– Dr Tim O’Shea
Allergy. Your friend looks at your bloodshot eyes, hears your stuffed-up voice, and accepts the explanation “It’s my allergies,” as though the symptoms he observes were the disease itself. This word game is no accident. We are conditioned by a thousand commercials a day to equate diseases with their symptoms. Headache, backache, bronchitis, eczema, arthritis, tinnitus, asthma, high blood pressure, on and on – are usually not diseases themselves, but rather the signs of disease. The illusion is that by temporarily covering up the signs, we have now cured the disease. The illusion is that by naming the signs, we have identified the disease.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

You have a headache. Solution, programmed every five minutes on TV: Tylenol, Advil, whatever, that will do what? That’s right: take the pain away. But wait – the pain wasn’t the cause of the problem. The headache had a reason; it was a sign of something else. Neck spasm, intoxication, emotional stress, sinus allergies, trauma, spine misalignment, drugs, chemical sensitivity, overwork, dehydration, hunger – the pain can come from many sources. The pill didn’t solve anything, didn’t cure anything. Soon as it wears off, guess what? Right – the pain returns.
So then what are we taught to do? More pills.
Same with allergies. Allergies are not watery eyes and stuffed up noses. Allergies are reactions to irritants. Something foreign is triggering the body’s cleansing responses. Like walking behind a smoky bus when it starts up. You breathe in the fumes and start coughing and choking, with your eyes watering. That’s an allergic response. Humans are allergic to bus exhaust. Eyes water to clear the eyes. Coughing reflex kicks in to forcibly expel the toxic fumes before they get inhaled. Happens in an instant.
Tolerance is an adaptation to stress. When we get used to an irritant, the body eventually gives up on trying to expel it. Like a bus mechanic. After a few weeks or months of breathing those fumes every day, the body doesn’t try so hard. The sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth and nose toughen up a little, and the mechanic learns to “take it.” He’s becoming less sensitized to a poison – carbon monoxide. Doesn’t mean it won’t kill him; it just means the body’s getting accustomed to that degree of being poisoned. The irritant is no longer triggering such a strong cleansing response as it used to.
Same with someone learning to smoke cigarettes. He coughs and chokes at first, but soon gets the hang of it. The body’s ability to throw off the toxins is gradually weakened.
We’ve all heard of anti-histamines. Pills and sprays that unclog stuffed noses. They work by blocking histamines. Histamines are produced by our white cells to trigger protective mechanisms, like stuffing up the nose, making the eyes water, and shutting down digestion. Allergy medicine is generally an antihistamine, which unnaturally interferes with the body’s normal attempts to protect itself. Mouth, nose, and eyes – that’s the first line of defense.
When antihistamines block these normal clearing responses from happening, the irritant or allergen or antigen is being permitted to enter further into the body than it would ever have gotten. This is a side effect of antihistamines. You may be thankful that you can breathe again, but for any drug, there is always a trade-off. The problem wasn’t the stuffy nose or the watering eyes; the problem was the allergen: the irritant. Antihistamines don’t touch the underlying cause; they just suspend the body’s ability to respond with its normal clearing mechanisms. Result: tolerance. Toxification.
Isn’t this obvious? Holistic doctors grow weary of explaining this self-evident fact over and over a dozen times a day to their patients. It’s like if you’re driving down the road and suddenly you hear this horrendous knocking noise coming from the engine. So you turn up the radio full blast in order to cover up the noise. Pretty stupid, but that’s precisely what we’re doing with allergy medication.
The focus of allergy treatment should be to eliminate the underlying stimuli of the sinus blockage and the watery nose and eyes. First of all, identify the causative factor. Cat hair, dust, pollen, shellfish, wool, etc.? I don’t think so. Normal people can be around all of these and not react. Genetics? The usual excuse, when the “experts” run out of ideas. We have no idea, so let’s just chalk it up to the standard catch – all category: genetics.
As long as we don’t know, the best we can do is keep on buying and selling antihistamines and their derivatives. As a $15 billion a year industry, why would anyone want to question it? Doctors sell drugs; that’s why we go to them. If you want health, well, that’s an entirely different ballgame altogether.
There’s another possibility here that thousands of people have discovered within the past few years. A whole new paradigm must be considered to explain the consistent success that detoxing patients are having in resolving their chronic allergies. This construct may be called the Threshold of Reactivity. It’s really quite simple.
