Dr Tim O’Shea
10 Sections

This short course will address the following subjects:

    Recombinant bovine growth hormone in all pasteurized dairy
    Gastric reflux
    The creators of psychoneurological addiction – Comfort Foods
    Calcium buffering, pH, and normal weight
    The weight loss industry
    The physiology of obesity
    Food allergies and the high protein diet
    The Threshold of Reactivity
    Diabetes and the history of sugar




In 1906 a medical doctor named Charles Porter wrote an brilliant book entitled Milk Diet As a Remedy for Disease. The book went through some 11 editions. It is Dr Porter’s unique chronicle of 39 years of research into the Raw Milk Cure.
In this protocol, the patient was to have no other food for one month except raw milk: between 2 to 4 quarts per day. No other food at all.

Porter describes resolution or improvement of virtually all of over 18,000 cases he treated during that period. He charts out a list of types of illness which responded:

    Diabetes asthma
    High blood pressure allergies
    Periodontal disease malaria
    Heart disease gallstones
    Kidney disease tuberculosis
    Brain disorders Pleurisy
    Any digestive disorder

Dr Porter maintained that the success of the raw milk cure may be attributed to the promotion of new blood being produced. He explains that raw milk has similar properties to healthy blood and that may be the reason it offers such an effective cure in so many types of cases.

Another doctor about that same time, J Crewe MD of the Mayo Clinic was using the same technique. For over 15 years Dr Crewe employed the Raw Milk Diet in thousands of instances, obtaining similar results as Dr Porter.

Dr Crewe noted especially the beneficial effect the diet had on tuberculosis patients. Crewe’s theory concurred with Porter’s about the similar compositions of blood and raw milk being the reason why the diet worked so well.

The work of these two doctors was not particularly radical, from a traditional point of view. The milk cure had been well known in many countries for centuries. As Dr Howell stated:

    “…the status raw milk gained as a healing remedy for chronic disease throughout hundreds of years vanished with the advent of pasteurized milk”

Francis Pottenger MD went even further in proclaiming the salubrious properties of raw milk:

    “women who did not have access to raw milk or who refused to drink it put the development of their babies in jeopardy and should not breastfeed.”


In recent years demand for milk has skyrocketed in this country. This demand promoted the replacement of individual dairy farms with huge corporate operations. Normally lactating cows could no longer meet new requirements of the new industry. Enter the age of hormones.

With respect to modern large-scale corporate dairy farming, the inordinate amounts of hormones given to commercial dairy cows control lactation in a wholly unnatural way. Such a cow is forced to lactate continuously, artificially prolonged by synthetic hormones.

After about 3 years, the cow milks out and is then disposed of, sold to fast food chains or food packers, even though the meat by that time is saturated with persistent hormones and antibiotics.

In stark contrast, the raw dairy cows lactate naturally by bearing a calf every year. In this way they can produce natural milk for 8-12 years, or even longer. Consider the obvious difference between the two types of milk that are the result of these two entirely different systems of animal husbandry.

Posilac was the first mass-marketed genetically modified product. Posilac contained the synthetic hormone known as recombinant bovine growth hormone – rBGH.

This chemical compound was originally invented as a veterinary drug. Ignoring overwhelming research from the own scientists, the FDA approved Posilac in 1994. In point of fact, any FDA scientists who objected to the approval of rBGH were fired. (p 81)

In his startling book Seeds of Deception, which serves as an good introduction to the GMO foods phenomenon, Jeffrey Smith carefully details the politics of how Monsanto’s product was able to become the mainstay of the vast US corporate dairy industry, irrespective of every single legitimate scientific study warning against it. (Smith, p 97)

FDA scientists were coerced into signing a document stating that that rBGH was harmless, even though they had mountains of research showing how Posilac caused many types of damage to the cows’ physiology including:

    Udder infections
    Reproductive disorders
    Birth defects
    Increased size of heart, liver, kidneys, ovaries, adrenals (Smith p 88)

There was no long term safety testing on rBGH done before approval. The original studies used for approval only lasted 90 days and were done on only 30 rats. {Smith p 85) The scientists were also forced to say the rBGH is destroyed 90% by pasteurization and by digestion, even though it is well documented that most of it persists in the human gut, intact. (GAPS Analysis)

The original bovine studies prescribed 10 mg of rBGH per day, and were only done on 3 cows. All the above mentioned negative effects happened after those small doses, but that is nothing compared to the amounts of rBGH given to modern cows: 500 mg every 2 weeks is the standard dosage for commercial dairy cows today.


But the real endocrine disruption occurs not from rBGH directly, but from another hormone whose production is stimulated by rBGH: insulinlike growth hormone, also called IGF-1. IGF-1 is actually a natural hormone, occurring in both humans and cows, in small amounts. It is the hormone that ends lactation once it is time to wean the baby.

The problem is that the amount of rBGH injected into today’s dairy cows causes IGF-1 levels to rise to 1000x normal, which levels are then persistent.

The first and obvious danger is that IGF-1 has the ability to inhibit cell death of lacteal cells. Imagine the presence of a hormone in your body that was 1000x the normal level and had the ability to inhibit cell death of tissue.

IGF-1 increases milk output in cows by its ability to inhibit cell death of lacteals – cancels out normal apoptosis. That means it causes cells that should have died to continue to divide: the textbook definition of metaplasia.

But remember, it is a systemic hormone, and this cell-proliferative action is not restricted to breast tissue only. So it is not surprising to learn these statistics about IGF-1, from the very extensive research conducted by the Canadian GAPS Analysis Report:

    Premenopausal women with high IGF-1 are 7x more likely to develop breast cancer

    Men are 4x more likely to develop prostate cancer (Science, 23 Jan 98 p 563)

    IGF-1 is also implicated in colon and lung cancer

    Seeds of Deception p 97 Canadian GAPS Analysis Report

In addition, the GAPS study went on to document a very high incidence of birth defects, reproductive disorders, infections, weight loss, and increased size of kidneys, liver, ovaries and adrenals – in cows. And that is the reason the rBGH has been illegal in Canada since 1999 – not for what it does to humans, but for the damage it does to cows!

A follow up study of rBGH in Europe found similar effects in humans, corroborating the large increases in breast and prostate cancers.

Posilac is banned in the UK and in most of Europe, as well as in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Indeed, the only major nation that allows the majority of its milk to contain this dangerous hormone is the US. It has been backed by official White House policy ever since its inception. {Smith p99). The average American consumes more than 19 gallons of pasteurized milk annually. Unless the milk is labeled organic, virtually all of it may be assumed to contain huge amounts of rBGH.

Ice Cream

What about ice cream? It’s practically an American institution, and probably one of the highest motivators for child behavior control. As we have seen above, all commercial ice cream is made from pasteurized milk, which cannot be completely digested. Like all pasteurized dairy, once in the body, it has a tendency to ferment instead of break down, thereby becoming a sensitizing allergen, a culture medium for opportunistic organisms, and one of the most common contributors to childhood asthma.

Remember when you were a child and used to eat ice cream out of the carton? And remember when you couldn’t eat any more but there was a little left at the bottom of the carton, so you just put the carton in the sink and went to bed. And when you came down the next morning the rest of the ice cream would have melted down the drain. Try that today. Today whatever you leave in the sink will certainly still be there the next morning. Why is that? Because it’s no longer ice and it certainly isn’t cream. In addition to pasteurized milk, modern ice cream contains indigestible modifiers and gums and food extenders and processing ingredients and preservatives and texture controllers, as well as artificial chemicals for flavoring.

If you’re addicted to ice cream at least you should know the company you’re in:

    Ben Cohen – of Ben & Jerry’s – had a quintuple bypass at age 49
    Burt Baskins founder of Baskin-Robbins died of a heart attack at age 51
    Irv Robbins, his partner, developed type II diabetes at 52
    — John Robbins interview, Supersize Me

All holistic nutritionists agree on one idea: for childhood allergies, the first thing that must be done is to eliminate all dairy for 60 days. This includes all milk, cheese , butter, ice cream, yogurt. You can either make excuses why you can’t do that, or else try it and and watch the allergies disappear.


