Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy Epidemic

– Dr Tim O’Shea Have you ever wondered why so many kids these days are allergic to peanuts? Where did this allergy come from all of a sudden? Before 1900, reactions to peanuts were unheard of. Today almost a 1.5 million children in this country are...

Vaccination Is Not Immunization: Final Edition – eBook

      FINAL EDITION                       Dr. Tim O’Shea                       copyright MMXXIII: immunition vaccination is not immunization: final edition / Tim O’Shea Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publications 99-95690 ISBN: 1-929487-17- Paris,...

Vaccination is Not Immunization – Chinese eBook

注射疫苗 不等于 免疫 第二版 ___________________添姆欧谢尔医生 (Dr. Tim O’Shea) ________________ 版权所有 MMXII immunition ltd 注射疫苗不等于免疫第 2 版 (vaccination is not immunization, 2nd Edition) / Tim O’Shea 中文版 2012 年 8 月出版 / 欧谢尔医生 Library of Congress...

Newsletter October 2023

1. STOP PAYING COLLEGE TUITION 2. TYPE II DIABETES – THE ONLY CURE . 3. NEW VAX BOOK ************************************************************************************************** 1. STOP PAYING COLLEGE TUITION The traditional expectations of a college education...

Module 2: Modern Food Industry – Health or Chronic Disease?

Dr Tim O’Shea 10 Sections This short course will address the following subjects: Recombinant bovine growth hormone in all pasteurized dairy Gastric reflux The creators of psychoneurological addiction – Comfort Foods Calcium buffering, pH, and normal weight...