Notes: Vaccine Seminar Live

Anyone who has ever read our vaccine textbook knows that this is not an anti-vaccine website. All the research on our website is in favor of any vaccines that have been proven to be absolutely safe, effective, and necessary by legitimate, verifiable third party science – research that is wholly unconnected with vaccine manufacturers and their satellites.

1. Zhou S – Poly-D,L-lactide-co-poly(ethylene glycol)
microspheres as potential vaccine delivery systems.
Journal of Control Release. 2003 Jan 17;86(2-3):195-205.
Chengdu Institute of Organic Chemistry

2. Preservatives in Vaccines FDA

3. Bock, Ken Healing the New Child Epidemics

4. Achatz G -Allergy: Solving The Mystery Of IgE
ScienceDaily (Sep. 14, 2009)

5. Fraser, H – Peanut Allergy Epidemic – Skyhorse 2011.

6. O’Shea T -Vaccines and The Peanut Allergy Epidemic

7. Duesberg, P, Schwartz J -Latent Viruses: No Evidence for Pathogenicity
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology 43:135-204, 1992

8. The Merck Manual –18th ed.-p.1986 – Merck

9. Medical Economics – Physicians Desk Reference 2007

10. Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records Detailing 26 New Reported Deaths Washington, DC — October 19, 2011
scroll down to Documents Uncovered
VAERS reports of deaths, Sept 1, 2010 – Sept 15, 2011
– VAERS reports, Sept 1, 2010 – Dec 31, 2010
– VAERS reports, Jan 1, 2011 – Apr 30, 2011
– VAERS reports, May 1, 2011 – Sept 15, 2011

11. O’Shea, T – HPV Vaccine: 26 US Girls Dead

12. Lopes, G -Vaccine center issues warning

13. Kim, J – Weighing the benefits and costs of HPV vaccination in young men,
New England Journal of Medicine p 393 – 3 Feb 2011

14. Giuliano, A – -Efficacy of quadrivalent HPV vaccine against HPV
infection and disease in males, NEJM p 401 – 3 Feb 2011

15. Burnet, M -The Natural History of Infectious Disease 1972

16. Horowitz, L -Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola —
Tetrahedron, Inc 1999.

17. Boffey, P – Polio: Salk Challenges Safety of Vaccine
Science 1 Apr 1977 p35

18. Salk J – Control of Influenza and Polio With Killed Virus Vaccines
Science Vol 195, 4 March 1977

19. Sylwester, R – A celebration of neurons ISBN-10: 0871202433 1995.

20. Moskowitz, R MD – HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT The Role of Vaccines in Chronic Disease

21. Hume E D – Bechamp or Pasteur? 1926
ISBN 10: 0980297605

22. Appleton N -The curse of Louis Pasteur ISBN: 0967233704 – 1999.

23. Carrel A MD – Man the Unknown Harper & Bros. 1935

24. Cantwell, A MD Cancer microbe ISBN-13: 9780917211010 Aries Rising Press 1997.

25. O’Shea T – Vaccination Is Not Immunization Immunition Ltd 2012

26. Immunization Schedule 2012

27. Infant Mortality Rate

28. Child obesity facts CDC

29. Kemp T -Is infant immunization a risk factor for asthma or allergy
Epidemiology 1997: 8 p 678

30. Medical Economics Physicians Desk Reference 2010

31. Richet C. – Nobel lecture, acceptance speech, 11 Dec 1913

32. Von Pirquet, C – Die Serumkrankheit, Leipzig, Franz Deuticke, 1905
translated 1951 Kojis, FG – Serum sickness

33. Alderson M – International Mortality Statistics pp. 163-189, 313, ISBN 0871965143

34. Polio Disease – Questions and Answers
Centers for Disease Control

35. Wade N. – Division of biologics standards: in the matter of J. Anthony Morris
From the article: “In 1955 a newly developed vaccine against poliomyelitis was rushed onto the market and promptly caused among the vaccinees and their families ten deaths and 192 cases of paralytic polio. The Cutter ‘incident,’ as the scandal was named after the company that produced most of the bad vaccine, caused the resignation of a Secretary of Health Education and Welfare, a Surgeon General, and a Director of the National Institutes of Health.” Science 1972 Feb 25;175:861-866

36. Boyd’s Textbook of Pathology (8th Edition, 1984)

37. testimony of Jonas Salk – quoted in Washington Post 4 Sept 1976.