    A cow may lactate for 8-12 years provided that

    She is given sufficient Bovine Growth Hormone
    She is spayed at birth
    She is never allowed to become pregnant
    She is a Guernsey
    She bears a calf annually *



To conclude our discussion of enzymes, processed enzymeless foods cannot be well digested. They clog up both the alimentary tract and the bloodstream. Such food may become only half-digested, which is really just another word for rotting. Each type of food rots differently in the tract: fats go rancid, proteins putrefy and carbohydrates ferment.

Stagnant rotting food creates toxins and free radicals, and may also become a culture medium for any opportunistic microorganisms which might be looking for a conducive environment in which to proliferate.


Through Leaky Gut Syndrome, as mentioned above, free radicals may then enter the blood. Free radicals, as we know, are unstable molecules missing an electron on the outer ring. They collide with other normal molecules in a constant attempt to steal back the missing electron. This chain reaction mechanism can destroy cells, causing premature aging of tissues.

In the erythrocytes specifically, free radicals present in the blood attack the red cell membrane, causing it to shrivel up and dehydrate. This abnormal conformation largely defeats the true purpose of the red cell: to provide maximum hemoglobin-rich surface area for the binding and delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body, all the time.

In addition, free radicals can invade and alter the DNA of any cell, without killing the cell. When that happens the cell may still be able to reproduce itself, but can no longer specialize. What do doctors call a situation in which a group of cells has lost the ability to specialize but not the ability to proliferate? Right again: metaplasia. Cell de-differentiation.

Therefore it is not idle speculation or semantics to state that processed foods are carcinogenic. The metabolic pathways connecting the creation of free radicals in the manufacturing, processing, and attempted digestion of processed foods, followed by the consequent alteration of cell DNA – these pathways have been incontrovertibly identified by dozens of legitimate sources.


Gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach ache, feeling full when beginning to eat, abdominal cramping, unsatisfied hunger – these are common symptoms of enzyme deficiency, a modern epidemic. But most doctors treat such problems as though they were signs of medication deficiency. Perfect examples are Tagamet and Prilosec – standard drugs given for indigestion and heartburn. Let us consider briefly why prolonged drug protocols for chronic indigestion are so unsuccessful.

Let us start by imagining a typical diet of an adult with chronic indigestion. Not too difficult to surmise: pizza, french fries, chips, coffee, pasteurized dairy, deep fried foods, refined carbohydrates, etc, – the standard diet consumed by 80% of Americans 80% of their lives. The prime common characteristic shared by all these foods is their lack of enzymes, since that’s the definition of a processed food.

So of course it’s going to be difficult for the body to metabolize such a bolus of masticated material once it goes down the esophagus, simply because the entire burden of enzymatic breakdown is now placed on the body’s own digestive resources.

As a result, once in the stomach, the bolus just sits there, even though the stomach keeps producing more and more acids and digestive juices trying to break down the overcooked, hydrogenated, refined, chemical-laden mass we call food.

But the task is overwhelming, because most of the food is so new to the human species that the body doesn’t recognize it well enough to assign enzymes for its breakdown. Even though our system can’t metabolize these synthetic foods, it will never stop trying, because the body will always try to survive, will always try to clean itself. And so more and more digestive enzymes and HCl keep pouring in, in a valiant attempt to digest the indigestible.


Upon swallowing the next load of favorite foods, the cardiac sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus opens up to deposit the food into the stomach. In that brief instant, some of the digestive juice that has been sitting there unable to do its work may splash back into the sensitive esophageal mucosa causing a painful condition known as reflux esophagitis, or heartburn.

Another common experience of reflux esophagitis may occur when the patient lies down at night and dinner comes back up the esophagus. A typical complaint from these patients is that when they start to eat they already feel full. That’s because they are full: the tract is all the way full, top to bottom.

A classic misdiagnosis of this same condition is hiatal hernia, which is something rare and completely different and unrelated. Hiatal hernia occurs when the top part of the stomach invaginates upward through the weakened musculature of the diaphragm and becomes trapped in that position. The top part of the stomach becomes compressed by the surrounding diaphragm and it cannot descend to it normal position. It is very painful. In the old days, a folk cure was for the patient to drink a gallon of water and then jump off a chair, landing flat-footed. The intention was that the extra weight in the stomach and the jolt from the landing would be sufficient to pop the stomach back to its normal position.

Reflux, also known as GERD, is much more common, especially in light of the empty, toxic, indigestible American diet we live with. An article in the Jan 2009 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine stated that 20% of the adult population in the US suffers from reflux.

Today the number is much higher.

What is the standard medical approach to reflux? First the doctors will recommend Tagamet, or Tums, with the idea that all the excess stomach acids needed to be soaked up. It’s true that when the stomach acids are temporarily gone, the burning goes away. For a few hours. But the stomach juices weren’t the problem; the problem is still present – that indigestible bolus of food just sitting there in the stomach.

This is a typical allopathic approach: pretend that the symptom was the disease, and cover it up, using drugs. Always short-term, never curative.

When Tagamet doesn’t work, enter Prilosec. The rationale behind this drug is to stop all digestion by halting further production of digestive juices. Once again, short-term the discomfort is postponed. But the underlying cause – the indigestible bolus sitting there in the stomach – persists. It now begins to rot.

Soon there develops intestinal blockage, which may set the stage for diseases like peptic ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Regional Ileitis, Crohn’s Disease, chronic colitis, gastritis, Candida albicans, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and colon cancer, to name a few.

Ironically, reflux is one of the simplest conditions to resolve. It doesn’t require the full 60 days as discussed above. In an enzyme supplementation program 3 times per day, most conditions of reflux will resolve in a week or two, even if they have been long-term chronic. The primary reason such an approach works is its philosophical difference from the mainstream approach. Instead of trying to fight and overpower the normal response of the body to a blocked tract – the production of digestive juices – enzyme supplementation will augment those natural efforts and add back to the system the enzymes that were removed in the food processing in the first place.

For the first time the bolus of food is attacked with sufficient broad spectrum enzymes necessary to break down all the accumulated manmade processed fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into small enough units that can be moved down through the tract. The remedy is simplicity itself.


A chronic diet of processed foods contributes to conditions like gastric reflux and Crohn’s disease primarily due to a lack of

    Enzymes *
    Digestive hormones




Most of us know what we should be eating. But when it actually comes down to it, we simply eat food that ‘we’re hungry for.’ Billions of dollars are spent conditioning us about what we should feel hungry for. TV, billboards, magazines, radio, newspapers, ezines – what are we constantly assaulted with? Images of hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, chips, coke, candy, donuts, milk, cheese, beer, etc. Just hearing these words is enough to make our Pavlovian mouths water.

Weston A Price once said that modern processed foods are the best poisons ever made. We become addicted to these slowly cytotoxic compounds. Not only do they contain little or no nutrient content; even if they did there’s almost no chance of our getting to it because these foods have no enzymes in them. As we saw above, the entire burden of digestion is placed on our body’s own enzyme production. These foods are so foreign, so processed, have so many chemicals and preservatives, and are so new to the human race that they far exceed our body’s ability to identify them, let alone metabolize them.

So as we study the processing of foods, with the pasteurizing, refining, irradiation, gassing, genetic modification, adding chemicals, heating, etc., and realize the violence that is done to fragile natural foods in order to confer indefinite shelf life, one question keeps coming up. After all that assault, after all the enzymes, vitamins and minerals have been annihilated during processing, why do our favorite foods still taste so good?

In the early 1900s, we saw the creation of a new category of foods, a type of food that whose value was no longer calculated by nutrient content, but merely by their ability to produce a feeling of comfort and well-being. What would be the objectives of such a creation? The marketing of true food addiction, to promote consumption, brand loyalty, and psychological dependence.

Now it is hardly feasible to become addicted to a food that tastes bad. So the food industry’s new problem was how to create strong consistent flavors in dead foods that would have impossibly long shelf life, and retain those flavors precisely, over great distances and periods of time.


Eric Schlosser’s landmark book Fast Food Nation was a sudden flash of awareness into an entire area of science within the fast food industry. But it wasn’t only his thorough account of how quality control of fast food hamburgers and french fries has devolved these past 50 years. Or even the labyrinth of regulatory oversight and its flagrant indifference to accountability and public health. Rather, it was Schlosser’s brilliant introduction of a new topic to most readers for the first time: the virtually invisible profession known as flavorists.

