 10 :

     heart disease



     chronic lower respiratory disease


     Alzheimer’s disease


     influenza and pneumonia

     kidney disease



Know any family members with any of these? What have they been eating for the past 10 years?

For those who are forced to stay in the hospital for several days or longer, their chances of improving are in direct proportion to their chances of nosocomial infection, the longer they stay.  Living in an ocean of sepsis, depression, and unhealthy perception day after day, how can anyone expect to regain any semblance of glowing health?  Starting to re-consider the germ theory…

I had no choice —  I needed a quick operation. I was lucky.  Hospitals are great for First Aid.  I got it and left.  But I would never ever check myself into a place like that for open-ended “observation” or “exploratory” testing – let’s see what we can find.  I’m not suicidal.   I’ll take my chances at the beach, or in the woods, thank you.

Degenerative disease is just that – chronic and never-ending.  In America now 54% of children and 64% of adults have some chronic disease!  According to CDC.   What an embarrassing fact to admit to any other country.  Are drugs going to fix that?  They haven’t so far.  We’re the richest country on earth –    4% of the world population    …    40% of the world’s drugs.

What’s the only answer?  thedoctorwithin with religious adherence for a couple of months or longer.   It’s all in the Chapters

Step One:  check out of the prison, even if you have to use the AMA form.  If you don’t know what’s wrong with you and you went there to have them “find something,”  don’t worry.  They’ll “find something” to keep you there.

Don’t be surprised when you finally learn that hospitals are not run by doctors.  They’re run by MBAs.  With one objective and one objective only: sell goods and services.   Getting sick people well was never their agenda.  It’s just not their wheelhouse.

All part of the largest most integrated corporate conglomerate in the history of the world.




3. Annual Lake Mead Report

As usual Lake Mead was glorious this year.  Will try not to re-use adjectives from previous reports. Except maybe for transcendent.

Deliberately avoided 4th of July by going the day before, so we would have the whole lake practically to ourselves.   Actually the 4th  itself, one of the 3 busiest days in the year for Lake Mead – was really not that much worse.  Once you’re out in the middle of the Lake, you will see a very few other vessels.  Never gets actually crowded anywhere.  Lake Mead is far too enormous for that possibility.

The biggest and one of the most spectacular lakes in the US, Lake Mead is southeast of Vegas, with all those yachts that just sit there month after month.  Year after year.  Trophies.

So it’s summer in Vegas and 117 degrees.  Time to be out in the middle of America’s largest manmade lake  – on a jetski.  Just like every summer.  Just follow the bathtub ring around to the narrow channel that ends in Hoover Dam.  Can’t miss it.

You think you’d be hot, with all that 117 degrees and everything.  But out in the middle, flying across all that moving water, immersed in all those negative ions, wind blowing … you are not the least bit hot.   You can stay out there all day, no problem.

Corporate news of course has no interest in physical beauty or rare life experiences or fun adventures.  They’re only interested in selling danger and dread and warnings.  So when the topic of Lake Mead comes up all you ever hear about is what?  Water level dropping close to Dead Pool level, and how it used to be… and yawn…

And what is this year’s story – that the rains have brought levels back up to almost normal, etc. and there’s nothing to worry about now…   Stupid update to a long-term stupid narrative.   Because everybody who lives around Lake Mead knows that all this hype about climate change and drought has nothing whatsoever to do with the year-to-year level of the Lake.

This is an ongoing uncorrectable imbalance created mainly by self-serving politics and its idiotic policies for disbursing the waters of this 5-lake system to whomever pays most for it.  The fact remains that when Lake Mead was built in the 30s,  it was never intended to support thousands of square miles of agriculture in the middle of a desert, as well as provide the water for huge metropolitan populations of more than 40 million people – Vegas, Phoenix, LA, etc.

Careless management for the past 25 years has written checks for debts that cannot be paid.  It’s all political smoke and mirrors as they pretend every year that it’s all under control.

Arriving at the marina one morning, I parked in the wrong parking lot without noticing – one of the old lots from years ago.  As I started walking along the old abandoned desert path down to the water I suddenly noticed that I was still more than 300 yards away from the shoreline.  Right then I came upon a sign head-high that read “Water Level 2021.”  But the shore was still 300 yds further downhill.   So who are they really kidding?