38. Albert Sabin MD – lecture 7 DEC 85 – International Assn of Scientists & Biologicals Piacenza, Italy

39. Fisher SG – Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.
Anticancer Res. 1999 May-Jun;19(3B):2173-80.

40. Kyle, Walter S. – “Simian retroviruses, poliovaccine, and origin of AIDS.“ – Lancet, 1992; 339:600-601.

41. Beil, L -Type of cancer, virus are linked The Dallas Morning News -03/11/2002

42. Vilchez, R MD – Simian virus 40 in human cancers
The American Journal of Medicine 1 June 2003 , Pages 675-684

43. Shelton H – The Hygienic Care of Children 1931.

44. Gautam Naik, – Polio Cases Roil Debate
Wall Street Journal, April 16, 2002

45. Kew O, – Outbreak of Poliomyelitis in Hispaniola Associated with Circulating Type 1 Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus.
Science 12 Apr 2002: 356-359.

46. McNeil, D – Mutating vaccine causes polio outbreak in Nigeria
New York Times October 11, 2007

47. CBS News – August 14, 2009
Mutant Polio Virus Spreads in Nigeria

48. AFP – Vancouver Sun – Japan reports sixth infant death after vaccination 7 Mar 11

49. Statistics Reports – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Scroll down to: Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine

50. CDC website – Pertussis Outbreaks

51. Tuerkheimer D – The next innocence project: Shaken Baby Syndrome and the Criminal Courts
Criminal Courts 87 WASH. U. L. REV. 1 2009.

52. Looney C – Intracranial Hemorrhage in asymptomatic neonates
Radiology vol242 #2 p 535 Feb 2007.

53. Blake, T Esq –

54. National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome

55. Anderson M – The shaken baby debate…does this syndrome really exist? Discover 2 Dec 2008.

56. Bazelon E – New evidence on Shaken Baby syndrome –Medical Misdiagnosis Research 5 Jul 2011

57. Cheng M – Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates
August 14, 2009 Associated Press“Polio%20surge%20in%20Nigeria%20after%20vaccine%20virus20mutates”)&xcal_numdocs=20&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no

58. 70 medical journal articles on polio vaccine (and antibiotic injections) associated paralytic Poliomyelitis

59. legal website: – SBS acquittals

60. Pryer, N – New medical evidence could clear childminder convicted of shaking 11-month-old girl to death
Daily Mail 9 Mar 2008.

61. Medical Economics – Daptacel p 2952 Physicians Desk Reference 2007

62. Pavlov DN – Prevalence of vaccine-derived polioviruses in sewage and river water in South Africa.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2006, 52:(8) 717-723, 10.1139/w06-026

63. Shulman L et al.. – Neurovirulent Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses in Sewage from Highly Immune Populations
2006, December 20. PMCID: PMC1762338 PLoS ONE

64. Moskowitz, R MD – The case against immunizations – J Am Inst of Homeopat p 21 Mar 1993

65. Mendelsohn R MD – How to raise a healthy child Ballantine 1987..

66. Singh VK – Serological association of measles virus and human herpesvirus-6 with brain autoantibodies – Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Apr;28(4):292-4.

67. US Dept of Education – Autism figures state by state 1993-2002-2007

68. Auwerter PG – Changes within T cell receptor V beta subsets in infants following measles vaccination.
Clin Immunol Immunopathol. 1996 May;79(2):163-70.

69. Mendelsohn R MD – How to raise a healthy child in spite of your doctor Ballantine 1987..

70. Peltola, H et al. – Hemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide vaccine in children: a double-blind field study of 100,000 vaccinees 3 months to 5 years of age in Finland -Pediatrics vol. 60 p. 730 1977.

71. Poland G – Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons Arch Intern Med. 1994 Aug 22;154(16):1815-20.

72. Garrett, L – The coming plague Penguin books p 510-511 1994.

73. Bjune, G – Effect of outer membrane vesicle vaccine of group B meningococcal disease in Norway
Lancet 338:8775, p1093 Nov 1991.

74. W.H.O. – Reported measles cases and incidence rates by WHO Member States 2010, 2011,

75.Lesson in Ethics – Interview – Andrew Wakefield

76. Wakefield, Andrew J. – The significance of ileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrum disorder.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 17(8):827-836, August 2005.


78. Mendelsohn R MD – Measles and The Measles Vaccine

79. Classen DC, Classen JB. – The timing of pediatric immunization and the risk of insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus. Infect Dis Clin Pract 1997; 6: 449-54

80. Libman, I MD – Was there an epidemic of diabetes Diabetes Care 21:8 p1278 Aug 1998.

81. Gardner, S – Rising incidence of insulin dependent diabetes
British Medical Journal vol 315 p 713 1997.

82. Rotavirus – Centers for Disease Control

83. Burton, D – Congressional Hearing on Autism and Vaccines House of Representatives C-SPAN 10 Dec 02.

84. Medical Economics – Rotateq PDR 2009

85. Merck insert: – Rotateq vaccine

86. McNeil, D – Africa: W.H.O. Approves Rotavirus Vaccine –New York Times 13 Feb 2007.

87. Vesikari, T MD et al.- Safety and Efficacy of a Human– Bovine Rotavirus Vaccine
New England Journal of Medicine vol 34 p 23 5 Jan 2006.