Until the student of nutrition has an understanding of the accomplishments of this group of biochemists in the global food industry during the past 50 years, cataloguing the details of calorie counting, food combining, or vitamin activity will be seen as meaningless exercises, with very little relevance in the overall picture of holistic nutrition.

Let’s start with labeling. For the past 30 years, FDA labeling has demanded that all packaged foods list the ingredients on the food label in order of proportion: whatever is listed first is the greatest proportion of the food, and so on to what ingredient has the least proportion. So generally we observe that the last entries on most food labels are artificial and natural flavors.

In researching his book, Schlosser learned about the profession that is responsible for creating and cataloguing these artificial and natural flavors. They are called flavorists – a group of biochemists tasked with formulation of thousands of highly concentrated flavor additives. Some of these powerful chemicals are so concentrated that just one drop is enough to flavor an entire tankcar of liquid.

We remember from school that taste is a rather coarse sense, comprising just four basic tastes – salty, sour, sweet, bitter.

Olfaction on the other hand, says Guyton, is an extremely refined and subtle sense, with the brain being able to distinguish literally thousands of scents and aromas and to remember them for years.

This is why you might walk into a new situation and suddenly be transported back to your grandmother’s kitchen 25 years ago – because of some scent that comes to you through the olfactory senses.

So it is the specialty of flavorists then, to analyze and synthesize thousands of various scents and tastes into chemicals that can be added to any processed food, no matter how devitalized, and still make it taste like practically anything they want. Any given flavor they wish to create may have dozens of separate components, each measured out in minute and precise proportions, each of which may impart its own specific psychological and physiological response, in order to create a final end result – a unique flavor, whose recipe will remain unchanged from then on.

Many of us may recall back in organic chemistry lab many years ago, we might have made amyl acetate as one of the assignments. And suddenly the odor of banana permeated the room even though there were no bananas in sight? Well, imagine that level of biochemistry carried to an immensely complex and sophisticated level, having become more and more refined over the past decades.

In endeavoring to create and control a finished product, many subtle features of taste are studied in precise detail: mouth feel, solubility, aftertaste, crunchiness, delay, aromatics, etc. As the student is exposed to this unknown area for the first time, memories of past gustatory experiences may be linked with the choices for this evening’s comfort foods, the culmination of a lifetime of comfort food conditioning. This issue is so much more complex than simple addiction to sugar or salt.

As we will see below, the most ubiquitous ingredient in global processed foods today is certainly hydrogenated soybean oil. This pervasive filler appears on the labels of as much as 80% of processed foods on today’s supermarket shelves. Later in this course, when we go into detail about the processing of soybeans into hydrogenated soybean oil, we will discover why after all the nutrient-destroying steps, such a finished product would have no taste at all of its own. All food value, indeed all nutritive content has been scientifically eliminated, in the interests of long shelf life. So the problem the food manufacturers were faced with was: how can a lasting, pleasing, identifiable taste be added on to such dead foods?

The answer was simple: artificial flavors.

Consider the popular snack foods at the convenience store closest to your house: salty snacks, sweet snacks, candy, etc. Now a traveler knows that he can walk into any convenience store anywhere in the US, and indeed in most locations on earth, and find the same identical snack foods. They may not have the exact same names, but the same items will have precisely the same taste, anywhere on earth. Continuity over space. Branding. The creation of comfort foods.

And as brand loyalty for snack foods is built on consistency and reliability, we will find that once a successful flavor recipe for a popular snack food has been created, it will remain unchanged for decades: continuity over time. Same comfort you felt as a child eating the same snack with exactly the same chemically manipulated taste.

That is the power of the behind the scenes profession known as the flavorists. The creation of processed comfort foods for the world is a very sophisticated science, part of a colossal global industry with annual revenues far in excess of $100 billion.

Omitted from mainstream media, this entire area of psychoneurological food conditioning has been in place for decades. Read Schlosser. The adult reader may realize for the first time why favorite childhood snacks are biochemically engineered to have exactly the same flavor today: to confer that sense of continuity, comfort and well-being, so we can go to bed thinking everything is all right with the world. The comfort foods.


The profession of biochemists who specialize in the creation of comfort foods is known as

    Flavorists *
    Olfactory scientists
    Gustatory scientists




One of the most destructive consequences of a processed food lifestyle is the unrelenting acidification of the digestive tract and the blood.

It is well established [Guyton, Howell] that both metabolic and digestive enzymes require a specific pH in order for enzyme activity to take place. Throughout the digestive tract, varying pH levels are required and maintained for optimum digestion at each location of the tract – more acidic in the stomach and the first areas of the small intestine, and more alkaline as we move along into the colon.

But in general, there is a constant struggle to attempt to counteract the acidifying effects of modern refined foods, which is one of the greatest overall detriments to health resulting from the advent of the grocery business in the past century.

It all began at the time of the First World War in which we had to ship supplies over to our soldiers fighting in Europe. Suppliers noticed that shipping natural whole foods was virtually impossible, due to spoilage on such a long journey. So they began to learn ways to preserve foods, to process them, which unfortunately meant the removal of enzymes.

The more sophisticated they became at this process, the longer the shelf life. The price for this increased shelf life: nutritive value. The more processed the food is, the more it has been altered from its natural state, the more difficult it has being digested; and consequently the more acidic the body, the blood, and the digestive tract become.

As pH is forced constantly downward by the intake of processed food, the requisite normal pH range in any physical location may be violated and the enzymes in each particular environment – both metabolic and digestive – are thus inhibited. Unrelenting, day in and day out inhibition of metabolic enzymes will obviously result in premature aging, accretion of unmetabolized wastes within tissues, and a general interference with normal cell life functions.

Lowering of pH, or acidification, is a common result of most types of processed food including

    – refined carbohydrates
    – pasteurized dairy
    – hydrogenated oils
    – carbonated drinks
    – trans fatty acids

Body fluids and tissues must remain within a certain pH range in order to survive. The digestive tract can have pH as low as 1, although most of it remains between 5 and 7, depending on the phase of digestion specific to the particular area of the tract.

Blood pH, however must be kept between 7.3 and 7.45, according to Guyton. So a series of emergency pathways has evolved within our species over the millennia in order to maintain alkalinity. These physiological mechanism were originally designed only to be brought into action occasionally, for emergency use, as it were. The problem is that as processed foods so quickly replaced natural foods as the predominant part of the human diet in just one century, most human systems are employing these emergency measures all the time, just to try and keep up with the daily intake.

Living our lives in a continual state of alarm, we are constantly forcing the body to use its calcium buffering abilities to maintain neutral pH.


Unfortunately these emergency measures are expensive, metabolically speaking, and stress us out as a species. The constant buffering uses up the body’s stores of vitamins, minerals and enzymes which the body had been planning to expend on normal cell metabolism. And so without those stores, the body now wears out more rapidly than necessary. The author calls this wasteful practice burning the metabolic candle at both ends.


Let’s look at one of these safety mechanisms for a minute: maintaining normal blood pH via calcium buffering.

Guyton tells us that deviating very far outside the range 7.3-7.45 range in blood pH for long will result in death. As we have seen, most processed food, especially the refined carbohydrates, tends to lower the blood pH as a result of the body’s constant attempts to metabolize these unnatural compounds out of the body.

Take a 16 ounce coke for example. It has a pH of 2. How much water does it take to bring 16 oz of liquid with pH 2 back up to 7.3? Answer: 10 gallons. If an adult human only has 5 litres of blood, the why doesn’t death occur after drinking a 16 oz. coke without drinking 10 gallons of water? It’s the calcium buffering mechanisms that save us.

There are two main calcium buffering mechanisms of course; one involving the kidneys and one involving the lungs. Although they are extremely effective at keeping our blood pH within that survival range, when used unnecessarily and routinely, unrelenting non-stop buffering burns through the body’s reserves of minerals, especially calcium, as well as hormones like aldosterone, calcitonin and PTH.