The water level of Lake Mead continues to be irrevocably lower than ever.   And that level is controlled not by snowmelt and rainfall but by one primary determinant: outflow.  And that is controlled by those who operate the floodgates at Hoover Dam.  It’s all politics – climate change has nothing to do with it.

Because climate change has nothing to do with anything ( May 2024 Newsletter ).  Everybody who lives there sees this and knows all about the Green New Scam.  No need to “study” it.  They live it.

Moreover, anybody who buys property in Vegas today is taking a gamble with worse odds than the baccarat table at Caesar’s.  That whole market can just disappear all at once.  And it will.  Maybe not this year, or very soon, but it is inevitable.   Nothing guarantees eventual failure of the entire Southwest water system like endemic, unrelenting mismanagement.

One small example of unrealistic water disbursement based on 100% illusion can be clearly observed at the opulent, splendid oasis that lies between Vegas and Lake Mead:  Lake Las Vegas.  This beautiful jewel sports hundreds of acres of gated communities surrounded by lush green landscapes, waterfalls, fountains, manmade little creeks, ponds, palm trees, reed pools – all fed by Lake Las Vegas itself,  which stands right there in the desert between Lake Mead and Las Vegas.

The illusion being that Lake Mead is a boundless wellspring and Las Vegas water demands can always be met.  So therefore Lake Las Vegas can indulge itself in  sky’s-the-limit largesse from this ‘boundless’ source.

There are few examples this side of the old Testament of such pure and unadulterated hubris.  But the coyotes there  – they know – living out there every day in that sublime, infinite desert, between time and eternity.  And if you look them in the eyes, they will tell you.




4. Out of Print: Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition




Ironic how all the immune science on our videos that have been banned from FB and YT for the past 3 years is now being corroborated by a flood of concerted attacks from the highest sources. Fauci is being exposed for the unelected, looting tyrant he has been.  All the lies about spike protein, mRNA vaccine, vaccine deaths, that COVID vaccine was never a vaccine at all, thousands of heart disease and stroke fatalities as consequences of mandatory COVID shots – it’s all coming to light now, like shining a flashlight on cockroaches in a dark basement.

This latest and last edition of the parents’ vaccine text book has only a few more hard copies left.  When they run out this classic textbook will only be available in e-book.

Published in 2023, this final edition includes the science behind the disastrous COVID vaccine pageant, mRNA science,  as well as documented deaths from the COVID vaccine in excess of 1.9 M in the past year.  Which is greater than the number of deaths from COVID itself.   These are CDC figures and we cite the exact sources here.  This fact has been successfully kept out of corporate media since the vaccine began in early 2022.


This book is a one-stop shopping introduction to the problems with vaccines, written for parents about to make the most important decision of the child’s life: whether or not to vaccinate.


It is not an anti-vaccine text. Better described as pro-science, the book is in favor of any vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective by researchers wholly unconnected to the global vaccine monolith.

This 227-page book has over 360 references, drawn from mainstream medicine, science, and law. Parents, not the state, should have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children. The documented facts stated in this book represent the minimum parents must know in order to make a truly informed decision.

If you have any reservations at all about the shots you’re about to give to your kids, read this first. Did you know that in the 1950s kids got only 2 vaccines? By the 1980s, the number was up to 20 vaccines. In the 90s we were at 40 vaccines. Today in the post-COVID age, we are up to 84 vaccines given to American kids before age eighteen.

Why is that? Here is the unequivocal, incontrovertible rationale behind such an approach to mandated childhood vaccines – one which exists only in the US.


                                                        “The most comprehensive book I have read over the past 25 years on the subject.”   – Roy Kupsinel, MD


                                            For a synopsis of the book start with the Epilogue.

There is an entire section on the COVID Pageant.


Order e-book                                         call 915.330.4629      email: doc77777@gmail.com                                                                                                                                                                                


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915.330.4629    Dr T          doc77777@gmail.com





Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

–   Leonard Cohen