88. Bridges, A – FDA: Rotavirus Vaccine May Harm Infants Associated Press February 13, 2007.

89. Medical Economics – Prevnar PDR 2007 p 3463

90. Granoff, D et al. Hemophilus influenzae type b disease in children vaccinated with type b
New England Journal of Medicine p. 1584 18 Dec 1988.

91. Neustaedter, R – The Vaccine Guide – North Atlantic Books 1996.

92. Classen, B – Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine, 9/18/2000

93. Schuchat, A – Bacterial Meningitis in the United States in 1995
New England Journal of Medicine Volume 337:970-976 October 2, 1997

94. Horwin, M – PREVNAR A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine

95. CDC website – Rotavirus

96. Bernard, S – Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning 2000.

97. Mark Geier, M.D. – Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 8 Number 1 Spring 2003

98. Mercury In Medicine Report — Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness

99. National Institute of Health – Toxicology: How Mercury Harms Humans

100. Statement on Thimerosal – July 16-18, 2001 National Toxicology Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

101. Valerie Williams WFAA June 20 2002 Quoting Dan Burton
Congressman questions officials at Thimerosal hearings 06/20/2002

102. Koos BJ and Longo LD, – Mercury toxicity in the pregnant woman, fetus, and newborn infant
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 126(3):390-406 1976.

103. William Slikker, Jr., -“Developmental Neurotoxicology Of Therapeutics: Survey Of Novel Recent Findings,”
NeuroToxicology, 21, page 250 (2000).


Click to access Thimerosal_Immune_System_Abnormalities.pdf

105. Holmes AS, – Reduced levels of jan2012jan201mercury in first baby haircuts of autistic children. Int J Toxicol. 2003 Jul-Aug;22(4):277-85.

106. Robert Roos , -CDC neutral on thimerosal in flu vaccine for toddlers 6 May 04

107. FDA: Thimerosal in vaccines 14 Mar 2008

108.Kennedy, R F Deadly immunity 20 Jun 2005.

109. CDC: Joint Statement Concerning Removal of Thimerosal from Vaccines
June 22, 2000

110. Ayoub, D MD – Mercury Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda DVD 2005

111. Stajich GV – Iatrogenic exposure to mercury after hepatitis B vaccination in preterm infants.
J Pediatr. 2000 May;136(5):679-81.

112. Boyd Haley PhD – Mercury —

113. Eli Lilly – Material Safety Data Sheet on thimerosal 13 Jun 91.

114. The 60 Day Program

115. Cui, Z – Novel ethanol-in-fluorocarbon microemulsions for
topical genetic immunization. Pharm Res. 2003 Jan;20(1):16-23.

116. Nathanson N, – The Cutter incident.
Poliomyelitis following formaldehyde-inactivated
poliovirus vaccination in the United States during the Spring of 1955
Am J Epidemiol 1995 Jul 15;142(2):109-40; discussion 107-8

117. Coulter & Fisher -A Shot in the Dark – Avery – 1991.

118. EMD Chemicals – Thimerosal Material Safety Data Sheet

119. –AssociatedPress – Annual Cancer Screening Tests Urged Less and Less -October 19, 2011

120. -Schechter R MD Continuing Increases in Autism Reported to California’s Developmental Services System Arch of Gen Psych 2008;65(1):19-24..

121. Vaccination Exemptions

122. GAVI celebrates 10th anniversary, welcomes new “decade of vaccines”

123. James , W -Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth
BERGIN & GARVEY Westport, Connecticut London 1995.