Why don’t Olympic athletes seem to live as long as everyone else. Why do Iron Man competitors and marathon runners also have shorter lifespans than normal? Or high stress careers? Such extreme and protracted physical activity burns the fires of life too brightly, consuming the body’s ATP, metabolic enzymes, and nutrient reserves faster than they can be stored up.

The example we use in the live seminar is Seabiscuit. Certainly one of the greatest racehorses of all time, Seabiscuit received more media coverage than has any athlete in history. In the late thirties both the President and Adolf Hitler finished behind Seabiscuit in terms of newspaper column inches devoted to each individual.

As a young horse Seabiscuit was less than exceptional, and was reined in by jockeys and made to lose deliberately in order to build up the confidence of more likely comers. Not until he was 4, an age when many racehorses are retired, did Seabiscuit begin to make his mark. Then he won everything in any class and overcame impossible odds to finish with a record-breaking list of lifetime achievements. Seabiscuit retired from racing then at age 7, at which time he was put out to pasture and lived out the rest of his days quietly at his ranch in northern California.

The point here is that Seabiscuit died when he was only 14, even though he lived an idyllic, stress free life for his last 7 years. A horse who is well taken care of can live to age 30. This is an example of burning the metabolic candle at both ends. Seabiscuit was raced to death before he was 7, and had to dip so deeply into his metabolic reserves that not even 7 years of rest could pay back the debt.

This is the precise reason that in planning the New West diet for optimum nutrition, neutral foods are chosen. Not only are the best foods enzyme rich so as to minimize the drain on the body’s own enzyme reserves, but these foods are as water rich and alkaline as possible, so as not to unnecessarily trigger the calcium buffering cascades. We will go over that diet in detail later on


The weight loss industry in this country is a multi-billion dollar system based largely on advertising, marketing, and predicated on the idea that rollercoaster dieting should be encouraged one’s entire life.

The purpose of the weight loss industry is to sell weight loss products – books, CDs, DVDs, foods, exercise equipment, etc. Once an individual becomes normal weight, he is no longer a customer of the weight loss industry. So obviously normalizing people’s weight is not part of the agenda of the weight loss industry.


Which of the following promotes acidification of the body’s pH?

    Soft drinks
    Excess meats
    White flour
    pasteurized milk
    all of the above *




As the fattest people on earth, Americans spend over $72 billion annually on the diet industry: diet foods, diet pills – both prescription and supplemental – books, videos, CDs, magazines, clubs, health bars, gyms, gym equipment, elective surgeries – $72 billion.

The industry is predicated on the Rollercoaster Mindset: the individual has overeaten for months and months and is now obese, or close to it. So it’s time to ‘go on a diet’ which means either starvation or else any of a number of commercial diet programs whose goal is to drop poundage off the frame as fast as possible, irrespective of collateral health consequences. And when the weight loss goal is met after several weeks and the dieter approaches normal weight once more, the previous lifestyle of hard fats and refined processed foods may now be resumed. All over again the pounds are then gradually accrued until panic level is once more attained, and then the cycle begins anew.

With 60% of Americans either overweight or obese, according to the CDC, the weight loss industry capitalizes on the predictable behavior of most of its clientele. The industry objective never has been focused on good health or normal weight, but rather on reinforcing the normality of the rollercoaster existence for as many years as possible.

Instead of greedy and overindulgent, obesity is often portrayed in media as cute, normal, and acceptable, even fashionable. But the physiological weaknesses whose proven association with obesity are well documented in the medical literature. Prodigious amounts of CDC data correlate obesity with premature death from almost every known degenerative disease pattern, including:

    – heart disease
    – hypertension
    – sleep apnea
    – endometrial cancer
    – breast cancer
    – prostate cancer
    – dyslipidemia
    – colon disease
    – hepatitis
    – insulin resistance
    – liver cancer
    – asthma
    – kidney failure
    – hyperuricemia
    – diabetes
    – reproductive hormone abnormalities
    – degenerative arthritis
    – impaired fertility
    – respiratory disease
    – skin disease
    – peptic ulcer
    – depression
    – neurological disorders
    – polycystic ovarian syndrome

Therefore to condone, excuse, and encourage obesity is to expose the individual to a much greater chance of ending up with any of the above diseases. The problem is ballooning: in the US obesity has doubled since 1980.


The CDC defines obesity with an index that divides the body weight by the body mass squared. But there is a much simpler way to figure it: take one’s normal weight. Calculate one third of it, and add it to the normal weight. If the actual weight is more than that total, the individual is clinically obese.


In investigative reports like Supersize Me and Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation, stark figures like these confront the reader: every single day over 37% of the US population dines at a fast food place. Every single day 122 million people in the US dine at a fast food restaurant.

Fast Food Nation with its meticulous documentation, quickly disabuses the reader of any preconceptions about how safe and clean fast food restaurants are, or about how well they are monitored for sanitary procedures affecting both the immediate environment of food processing and the purity of the end products. We can no longer assume that we have the safest and healthiest food on earth. If that were true, how could it be simultaneously true that the US has the worst overall health of any industrialized nation?
Germaphobic spraying of the tables every 5 minutes with carcinogenic “sanitizers” will improve nothing.

United Nations statistics show that the US is #47 in infant mortality, as of 2020. That means that infants of 33 countries on earth stand a better chance of surviving to age 5 than American children do. And many of those 33 are Third World.


Most of us either have been food poisoned or at least know someone who has. 48 million annually get food poisoning in the United States every year. 128,000 Americans are hospitalized, and 3,000 die after eating contaminated food. (CDC)

Usually we think of food poisoning as being violently ill, throwing up, and being incapacitated for a few days, because of having eaten some bad food at a restaurant.

But there’s another type of food poisoning that is much more common, in fact, epidemic. This is the type of disorder that baffles doctors and hospitals. The tests are all negative. But the syndrome may persist month after month: no energy, intermittent sharp pains in the stomach area, bad skin, bad breath, chronic low-grade allergies, constant feeling of impending disaster, fibrotic areas infiltrated into the muscle tissue of the upper back.

The routine diagnostic label is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

One physical mechanism contributing to this most common variety of food poisoning was described above: years of eating a diet deficient in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. As the digestive tract becomes blocked, the manmade processed non-food molecules make their way into the systemic circulation via Leaky Gut Syndrome.

The result is erythrocyte aggregation, accumulation of oxidized cholesterols from hydrogenated items, and infiltration of the metabolized debris into skeletal muscle. Not only is the available oxygen to the entire body exponentially decreased by the agglomeration and rouleaux of red cells, but the 60% of the body that is musculoskeletal manifests its oxygen deficit in a general feeling of malaise and weakness.

Feeling depressed, the patient turns to what may be life’s only remaining pleasure: the soft, processed comfort foods that helped to bring about the sad condition in the first place. And so the vicious cycle is established, a pattern very resistant to change.

There is no virtually way to break this routine without a radical and abrupt change in lifestyle and mental outlook, however that may be accomplished. As well as a regimented detox schedule like the 60 Day Program.


This very popular technique is the self-defeating way out of normalizing weight. Tens of thousands of Americans are resorting to liposuction every year, which costs between $3000-$10,000 depending on how many areas are treated. Let’s consider if there is a way around lifestyle change.

When we are children, the number of fat cells in our tissues is established. If their capacity for storing fat is exceeded by constant dietary intake, more fat cells will be formed. Unrestrained excess results in greater and greater numbers of fat cells being created.

In the liposuction procedure, not only are the contents of the fat cells emptied, but the fat cells themselves are destroyed in the areas reached by the cannula, which is the small suction tube used in the protocol. The end result is that those regions in which the fat cells were destroyed will be unable to be loaded up again with fat in the future. So if the diet becomes excessive again, the body will begin to gain weight in odd places, such as the wrists or behind the knees, locations untouched by liposuction, where the creation of new fat cells is still possible.

The common places for fat storage preferred by the body – the midriff, thighs, and gluteal areas – are the targets for liposuction. After the procedure, these areas no longer have the old fat cells available to store fat. So excess has to go elsewhere in the future.

A year or so after the procedure most patients learn that liposuction is only a temporary solution to an ongoing problem. Ultimately there will have to be a lifestyle change, or else the post-operative patient may start looking very cartoonish, with the odd new locations of fat.