Have ever been in a grocery store and noticed all these little rotundo porkettes running up and down the aisles whining Mommy buy me this, Mommy I want this… pointing to all those fattening refined foods they learned to need by watching ads on TV? And then you see those same items all appear at the checkout counter?
Ever been in a fast food joint and noticed those little tiny paper cups they have to give babies Coke?
American children are getting fatter, sicker, and dumber than ever before in our history. This is not meant as just a provocative statement, but is easily documented in all relevant government and scientific statistics on allergy, obesity, and neurodevelopment.
Here’s the key idea of this chapter: processed refined foods cannot be digested. When a child is born, his tract and blood are clean and clear. As he starts eating all this unmetabolizable trash, the residual sludge accumulates in the digestive tract and in the blood. Let’s call this accumulation the Toxic Load.
OK, so let’s say there is a Threshold, a level of toxicity below which the child does not react to the junky foods – no asthma, watery eyes, runny nose, skin eruptions, etc. But as time goes by the Toxic Load builds up to the point where one day it crosses over the line, exceeds the threshold, and now the child does react — any type of allergic reaction may result. At that point the patient has built up such a load of accumulated toxic foods that he has exceeded the body’s ability to deal with them – to break them down and process them through. We say he has reached the Threshold of Reactivity – it’s the end of childhood, in a health sense.
Result: asthma, allergies, skin conditions, coughing, bronchitis, chronic fatigue, failure to develop, etc. So what do most people do at that point? Take the kid to the doctor and consult whatever 15 year old, or nurse practitioner they made a Resident that week, who after a five minute interview declares the child has “allergies” which are due to a genetic deficiency of Benadryl, or other drugs. And in one fell swoop the patient is now categorized as having allergies and put on a regiment of drugs that will last for years. Not a word about the box of frosted flakes and the 4 doughnuts the kid has for breakfast or the 4 cokes he has at school throughout the day or the carton of ice cream he needs for his midnight snack—no. None of that is taken into the equation. No, this is all genetic. It’s not his fault.
Do you know anyone on allergy medication? Do they still have allergies??
So we have a different idea besides drugs. Break down and eliminate the toxic sludge that has accumulated in the tract and the blood for all these years. First get below the Threshold, and then eliminate the toxic load altogether, by means of the 60 Day Program.
What do 99% of allergic Americans have in common? Undigested food. Undigested food accumulates in the digestive tract, in the blood, in the tissues, organs and joints. It remains for months and years and cannot be dislodged by any of the body’s methods. And the first and most persistent of these methods is the Inflammatory Response – the body’s attempt to what? Right: attack and expel the intruder.
Chronic buildup of undigested food signals two main deficiencies within the body: enzymes and flora.
The reader is directed to the full chapter on enzymes [22] for review. To summarize, enzymes are what has been removed from food in order to make it last as long as possible on the shelves of American supermarkets.
Enzymes are necessary for breakdown and digestion of food. Without them, the body makes a valiant effort to try and break down the processed food. Problem is, so many of the soft foods we eat today are brand new to the human species within the past 100 years. New chemicals and preservatives have been introduced into our food supply for flavoring and preserving. The rancid, oxidizing fats of chips and fries are too weird. Our bodies can’t break them down. After a certain amount of trying, the body gives up. At that point, much goes in, but little goes out. That’s the main reason older people have difficulty eliminating. And many young people as well.
Food allergists and clinical ecologists waste a great deal of time setting up elimination diets to find out which exact foods cause a patient’s allergic symptoms. Far more applicable and effective would be a shotgun approach: enzyme supplementation, because in general we eat an enzyme-less processed diet. People don’t eat corn and bananas and cashews nearly as much as they eat processed peanut butter, Hamburger Helper, Taco Supremes, Big Macs, pizza, fries, Cheetos, chocolate pudding, hot dogs, Fig Newtons, and potato chips.