124. O’Shea T – End of vaccine exemptions? 2012

125. US Patent Application – Baxter International – 5 Mar 09

126. Russell Blaylock interview
http: //

127. Parents HPV Letter to Schools

128. O’Shea T – Human Papilloma Virus: The First Cancer Vaccine

129. Carrel, A – Man the unknown 1938.

130. National Cancer Institute Cancer in Children and Adolescents May 2014.

131. Rappaport, J — CDC whistleblower revealed: William Thompson Aug2014

132. Bodewes, R Annual vaccination against Influenza Virus Hampers Development of T-cell immunity in children
Journal Virology Nov 2011 vol 85 no. 2211995

133. American Academ of Pediatrics votes to bring thimerosal back! – Reuters 12 Dec 2012

134. Do-Hyeong Myeong – Novartis seeks licensure for Bexsero vaccine in the U.S.
The Princetonian – April 3, 2014

135. Bruger, K – Meningitis Vaccine Clinic Starts Monday at UCSB
The Santa Barbara Independent, 20 Feb 14

136. Novartis meningitis B vaccine Bexsero® receives FDA Breakthrough Therapy designation in the US. Novartis website,
April 07, 2014

137. 8,000 Students Become Guinea Pigs for Unapproved Vaccine
November 26, 2013

138. CDC Press Briefing
Status of Serogroup B Meningitis Cases in the United States 25 Nov 13

139 Bexsero: Searching for a Villain June 2014.

140.CDC Owns 50 patents on vaccines

141. RFK Vaccine safety project 2018

Vaccine Safety Project

142. O’Shea T – Freedom with permission

143. O’Shea, T
Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children 2017

144. December Newsletter 2018

145. Court Document 18 against HHS July 9, 2018

Click to access ICAN-HHS-Stipulated-Order-July-2018.pdf

146.Study Links Autism and Somalis in Minneapolis New YorK Times, Dec. 16, 2013

147. Introduction of DTP and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants
EBioMedicine 2017 Mar;17:192-198.

148. Dynamics of Obesity and Chronic Health Conditions Among Children
Van Cleave et al. JAMA Feb 17, 2010

149. National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children
Academic Pediatrics, vol. 11, Issue 3 suppl. May–June 2011, p. S22

150. Electronic Support for Public Health – VAERS
HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Click to access r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf

151. Vaccine Injuries – HRSA

152. Kessler, D MD A new approach to reporting adverse effects
Journal of the American Medical Assn vol.269,No.21, p.2785 2 Jun 1993

153. Statement by Steven Rubin PhD – SB277 hearings 8 Apr 2015.

154. Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System – Data as of 2017.
2500 page Excel pdf

155. 54% of children have a chronic disease
Academic Pediatrics, vol. 11, Issue 3 suppl. May–June 2011,
p. S22 A National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children

156. Wakefield exonerated

157. Japan Withdraws HPV Vaccine Recommendation
Medscape June 25, 2013

158. O’Shea, T HPV: the first cancer vaccine

Human Papilloma Virus: The First Cancer Vaccine

159. HPV vaccine
Medical Economics Physicians Desk Reference 2007, 2013.

160.New Concerns about the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
American College of Pediatricians S. Fields MD, Jan 2016

New Concerns about the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

161. Autism Detox Protocol

Autism Detox Protocol

162 Infant mortality ranking, countries 2018

163. Full measure Jan 6, 2019 Sharyl Atkisson

164. Cancer prevention

165. Childhood cancer statistics 2018

166. O’Shea, T – The History of Vaccines

History of Vaccines

167. Ingredients of Vaccines – CDC Fact Sheet

168. HHS admission 9 July 18

Click to access ICAN-HHS-Stipulated-Order-July-2018.pdf

169. Dr T’s Letter to Mark Zuckerberg 9 Mar 19

Newsletter March 2019

170. Senate Warns of Anti Vaccination Washington Post 5 Mar 19

171. Adam Shiff letter to Mark Zuckerberg 14 Feb 19

Click to access Vaccine%20Letter_Zuckerberg.pdf

172. Jane Orient MD Senate Committee on Health, Education,
Re: Statement federal vaccine mandates
Feb. 26, 2019

173. Beers & Berkow, MD —The Merck Manual— CentennialEdition 1999.

174. Benefits of Contracting Measles by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. 31/03/2018

Benefits of Contracting Measles by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.

175. Mendelsohn R, MD How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor
Ballantine New York 1984.

176. Alderson, M – International Mortality Statistics
Facts on File, Inc ISBN 0-87196-514-3 1981.

177. Garrett L – The Coming Plague p578,580, 614 Penguin 1994.

178. Wakefield AJ, Montgomery, S Measles-mumps-rubella-vaccine: Through a
glass, darkly Department of Medicine, Royal Free University
Medical School

179. History of measles CDC

180. . Wakefield, AJ Waging war on the autistic child – Skyhorse 2012.

181. Wakefield exonerated

182. Measles outbreaks in January — CNN

183. Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination G Poland
ArchIntMed 1994 Aug 22;154(16

184. Measles madness Brian Hooker testimony

185. CNN – Washington under state of emergency

186. Lancet Vol 15, Aug 2015 Dangers of vaccine refusal