Logically then, since there is no way to avoid lifestyle change in the long term without the body storing large amounts of excess fat, it seems more prudent to effect the lifestyle change from the beginning, and forego the dangerous, possibly fatal procedure known as liposuction. Blood clots, infection, allergic reactions, organ perforation, anaphylaxis – these are some of the reactions documented in the medical literature surrounding liposuction. Which they rarely tell you about beforehand.

The child who is allowed to become obese by age 5 or 6 will thereafter have the propensity for obesity into adulthood, because of all the extra fat cells that have been created by dietary excesses in childhood. Fat kids make fat adults.

In place of being a lifetime client of the weight loss industry, what this seminar proposes is lifestyle balance. Correct the diet, as we will see below. Diet is temporary; lifestyle is a permanent routine. In the long term, body weight will only normalize as a natural consequence of lifestyle change.


According the CDC, obesity predisposes one to

    A. heart disease
    B. diabetes
    C. arthritis
    D. liver cancer
    E. all of the above *



Tommy Thompson, Director of Health and Human Services, stated in 2004 that obese children under 15 years old already stood a 20% chance of having incipient fibrosis of the liver, which is the first stage of cirrhosis.

William Klish MD, Director of Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston states that if a child develops Type II diabetes before age 15, he is cutting between 17 and 27 years off the end of his life.

The most shocking statistic of all however is probably this one, from the CDC: because of current processed food diet trends in which such a high percentage of the diet is refined carbohydrates, a child born today stands a one in three chance of becoming Type II diabetic in his lifetime. Extrapolation from that statistic would suggest that by the year 2030 one third of the US population will be diabetic.

We’re already ahead of schedule.


As we saw above, John A McDougall MD tells us the normal adult needs only about 25 g of protein per day. The average American adult clocks in at over 125 grams per day. The US Dept of Agriculture estimates that Americans average over 100 pounds of sugar per year. These are very low estimates according to independent researchers, like Nancy Appleton, who put the true figures for sugar as 150 lbs. (Lick The Sugar Habit)

According to the Consumer Statistics Database, Americans on the average drink a colossal 142 litres of soft drinks per year, which is double that of the next 3 runners-up – Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Now how much high fructose corn syrup, soft drinks and white sugar do we need per year? Zero. So we are taking in this enormous amount of refined carbohydrates each year, which have all been clearly linked to the degeneration of every single system of the body.

In the Second World War most of the prisoners of the Bataan camp starved to death during the Death March and afterwards, before they could be rescued. It is reported that one of the biggest frustrations of the survivors was that the American medics who were part of the rescue would not believe what the prisoners said they had been eating for the previous 6 months.

This seminar is not recommending the Bataan diet, by any means. The point is that we eat far more than we need. Most people eat on schedule: breakfast, lunch and dinner, whether we’re hungry or not. No animal in nature does this. The dictates of a normal lifestyle require that we only eat when we are truly hungry.

One of the most common symptoms of patients who are candidates for the enzyme detox diet is that they will complain that when they start to eat, they already feel full. As we have seen above in the section on reflux, that is because they are full. The alimentary tract is crammed to overflowing with indigestible processed foods, remnants of the past weeks. But that feeling didn’t stop them from packing even more of the same foods into the digestive tract. Social pressures, routine, nervousness, comfort conditioning, protocol, business stress – common rationales for overeating.


Weight Watchers grosses over $1 billion per year. And that’s what their clients seem to do: watch their weight. Year after year. The program advertises that clients can eat what everybody else eats but still lose weight. What would happen to Weight Watchers if people permanently normalized their weight after doing the program? They would have no repeat business – a suicidal marketing plan.

It’s much the same with virtually any of the diet programs associated with the weight loss industry. The words themselves tell the story: if the program uses the terms diet and weight loss rather than the terms lifestyle and normal weight, the true goal is permanently obese clients.


One of the first organs to be overwhelmed by the constant deluge of fast foods is the liver, the most important organ of the body. Henry Bieler MD always felt that if the liver were able to keep up with cleansing the blood of all the indigestible debris most patients consume, we would live more or less indefinitely. (Bieler, p63 Food Is Your Best Medicine)

Before it gets into general circulation, digested food from the intestine goes first through the liver via the hepatic portal vein. The liver is then able to choose what to do with the digested food, from these options:

    i. make new body tissues
    ii. release energy
    iii. store nutrients for future use

Unfortunately in an enzymeless diet that consists of 80% hard fats and refined sugars, the liver never has time to get around to these standard life functions. Instead it wastes most of its energy and reserves just trying to maintain survival levels of toxicity, filtering out the usable from the unusable. The body’s oil filter. Overwhelmed in this constant struggle with non-nutritive chemically-created foods, the liver cells die, cirrhosis results, and puts liver disease as today the #10 cause of death in the US. (Historical Statistics) It is becoming more prevalent even in children, as we saw above.

Bieler reminds us that the human liver developed from 60 million years of animal liver evolution. For all but the last 100 years of mankind’s 200,000 years, the human diet was simple fruits and vegetables, with a little animal protein. Thus was the liver allowed to develop normally and to concentrate on its main tasks, which did not involve toxic waste breakdown. Modern processed foods have been a degrading shock to the evolution of our digestive abilities. ( Food Is Your Best Medicine, p 183)

Bieler then explains the inadvisability of trying to force the liver and kidneys to work harder by falsely whipping them into action by adrenal-stimulating steroid and diuretic drugs, which is the standard medical approach. This is a short-term solution and will ultimately result in organ destruction, and eventually failure. The simple fact is, the liver and kidneys were never meant to work this hard, spending all their metabolic energy trying to deal with weird enzymeless processed new food chemicals from our Armageddon-style diet. (Bieler, p 142)


Of the three meals a day, one of them should be a nutritious snack, unless one’s job requires enormous constant physical exertion. Otherwise the individual is packing the tract to distension, and worse, burdening the body with the metabolically destructive task of trying to break down and process all that extra load. It ages the body, and wastes the metabolic stores. That’s why obese septuagenarians are so rare.

What is the alternative to our modern cytoxic disease-promoting lifestyle? The return to the traditional foods that enabled us to be selected and to endure as a species in the first place: the natural diet, as will be described below in detail. Deceptively simple, the return to homeostasis can often be accomplished, once the patient decides to omit all processed and refined foods from the diet for at least 60 days.

Not a guarantee to cure every disease, but at least this time span in which the guidelines are strictly observed will usually demonstrate to the patient the curative and salubrious effects of the traditional, natural whole foods human diet – the same diet Weston A. Price discovered so long ago as the lifestyle of the healthiest people on earth.

After that the patient must use the new knowledge as the instrument of personal recovery, to whatever extent the individual wishes to carry it. This is the legacy of the holistic doctors we cited above in Section 1.


There is only one healthy route to attaining and maintaining normal weight:

    The high protein diet
    Normal lifestyle *
    The Stairmaster
    Food combining
    The North Beach Diet



Within the miasma of misdirection and false claims that prevail within the weight loss industry, the high protein diet is certainly among the most unhealthy and least tenable. Excess dietary protein, especially the refined, overprocessed types favored by today’s supermarket displays, clogs the digestive tract, acidifies the body and provides yet one more modern opportunity to waste our nutrient, hormonal, and metabolic reserves.

As we saw above, the average American adult needs only about 25 grams of protein per day for optimum health, which is somewhat less than the .8g per kg RDA of mainstream academic nutrition. But the average American consumes more than 125 grams of protein per day. (McDougall’s Medicine)

Of the 20 amino acids that comprise the proteins present in the human body, nine cannot be synthesized by the body and must be taken in as food:


Even if the excess dietary protein were complete, usable, digestible proteins from this list, 125 grams would still place an enormous burden on the body which is charged with metabolizing all that mass. But we know well that in most cases the surplus protein has been processed, refined, hydrogenated, etc., thereby placing great stress upon the digestive system.

Bacon, sausage, chicken fried steak, gravy, deep fried fish and hormone-laced meats, superheated dairy, melted rancid cheese, tacos, burritos, powdered eggs, TV dinners, genetically modified chickens and turkeys – all such refined and unnatural protein forms resist normal digestion.