The American soft drink industry is at $54 billion per year. ( [18] Wall Street Journal) Americans drink 216 litres of soft drinks per person per year. (Global Market Information Database – 2006 [20])
Pasteurized milk has no enzymes any more. Canned food, none. Dairy products, salad dressings, soft drinks, ice cream, cheese, pastries, deep fried food, salty snacks, – contain no enzymes. John Wayne and Elvis. On autopsy, according to the county coroner’s reports, these gentlemen had 44 and 20 lbs. of undigested food in their respective colons at the time of death. According to the FDA, the average American has between 4 and 22 lbs. of undigested food in the colon at any given time. Rotting food in the digestive tract sets up a condition that gastroenterologists call Leaky Gut Syndrome. Review the colon chapter THE COLON [21]
Happens like this:
Putrefying sludge breaks down the cells of the gut lining (epithelium) largely by choking off the blood supply to these delicate cells (ischemia). The gut wall is supposed to be very selective in what it allows to be absorbed into the blood.
When there is so much cell damage, the intestinal cells can no longer be selective. Sludge that wasn’t supposed to get through starts getting through to the bloodstream. Large molecules of manmade half-digested fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are absorbed intact through the gut into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, digestion can no longer take place. These foreign molecules can then lodge in any joint, tissue, or organ. Since they are rotting food, they are toxins and can be the cause of practically ANY disease condition you can name.
We’re talking blood poisoning here: toxemia, bacteremia, septicemia. Don’t be put off by big words. Such a set-up is perfect as the explanation for an allergic reaction. We’re allergic, all right – allergic to all the food we’re taking in and never digesting.
Flora means good bacteria. The normal colon should have three lbs. of good bacteria at all times. (Shahani [21]) They are also called probiotics, and include species like Lactobacillus, L. Salivarius, Acidophilus, and many others. Their job is the final phase of digestion. Without them, food rots in the colon.
Rotting food becomes cemented within the inner folds of the colon’s lining, destroying the mucosal cells, preventing normal function, and eventually blocking proper elimination. Rotting food leaks back into the bloodstream, going anywhere it can in the body.
World authority in probiotics, the late Dr. Khem Shahani, described flora as the Second Immune System. He was referring to the ability of the flora to remove a toxic stimulus or allergen – undigested food – from the body. Understanding this simple concept is the key to grasping the essential dynamic between a healthy colon and the end of allergies. With rare exception, allergies simply cannot coexist in a body that has a healthy colon.
Why do most Americans have suppressed flora? That’s easy. Probiotic flora – the good bacteria – are fragile life forms existing in the normal body in a dynamic balance along with pathological bacteria, fungi, and viral forms. These good bacteria get killed off by the following agents:
*antibiotics we take
*antibiotics in the meat we eat
*antacids, like Zantac, Tagamet, etc.
*NSAIDs, like Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin, etc.
*other prescription and over the counter medications
*white sugar
*carbonated drinks
*chlorinated drinking water
*fluoridated water
Many holistic nutritionists estimate that 80% of American women, and a significant proportion of men, have systemic Candida albicans. Candida is a yeast proliferation throughout the whole body whose existence was denied by American medical doctors as recently as fifteen years ago. As the normal flora become killed off, bad bacteria begin to multiply. Without enough good bacteria to occupy the available living quarters, there is nothing to check the bad ones. Fungal and yeast growths are allowed to increase for the same reason. Doctors call this phenomenon opportunistic infection. With the amount of pasteurized dairy we consume, such chronic low-grade infections are in epidemic proportions in America today.
The normal person has some viruses, some Candida, some potentially pathogenic bacteria at all times. But the majority of bacteria in the normal body are good ones. Think of it like walking into a crowded theatre. If all the seats are taken, there’s no place to sit. Same for the pathogenics. If all the seats are taken by the friendly bacteria, the opportunists don’t get the opportunity to replicate because there’s no place to sit.
The best probiotic available today is Total Florabiotics.
Thirty years ago you couldn’t use the word autoimmune in conversation unless you were speaking with a doctor. With the meteoric increase in these diseases, today even the uneducated know what you’re talking about, because someone in their family probably has an autoimmune condition.
Autoimmune means the body is attacking itself. It means that for some reason, the body is getting the idea that part of itself is foreign and must be expelled, in exactly the same way as any allergen, intruder or antigen would be. First that means inflammation. Then comes swelling, followed by the onset of fibrosis (crunchiness, from the laying down of cheap tissue), and finally, if unchecked, actual calcification. Pain can jump in at any time. It’s almost biblical, like the body is turning to stone because we have not honored its needs. Almost.
Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, – we hear about most of these all the time. What do they have in common? They’re all of “unknown” origin, according to the medical texts. They can’t be cured by drugs. They’re all progressive. They can all be life-threatening. They’re autoimmune. And they’re all on the rise.
Hundreds of holistic healers have known for years that the cause of these diseases is obvious, and they are all expressions of the same process – toxemia. (Tilden [10]) That means blood poisoning. In the 1920s, holistic healer JH Tilden MD wrote that there is only one disease – toxemia and all the hundreds of disease conditions we have names for are just different manifestations of the same autointoxication, or self-poisoning.
It’s simply that food has putrified in the digestive tract for months or longer, which then leaks through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream in its undigested, rotting form. The debris is then free to take up residence in any location it can find, where the inflammatory process will promptly begin. Easy to see why: in the blood, there are no digestive enzymes any more. Those were left behind in the digestive system.
Remember, that was Nature’s brilliant survival design: the inside of the Tube is still the outside of the body. (The Tube is the entire digestive tract, from one end to the other.) Digestion of food only takes place within the Tube, outside the body. So with no enzymes in the blood, the undigested food which doesn’t belong there anyway can no longer be broken down. All the blood can hope to do is to attack the foreign stuff with white cells to wall it off, or to engulf it in fat cells or calcium.
Problem is, the inflow of this stuff never ends. With the American high fat processed diet, more debris gets past the intestinal walls every day in undigested forms that were never meant to get into the blood – Leaky Gut Syndrome. Day after day, week after week, the stuff accumulates in the joints, arteries, and tissues, infiltrating wherever it can.
After awhile the body can no longer distinguish between the undigested food particles and the tissues in which they are lodged. It sends its army – the immune system – to attack the foreign area, no longer just the foreign cells. So whatever the organ, whatever the tissue where the rotting food accumulates – that part of the body will be attacked as foreign. And we’ll call it an autoimmune response. It’s really not mysterious at all. It’s completely natural, and is actually a healthy response to poison. These empty, nutrition-deficient manmade foods of commerce simply don’t belong inside the body. They were never food at all; they were just packaged and sold to look like food. And that, my friends, is show business.
All the foregoing has to do with undigested processed foods as the cause of allergic reactions. This doesn’t even take into account the pesticides, hormones, and chemical preservatives, additives, and contaminants which end up in our food as the results of preparation, processing and packaging. Half of all antibiotics produced in the US today are for animals. Animals we eat. Sprayed pesticides work their way into the inner cells of supermarket fruit, and do not wash off. In our bodies such poisons are fat-soluble: stored in our fat cells, for months or years.
Until the mid 1980s, sulfur dioxide compounds known as sulfites were commonly sprayed on French fries, meat, and salad bars to keep the food from browning too quickly. Sulfites are also routinely added to wine, to prevent further fermentation. If you get a headache from wine that’s why.
Sulfur dioxide is toxic, and a cause of thousand of documented allergic reactions reported to the FDA in the mid 1980s, many of them fatal. Although sulfite use on meat and raw produce has been banned, they still appear in bronchodilator sprays, and also in wines, as long as the label states the percentage. (Randolph, p83 [8])
Ever notice how some bananas don’t ripen, but just go from green to rotten, with large black areas as though they had been bruised? This is from “gas-ripened” bananas. The green bananas are exposed to ethylene gas, which artificially stops the ripening process, so they’ll travel better.. Here’s how you tell the difference: normal bananas will have many small irregular dark spots on the skin as they ripen, and will ripen normally. Gassing is legal at this time, but is often the cause of allergic response in someone who thinks he’s allergic to bananas. (Randolph [8])
It’s not just bananas – most produce today is subject either to gassing or irradiation to kill enzymes for better transportation. Problem is, with no enzymes, the food loses most of its value as a nutrient. And can be allergenic just because of the gas.
Same deal with irradiation of produce, which is also becoming commonplace today in the mega-agro industry. Same unnatural mutation going on.
OK, back to the Threshold of Reactivity. You know the background now. So here it is: since all this undigested food has no outlet or way to be broken down, it builds up within the body over months and years. Let’s call the point at which a person actually breaks out with symptoms of allergy (hives, rash, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, etc) let’s call that point the Threshold. Below the Threshold, the person won’t have symptoms. Stay with me now for the punchline.