What cannot be reduced to its amino acid components and smaller peptides sluggishly clings to the tract lining. Putrefaction is the term doctors use to describe half-digested rotting protein, as we saw above. Since it cannot be quickly metabolized, excess protein putrefies in the tract, contributing to blockage, acidification, and Leaky Gut syndrome, providing a toxic medium conducive to opportunistic infestation.

The delusion of the high protein diet claims that the client will lose weight by simply replacing all those fattening carbs with protein – any protein, no matter how processed, toxic or indigestible – is very short sighted with respect to the overall health of the patient.

The reason this diet may show some initial success is that the carbohydrates which the individual is now skipping were being converted into fat and adding to the stored load. So for a short period the ready glucose is not quite so available, and some of the fat stores may begin to be mobilized and reconverted. But there are several other obvious physiological imbalances promoted by a diet skewed to an imbalance of proteins.

First of all, most foods are not all fat, or all protein or all carbohydrate.

Most foods are a combination of two, or all three food types. A reasonable proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is just common sense. But more critical than the proportion of fats, protein, and carbohydrates is the form in which each is presented. And also the amounts.

The most pertinent issue: is the protein natural or processed? That is to say, with or without its original enzymes intact?

The protein in 3 ounces of fresh grilled salmon for example, would certainly have a different impact than 3 ounces of proteinaceous soy lecithin, which is a waste by-product in the process of creating hydrogenated soybean oil. Or for that matter 3 ounces of bacon from animals that were loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics and fed their whole lives on GM feed and rendered animal parts.

These are not extreme examples, but it is certainly clear that there is no equivalence just because they are all types of dietary protein, and weigh the same. And yet the proponents of the high protein diet do not make these important distinctions, regarding all dietary protein as generally the same. Including most nutritionists.

If a food cannot be broken down, either because it is so harshly processed or saturated with preservatives or overcooked or hydrogenated, or for whatever reason, that food is going to have a negative nutritional effect on the entire physiology for as long as it is inside the body.

It really doesn’t matter how the food started out, what kind of protein it originally was before the processing started. It only matters how much of the original usable nutrient protein can still be derived once the food is taken in: can it be completely digested once in the tract? This may seem like an unnecessary question, but unfortunately in today’s world of plastic, soft, eternal shelf-life foods, it’s the one question that must be asked.

These are some of the real issues that determine the value of a protein food, and result in either further clogging of the system or else nourishing it.

The closer the food to its original natural state, and the more intact enzymes it contains, the more it will be alkalizing to the body, supporting optimum blood and tissue pH.

To recap, here are the primary detriments of the high protein diet

    – Acidification
    – Calcium buffering
    – Uric acid crystal deposition
    – homocysteine build-up
    – Putrefaction in tract
    – Accelerates metabolic candle
    – wastes reserves of vitamins, minerals, enzymes

When such an excess in protein is ingested day after day, as a survival mechanism the overwhelmed body will try to mobilize the superfluity any way it can.

One of these survival mechanisms is the ability to precipitate some of the undigested protein out of solution, in the form of uric acid crystals. Again it is an emergency survival mechanism in a body that is desperate to rid itself of the acidifying burden any way possible. The uric acid crystals themselves are not the pathology, but merely a symptom of the real pathology: excess protein intake.

Unfortunately once in the blood, these crystals have an affinity to take up residence in the joints, and can lead to several types of chronic arthritis, the classic one being gout.

The other practically epidemic side effect of a diet too rich in protein involves one amino acid in particular, methionine. This important amino acid is sulfur bearing, and is found in many plant and animal proteins. Beans in particular.

The problem comes in when methionine is converted to another amino acid – homocysteine – in the normal metabolism of both human and animals. Homocysteine is harmless and normal in small amounts. What keeps the homocysteine levels low is the presence of B vitamins, which are found in most greens.

As long as there are sufficient B vitamins, especially B6 and B12, the excess homocysteine can be continually excreted form the body. Unfortunately, most Americans eat very little greens and are generally B vitamin deficient. Without sufficient B vitamins, homocysteine levels increase and in most American adults are chronically elevated.

High homocysteine levels in the body have now been incontrovertibly identified as the primary cause of coronary artery disease, which has been the number one cause of death in the US for almost a century.

One leading expert in this field is certainly Harvard’s Kilmer McCully MD. His master work The Heart Connection is a landmark resource in any legitimate understanding of the pathophysiology of the heart disease epidemic so rampant in our country today.

In this light then, heart disease may well be the most serious pathological direct consequence of the high protein diet.

As we have seen in the case of every other processed food, ultimately the deeper physiological damage to the body from excess processed dietary protein comes about by the overexpenditure of immune and nutrient reserves, in the body’s attempt to break down and expel the foreign, manmade, novel processed foods.

Normal reactions to abnormal stimuli: the body will always strive toward survival.


Homocysteine is a normal metabolic conversion from

    Methionine *




We talked a little about the incidence of allergies as correlated with chronic intake of enzymeless food. A few ideas should be elucidated about the very direct relationship that is often overlooked by both mainstream media as well as the scientific literature.

To start with, sensitivity reactions don’t just suddenly emerge out of thin air for no reason, or because of some genetic tendency, or because some allergen just wafted its way into a child’s body. People are told they’re randomly allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat fur, horse feathers, peanuts, shellfish, phases of the moon, gluten, casein, etc.

But if the alert clinician should actually examine the diet, it is a virtual certainty to find quantities of devitalized allergenic processed food, in almost every case. So why look for an exotic cause of allergy symptoms with the elephant standing right there?

Empirically, it often seems that patients who take allergy shots and pills for years seem to be the same patients who still have allergies. Any ‘allergist’ who cures them loses them as clients. What is uncontested fact is that asthma rates in the US have doubled since 1980, and are then doubled again by the year 2015. (Centers for Disease Control – www.cdc.gov)


We look at the bloodshot eyes, hear the stuffed-up voice, the persistent cough, and accept the explanation “It’s my allergies,” as though the symptoms we observe were the disease itself.

This word game is no accident. We are conditioned by a thousand commercials a day to equate diseases with their symptoms. Headache, backache, arthritis, tinnitus, asthma, high blood pressure, on and on – are not diseases themselves, but rather the signs of an ongoing disease process, a progressive imbalance.

Conventional medical wisdom then is to attack these signs directly, mainly with medicines, to make them disappear: antihistamines, antipyretics, bronchodilators, cough suppressants, cold medicine, etc.

The first illusion is that by temporarily covering up the signs, we have now cured the disease. The second illusion is that by naming the signs, we have identified the disease.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Same for the patient with a headache. What’s the solution, programmed every five minutes on TV: aspirin, headache pills, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, that will … take the pain away. But what if the headache were an underlying consequence of something else… Neck spasm, intoxication, emotional stress, sinus allergies, trauma, spine or cranial misalignment, dehydration, drugs, chemical sensitivity, overwork, hunger, dehydration – headache can come from many sources.

So a drug that doesn’t address the underlying cause really didn’t cure anything. As soon as it wears off the pain will return.

It’s precisely the same with allergies. Allergies are not watery eyes and stuffed up noses, fever, a hacking cough and skin eruptions. Symptoms like these are usually healthy reactions to noxious irritants. Something foreign is triggering the body’s cleansing responses, which include mast cells, IgE, histamine – the whole cascade. These mechanisms are nothing more than the normal responses of a functioning intact immune system trying to clear out the inflammatory stimuli.


At first the body puts forth all its efforts to dislodge and expel the invader. Outpourings of mucous and tears, coughing, sneezing, skin lesions— all the expulsive and excretory mechanisms of the body brought to bear in a maximum effort to rid the body of poison. That’s the immune system working.

But if the inflammatory stimulus is presented continuously, what happens next is adaptation. Gradually the body gets used to a repeated irritant, and the cleansing response becomes less and less each time, and slowly learns to adapt to the toxin, the not-self.

Hans Selye articulates in his classic work The General Adaptation Syndrome, that no matter how toxic the poison, in small enough increments we can develop tolerance.


the three stages of immune response to stress.