Since the indulgent American is packing away all this stored debris, he is pushing his body steadily closer and closer to its toxic capacity. Day by day he is jacking up his level of autointoxication, higher and higher. He is so close to the Threshold at all times, because of his indigestible diet, that contact with cat hair, dust, pollen, phases of the moon, or whatever the Specialist said he was “allergic to” – any contact may be enough to raise him that last little bit, the straw that broke the camel’s back, above the Threshold, and voila’ – symptoms occur. And then the “specialist” blames the whole allergy on that last straw.
So they give him antihistamine “allergy medication” which prevents the body from offering its normal response to chronic poisoning from all the undigested, weird foods it’s still taking in. And as soon as the medication wears off, he keeps breaking out. This is why allergy medication never cures allergies. People who take allergy medication continue to “have allergies” year after year. Most of them actually develop further allergy to the medication itself.
Same with allergy shots. They give you a little of what you’re supposedly allergic to, as determined by the Last Straw diagnosis, with the promise that this will make you “immune” to that last straw – the cat hair, pollen, fairy dust, eye of newt, whatever.
Allergy shots almost never work. If they did you wouldn’t have to rush back to the doctor every six months or so for your shots. Ever notice how people on allergy shots always have allergies? Ever hear of anyone getting cured by allergy shots?
How can it be this simple? Why doesn’t everybody know this? Thousands do, but the reason this information is not mainstream starts with an M. The allergy industry is big business, both prescription and over-the-counter. Changing one’s diet is not. It goes back to the first paragraph about conventional wisdom.
One difficulty with food allergies is that they are bio-accumulative. In addition to the digestive tract, undigested residue is stored in fat cells and may last for months or years. A sensitivity may persist for weeks or more after new intake has stopped. In the case of dairy, it is only necessary to take in a tiny amount of any processed milk or cheese products every few days in order to keep a dairy allergy going, to maintain the person’s susceptibility to the allergen: the coughing and the sneezing, etc. Even a few drops of milk added to coffee is sufficient to support the chronic allergy. And the person may think that he has “stopped” eating dairy. (Twogood [2])
The same is true of additives in the food and in the food’s packaging, and also of the contaminants that may be present. Theron Randolph, MD, clinical ecologist, talks about the material used in the lining of tin cans which is used to keep the color of the metal can off the food. The material is called phenol, a coal-tar derivative. It is used in virtually all canned foods. Dr. Randolph has documented hundreds of cases of reactions to the phenol alone. (An Alternative Approach to Allergies [8])
For years Albuquerque, New Mexico has been a mecca for asthmatics, TB patients, and those trying to escape their “allergies.” No more. Talk to any doctor in Albuquerque today and you’ll hear the same story: practically everyone in town has allergies. And the government actually has researchers out there climbing “trees” to find out what kind of pollen is making people sick! It’s a desert! The people aren’t sick from dust, angel hair, or cactus pollen. They’re sick, and allergic, from the homogenized, devitalized processed food of the metropolitan American city, a diet which is unvaryingly standardized, from Coney Island all the way to the Santa Monica Pier. Allergy in America today occurs in epidemic proportions. Many researchers are like Howard Rapaport, author of The Complete Allergy Guide, [16] in that they estimate that half the population suffers from some form of allergy. And that book was written in 1970!
Let’s say your programming does not allow you to believe anything I’ve said up to this point, and for various reasons it simply makes no sense to you as far as your allergies go. Fine. Ask yourself this: do I really want to get rid of these allergies, or am I going to continue taking these medications every year, with very little results?
If you can admit to yourself that you’re really sick of your allergies and would like to try an experiment that does not depend on drugs, try the 60 Day Program. For the next 60 days,
*no drugs
*no pasteurized dairy
*no white sugar or white flour
*colon cleanse
*New West Diet
Lest this sound too easy, by drugs, I mean no medications of any kind, prescription or over the counter, unless you’re on some life-sustaining drug therapy program.
No dairy means no pasteurized milk, cheese, butter, no alfredo sauce, no yoghurt, no ice cream, no white salad dressing for 60 days.
No white sugar means no soft drinks, no donuts, no cookies, no refined flour, no ice cream for 60 days.
You also need a few supplements, described in the 60 Day Program: [22]
Enzymes, Flora, Expel, Minerals, Oral Chelation, MegaHydrate, Collagen
The 60 Day Test may not be fun, but how do you like your allergies? Does it work? See Testimonial section of the website.