By the time the body has gone through Selye’s three stages of adaptation for any length of time, the tissues can be exposed to a substantial daily quantity of a noxious allergen, and not respond. The body will then accumulate the toxic load, un-degraded.

So in a certain sense, developing an immunity to an allergen may sometimes be detrimental in the long run because by building a tolerance to the noxious stimulus, bioaccumulation of a foreign poison can then begin.

Another example might be: walking behind a smoky bus when it starts up. The patient breathes in the fumes and starts coughing and choking, with the eyes watering. That’s an allergic response. Humans are allergic to bus exhaust. Eyes water to clear the eyes. The coughing reflex ensues to forcibly expel the toxic fumes before they get inhaled. It is a reflex of survival – a working immune system.

But it’s different for a bus mechanic. His first day on the job as a young apprentice, breathing all those fumes in the confined garage area may have made him sick. The body would have rejected the noxious fumes with all its clearing powers. But after a few weeks or months of breathing those vapors every day, the body doesn’t try so hard. The sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth and nose toughen up a little, and the mechanic learns to adapt. He’s becoming less sensitized – doctors say sensitized – to a poison: carbon monoxide. It doesn’t mean it won’t kill him; it just means that it might take longer.

It’s the same way with someone learning to smoke cigarettes. The smoker coughs and chokes at first, but soon adapts to it. The body’s ability to throw off the toxins is gradually weakened, by adaptation to stress. After the emergency alarms have gone off so often, for so long, the body no longer considers it an emergency.


Anti-histamines are administered in pills and sprays that inhibit mucosal swelling.

Histamines, are produced by our white cells to trigger protective mechanisms. Like altering vessel permeability for making the eyes water. Or shutting down digestion.

Allergy medicine is generally an antihistamine, which unnaturally interferes with the body’s normal immune system, particularly at the first line of defense – mouth, nose, and eyes.

When antihistamines block these normal clearing responses, the irritant or allergen or antigen is then permitted to enter further into the body than it would ever have gotten.

This is a hidden side effect of antihistamines – the phenomenon of autointoxication. Actually it’s not a side effect: it’s an effect.

There is no such thing as a side effect – that’s a marketing term. After taking the antihistamine, the patient may be grateful that he can breathe again, but for any drug, there is always a trade-off. The problem wasn’t the stuffy nose or the watering eyes; the cause was the allergen: the irritant. Antihistamines don’t touch the underlying cause; they just suspend the body’s ability to respond with its normal clearing mechanisms.

Result: tolerance. Toxification. Infiltration. Adaptation.


If the young child is continuously given pasteurized dairy products – milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, yoghurt – acute allergies or asthma may result.

As we have seen above, with no enzymes, dairy products cannot be well metabolized in the young digestive system.

Denatured enzymes ingested in the foods appear as foreign protein in the body and may set off the inflammatory response. If the child continues to be given these foods day after day, chronic allergies may result, with the full spectrum of annoying symptoms.

But that’s the point right there—coughing, sneezing, eyes watering, rashes – are not symptoms – they are the normal responses of a healthy functioning immune system. To try and suppress them with medications will inhibit the body from clearing them out. The accumulation that follows in the ensuing weeks and months may well set the child up for chronic autoimmune disease, depending on which tissues become infiltrated with the denatured processed allergenic food.

This is why childhood asthma is almost always dramatically improved by omitting all pasteurized dairy for 2 months.

It’s also the reason why facemasks, blocking CO2 output, make children sicker, offering no protection whatsoever.


The physiological process by which the body learns to tolerate exposure to toxic stressors is called:

    Fight or flight
    Adaptation *
    Aging gracefully




In the sections above we discussed the lack of enzymes in processed foods as a cause of acute and chronic allergic reactions. But this doesn’t even take into account the pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and chemical preservatives, additives, and other xenobiotic contaminants which end up in our food as the result of preparation, processing and packaging.

For example, some 70% of all antibiotics produced in the US today are given to animals, whose meat we eat – poultry, beef, fish. These antibiotics are not commonly destroyed in food processing and once in our bodies serve to destroy the normal probiotics which should be present in the health human intestinal tract.

Sprayed pesticides, of which there are literally hundreds, are washed into the soil, taken up in the root systems, work their way into the inner cells of supermarket produce, and do not rinse off. Once in our bodies, many such poisons are fat-soluble, that is – stored in our fat cells, for months or years. According to the US Pesticide Industry Report, Americans are exposed to over 5 billion pounds of pesticides every year.

Methyl bromide is an agricultural fumigant used to kill pests, which has been used for years on many fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries. It is very potent neurotoxin which can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed through the skin. It can cause cancer, kidney disease, liver disease and damage to eyes and lungs. It has been proven as an ozone depleter. MeBromide was first protected by the Bush administration and continues to be used only in this country, even though most other countries had signed an international treaty to ban it in 1987: The Montreal Protocol.

Until the mid 1980s, sulfur dioxide compounds known as sulfites were commonly sprayed on French fries, meat, and salad bars to keep the food from browning too quickly.

Sulfites are also routinely added to commercial wine, to prevent further fermentation. It’s why wine causes headaches in many people. Sulfur dioxide is toxic, and a cause of thousands of documented allergic reactions reported to the FDA in the mid 1980s, many of them fatal.

Although sulfite use on meat and raw produce has supposedly been banned, they still appear in bronchodilator sprays, and also in wines, as long as the label states the percentage. (Randolph, p83)


In the young child, processed food residues usually take a certain amount of time to accumulate before the body will start to react. The child is born with a clean system. It can take months, or even years, depending on the wide variability in individual tolerance and immune strength. Holistic nutritionists often refer to the above long term accumulation of indigestible sludge, both in the tract and blood, as the toxic load.

We might call the point at which a person actually begins to manifest symptoms of allergy (hives, rash, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, wheezing, etc) let’s call that point the Threshold of Reactivity. Below the Threshold, the person won’t have symptoms, even though toxification is building up every day.

As the indulgent American is accumulating away all this stored debris, he is pushing his body steadily closer and closer to its toxic capacity. Day by day the level of autointoxication becomes higher and higher, without symptoms. Finally, the toxic load approaches the Threshold of Reactivity, because of the unrelenting indigestible diet of processed foods.

As long as the toxic load remains below the threshold, the patient will not manifest any symptoms. But a sudden contact with cat hair, dust, pollen, any new food or neurotoxin, may be enough to raise the toxic level that last little quantum. The Threshold is finally exceeded, and symptoms suddenly occur.

Standard medical diagnosis by an allergist allows him to focus only on the precipitating stimulus, and generally identify that particular stressor as the patient’s “allergy.” Benadryl, antihistamines, even prednisone and a host of other drugs may then be prescribed to treat the symptoms, irrespective of the toxic history. Problem is, their side effects are often worse than the original complaint.


Again, the principal difficulty with food allergies is that they are bio-accumulative. In addition to the digestive tract, undigested residues can be stored in fat cells in other locations within the tissues and may persist there for months or years. This explains why a food sensitivity may continue for weeks or months even after further intake of the stressor has stopped.

Or in the case of dairy, it is only necessary to take in a tiny amount of any processed milk or cheese product every few days in order to maintain the person’s susceptibility to the allergen. Even a few drops of milk added to coffee is sufficient to support a chronic allergy, even though the patients will report they have stopped eating dairy.

The same is true of additives in the food and even in the food’s packaging. Theron Randolph, MD, clinical ecologist, talks about the material used in the lining of tin cans which is used to keep the color of the metal can off the food. The material is called phenol, a coal-tar derivative. It is used in virtually all canned foods. Dr. Randolph has documented hundreds of cases of reactions to the phenol alone. (An Alternative Approach to Allergies)

Thisis why no canned foods are permitted in the 60 Day Program.


For years Albuquerque, New Mexico had been a mecca for asthmatics, TB patients, and those trying to escape their allergies. No more. By the late 90s, doctors in Albuquerque noticed the skyrocketing incidence of allergies that had occurred in this high desert town in the previous 15 years. The inhabitants now exhibit virtually the same rates of allergy found in the rest of the US.