The 60 Day Program always works, if the patient sticks to it religiously. No deviations, no negotiating. Versions of the program will result in versions of results This program is workable and generally applicable, with no side effects, except for the inconvenience of any lifestyle change. Thousands have done it. The reason it’s not millions is simple: this program requires taking a step in the dangerous direction known as I Can Be Responsible For My Own Health.
Such a journey is discouraged by any and every public medium possible – written and spoken, online and digital, conscious and unconscious – all under the control of the nation’s two biggest advertisers: food manufacturers and drug manufacturers.
After reading the 60 Day Program section of the site, when you’re actually ready to do it call 408 298 1800 to order.
Here’s my personal definition of pathological cluelessness. Your child has had “allergies” most of his life, and is on bronchodilators or antihistamines in spray or pill form. No progress is noted. Blind trust has suppressed any wonder you may have had about possible side effects of taking these drugs on a daily basis for all these years. You’ve never even considered looking up the Adverse Reactions to the drugs in the Physicians Desk Reference, available at any library or WalMart these days. But that’s not even the bad part.
The bad part is where you go to the drive-thru at Wendy’s and let your kid order a giant Frosty, fries, and a Coke because you’re both too hungry to wait until you can get home to get at the pasteurized milk, ice cream, Pepsi, and cheese that awaits you in superabundance in your very own fridge. And you talk about your child’s allergies with your friends with the same conversational tone you use to describe the brake job your car just got at Midas. Yes, he has allergies, BUT he has the inhalator and the antihistamines, so he’s OK, you know.
Anybody but me see anything insane about this little bit of prosaic Americana?
OK, sorry. How would you have known? Well now you know. The vast majority of allergies today are food allergies. We’re addicted to the things that poison us. Of course there can be other causes, other irritants which effect allergic response: environmental toxins, chemicals in housing materials, cleaning materials, cosmetics, clothing, bedding, heating and air conditioning, But why search the house high and low for some elusive unknown bug, when there’s an elephant sitting right in the middle of the living room?
copyright MMXXII
1. Nord CE, Lidbeck A, Orrhage K, Sjöstedt S. — “Oral supplementation with lactic acid-producing bacteria during intake of clindamycin” —Clinical Microbiology and Infection 3: 124-132, 1997.
2. Twogood, Daniel –No Milk– 1996
3. Guyton, AC, MD– Textbook of Medical Physiology –1996
4. Nord, CE, MD– “Effects of probiotics on the normal and disturbed human microflora”— Dept of Immunology, Huddinge Univ. Hospital, Stockholm 1998
5. Anderson, Ross ND– “The Vibrant Health You Deserve” — video 1998
6. Stoll, Walt, MD — Saving Yourself from the Disease-Care Crisis –June 1996
7. Black, Dean, PhD– Health At the Crossroads — 1988
8. Randolph, Theron MD — An Alternative Approach to Allergies — 1989
9. O’Shea T, The Doors of Perception thedoctorwithin.com 2007
10. Tilden, JH, MD — Toxemia Explained –1926
11. Robinson, JW– “The Intestinal Response to Ischemia”– Archives of Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology –1966; 255(2):178-9
12. Unno, Fink MD– “Intestinal Epithelial Hyperpermeability. Mechanisms and Relevance to Disease”– Gastroentero Clin Nor Am 1998 Jun;27(2):289-307
13. Haubrich, WS– “The ebb and flow of gut fluids” — Gastroint Endosc 1980 May;(2Suppl):1S-25
14. Dalton, HP– “Etiology of Bacteremia”– Va Med Mon 1971Dec:98(12):660
15. Letter –“NSAID and the Leaky Gut” — Lancet 1985 Jan 26:1(8422):218-9
16. Rapaport, Howard– The Complete Allergy Guide– 1970
17. Appleton, N — Lick the Sugar Habit –
18. Wall Street Journal– 18 Sep 98
19. Jensen, Bernard –Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care– 1999 Avery Publishing, NY p111
20. Global Market Consumption Soft drink consumption (most recent) by country http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Lifestyle/Food-and-drink/Soft-drink/Consumption
21. O’Shea T, Journey to the Center of Your Colon
22. 60 day Program thedoctorwithin.com