When allergy incidence first began to peak, the government sent researchers to the surrounding lands, climbing trees to find out what kind of pollen is making people sick. But the Albuquerque area is high desert. The people didn’t suddenly start getting sick from dust, cat hair, or cactus pollen. They’re allergic from the homogenized, devitalized, processed food of the metropolitan American city supermarkets, a diet which is unvaryingly standardized, from New York all the way to the California.

Allergy in America today occurs in epidemic proportions. Many researchers in the CDC estimate that half the US population suffers from some form of allergy. This is the real pandemic.


The child has a fever, the child was a runny nose, or cough. These are not disease processes that require immediate intervention. Rather they are signs that the immune system is fully vital, and is resisting the antigenic stressor with all its powers. To the extent that a program of holistic detoxification can support such eliminative efforts of the natural immune system, optimum health will be promoted.

As we will see below in the 60 Day Program, the obvious natural approach to a resolution of allergies is two-fold:

    1. Stop adding to the toxic load
    2. Remove the accumulated reactants from the tract and blood

A natural diet that eliminates all processed foods – the New West Diet – is the obvious choice for the cessation of contributing to the toxic load. Very simply, that means

    no hydrogenated oils,
    no pasteurized dairy,
    no refined carbohydrates

for 60 days. At the same time, the removal of residual allergenic debris will be accomplished by a combination of enzymes, chelation, and probiotics.

As the toxic level drops first below the Threshold of Reactivity, usually during the first few weeks of detoxification, the patient will gradually cease to react to the allergenic stressors.

As the patient continues faithfully with the detox, and more and more of the indigestible debris becomes dislodged and dredged up, to be carried out of the body, the toxic load falls farther and farther below the Threshold of Reactivity. In this way immune reserves are finally allowed to be stored up once again, instead of being expended at a faster rate than they could be summoned. The result is return to immune resilience; building the reserves.


Which of the following is a disease, per se?

    nasal discharge
    None of the above *



Diabetes is the #8 cause of death in the US today, with almost 88,000 deaths per year. (CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/diabetes.htm)

Since 2005 the CDC has stated that a child born today has a one in three chance of becoming diabetic in his lifetime. We will take a look at this extraordinary state of affairs in the US today and try to determine why nobody is talking about the real causes of this enormous epidemic.

We remember that carbohydrates from natural foods are broken down by means of enzymes into double sugars, like sucrose, lactose, and maltose, then finally into glucose. With the help of insulin and in the presence of zinc, glucose is then escorted into our cells to use for energy and other metabolic tasks.

Excess glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. In times of adrenal stimulation for bursts of musculoskeletal output following the sympathetic response, cortisol is released to pull the glycogen out of storage and convert it back to glucose for immediate use.

This original design was a brilliantly sophisticated system, evolved into our species after countless millennia, perfectly capable of balancing blood sugar from a diet of natural foods. [Sugar: The Sweet Thief of Life]

Then everything changed about 100 years ago with the advent of refined sugar – a compound that nature could never have invented. This new product, offering so much refined glucose to the bloodstream without the benefit of the usual accompanying fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes – was an assault on a human biochemistry that had taken aeons to develop. All the precious stores of nutrients which the body had other plans for, must now be mobilized and expended in order to try and metabolize out the ever-increasing amounts of processed sugar taken in by the average American every year.


The refined white sugar in the sugar bowl – sucrose – is only one type. There’s also brown sugar, raw sugar, turbinado, fruit sugar, corn sugar, milk sugar, beet sugar, alcohol, monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.

In addition there are artificial sweeteners as well, sugar substitutes like xylitol, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and nutrasweet.

Let’s start with white sugar. It is made by refining sugar cane, a process which today involves many chemicals which are used for hydrolysis and texturing of the finished pure crystalline fraction.

Processed sugar also is made from beets, whose refinement also involves synthetic chemicals, as well as charcoal. Besides the contaminants, the primary problem is that the finished products contain virtually none of the nutrients, vitamins, or minerals of the original plants. Those were milled out in the refining process in order to give the sugar the pure white color and the very sharp sweetness that we have been conditioned to require.

The resulting white sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means a fractionated, artificial, devitalized by-product of the original sugar cane plant. The original plant was a complex carbohydrate, which means it contained all the properties of a whole food: vitamins, minerals, enzymes – everything necessary for the complete metabolism and utilization of that food at the digestive and cellular level.


Sugar was unknown in Europe when Columbus discovered America. So was diabetes. With the discovery of sugar cane in the New World and the subsequent introduction of sugar to Europe, the demand was instantaneous, and unrelenting.

Within a few years, huge fortunes were being made for the rulers of Europe and for the merchants involved in the importation of rum and molasses from the American colonies.

Sugar Blues by William Dufty was a classic book of the mid 1970s. In a compelling fashion, the book provides a broad historical and political sketch of sugar economics from the 15th century to the present. Dufty thoroughly chronicles the rise of the trade empires that emerged around sugar during that era: molasses, rum, and slaves. Both the sugar and the taxes that accrued therefrom brought great wealth to the rulers of England, France, Spain, and Holland, as well as to the slave traders, shipping companies, and plantation owners. (p. 33) Many modern fortunes whose names we would recognize today were amassed at this time.

Dufty draws interesting parallels between opium and sugar, as both were things we don’t really need, both became sources of huge revenues and taxes, both have some dark history involving immense human suffering, and both can cause physical degeneration and death after a long period of dependence.


During the first centuries of the sugar industry, cane sugar had to be converted first into molasses and rum for shipping across the oceans. Natural cane sugar itself was raw, light brown in color, and still retained most of the original nutrients. For that reason raw sugar doesn’t cause diabetes.

The further refining of sugar cane evolved gradually, and spread all over the world in a short time. The process began with old stone mills, powered by rivers or windvanes, where whole wheat was ground into flour. As time went by, machinery got better and better at removing the outer husks from the wheat and leaving behind only the white inner simple carbohydrate, devoid of minerals and vitamins.

Later the same milling procedure was applied to sugar cane. Processing methods, which stripped away all vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the raw cane, became so effective at making the pure white sugar crystals that were now in demand all over the world, that the price of sugar eventually went down and down to reflect the new abundance.

Sugar consumption, however, boomed. What was at first a delicacy afforded only by the rich in Europe soon became a staple for everyone. The availability was even faster in America where importation was not an obstacle. Within less than 30 years after refined sugar was introduced into Europe, diabetes was identified by doctors as widespread in every country – a disease that was new to the continent. After 100 years, diabetes was listed as one of the most common degenerative diseases on the continent.

Dufty offers layer upon layer of proof that modern mankind is degenerating, devolving as a race, becoming sicker and weaker decade by decade. Little in the 50 years since Sugar Blues came out will dispute that idea, just observing the growing percentage of our school children who are either on psychoactive drugs like Ritalin or some SSRI, inhalators, or else allergy medication of some sort. Or forced experimental vaccines. Or looking at the sharp rise of every single degenerative disease, including Type II diabetes among young people during the past 20 years. Or now as the prime target for the most dangerous immunological experiment in history.

Or that the US is presently # 51 worldwide in infant mortality, according to NIH.


In a more scholarly work some 90 years ago, Dr. Weston Price had come to the same conclusions with his landmark journal Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

In the 1930s, Dr. Price travelled around the world examining the teeth and skulls of every primitive race he could find – American Indians, Swiss Alps villagers, Eskimos, aborigines, Scottish primitives, Fiji islanders, and more.

In the literature of nutrition, Price’s conclusions are beyond controversy – in instance after instance, whenever a people would become exposed to western foods for the first time in their history – white sugar and white flour – within a very few years, they would be experiencing rates of tooth decay, tuberculosis and arthritis equal to that found in “civilized” nations.

Conversely, Price found that as long as a group of people could remain isolated and eat their primitive, simple enzyme-rich natural foods, the rates of tooth decay and degenerative disease would remain at practically zero, as they had been from time immemorial.

Price’s work has never been challenged.

From the time of Columbus up to the mid 1970s, sucrose became the primary sugar consumed by Americans. Consumption increased from 0 to over 150 pounds per individual per annum in 200 years.


Which one is not a characteristic of refined sugar:

    Nutrient *


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