The Ebola drama popped up in the Spring of 2014. As predicted in a previous edition of this book, it was just a matter of time before the next Boutique Epidemic would emerge. What happened to smallpox, SARS, mad cow, Avian flu, Swine flu, etc.? Vanished. And they won’t be back.

Was their only purpose to terrorize and distract – and divert billions for new research, new pharmaceuticals?

Decision-makers evoked the classic template from the SARS adventure, which may be followed in order to create a successful biological maguffin, out of thin air:

    Claim a disease threat from a new bug
    Instill worldwide panic with unrelenting media
    Offer hope of salvation: drugs and vaccines
    Spend the money
    Watch the threat vaporize

Never fails. Syndicated media know no bounds when it comes to hyperbole, sensationalism, and disregard for science and common sense. Ebola will kill millions, it can spread unchecked, we have to come up with a vaccine, etc.


Let’s review some of the Ebola pageant:

Even though Ebola has been known since the late 70s as a killer virus for which there was no cure, it was confined to a few cases here and there in Africa, and was rarely seen elsewhere. Then suddenly in 2014, the disease was reported rampant in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Gambia, and by the Fall over 4000 people were supposed to have died from it.

What made the story global of course was when a health worker named Thomas Duncan returned to Texas after having worked with Ebola patients in Africa. Two weeks later he became symptomatic and was admitted to a Dallas hospital. Soon Duncan was dead. It was the first Ebola death ever reported in the US.

Astoundingly, some 76 personnel had been in contact with Duncan during his stay at the Dallas hospital [12] – with a patient supposedly infected by a viral pathogen, for which there is no cure. Obviously, bio-safety protocols were lax, none of the staff were restricted at all, and soon two nurses were reported positive.

Next, the hospital administrator makes a bizarre public apology – like that makes everything OK. Oh, you dropped
the ball and because of your hospital’s negligence one of the most serious diseases on earth has been introduced into the US? But because you said you’re sorry, it’s OK. You’re forgiven.

Don’t bother about any specifics on how it won’t happen again, or how you’ve ignored standard biohazard guidelines, which have only cost $billions to set up since 9/11….

And of course nothing was tightened up, and next we see that CNN video of one of the nurses being transferred (inexplicably) via special plane from Dallas to Bethesda, Maryland. And one of the people at the foot of the steps going up into the plane was wearing street clothes, no protective gear whatsoever, handing something to one of the HazMat guys… [17] So much for apologies.

Media drones on in typical lowtone pop news style, losing the story in non-issues. If someone wanted to invent a scenario where everyone in authority – health officials, politicians, everyone involved, did everything they could to spread Ebola as fast as possible into the country while pretending they were controlling it, one could scarcely have come up with a better plan than what actually took place.

Officials like CDC’s Thomas Frieden actually spelled out the ludicrous protocol which was supposed to protect the public from pandemic disease:

“We must identify the people who have been in contact with the patient. ”

    “once those exposed to the patient have been identified, they are monitored for 21 days to see if they develop fever. If they do, then they are isolated…” [12]

Huh? This is the best our top health officials can come up with? The workers exposed to an Ebola patient are “monitored” for 21 days? Not isolated. Monitored.

One of the nurses took a weekend while she was being ‘monitored’ and flew home to Ohio on a commercial jet, interacting with hundreds of people. When she returned, she was diagnosed as positive. And officials see nothing wrong with this protocol — workers are not isolated until they become symptomatic.

But even if they are isolated – what then? Duncan was isolated. We saw how well isolation protocols worked for the
two nurses treating him.


Ebola hemorrhagic disease has been known since 1976, confined to a few of the poorest, most toxic communities in Africa, with a few cases every so often, just enough to keep it on the books. Now we’re supposed to believe that in 2014, suddenly Something Happened, something that caused a fulminant, uncontrollable outbreak, resulting in 4000+ deaths, most of them in one month.

And that’s what everybody believed.

Now what physical, environmental, or biological confluence of events – what could possibly trigger such a sudden,
unprecedented outbreak of an obscure disease? What had changed all of a sudden? Red Alert. The psy-op hoax alarm just lit up.

As with Avian flu, Swine flu, etc. the outbreak areas are Third World, where people are routinely starving, diseased, dehydrated, immuno-suppressed, exposed to contaminated air, food, water, no hygiene, First World’s throwaway drugs, etc.

But all this has been going on for decades. And we’re supposed to believe that this 2014 outbreak just happened, all by itself, for no reason? And then spread through the world, aided by various lapses in “biomedical” protocols … ?

And we’re supposed to believe that these same agencies whose routine containment policies have so egregiously failed, these ‘health authorities’ are heroically going to save the world from global annihilation, in Hollywood blockbuster style… ?

Any lucid observer was at a loss to explain an outbreak of this magnitude, from out of nowhere. It just didn’t make sense.

The difference between Ebola and things like Avian flu, swine flu, SARS, etc. was that Ebola as a disease actually exists.

Which is a distinct advantage, if you are tasked with inventing an epidemic out of thin air, and then selling it to the entire world.

Lapses in patient isolation, HazMat protocols, basic biosafety,
even common sense notions of monitoring and travel
restriction – were all predictable examples of official carelessness in action.

But looking at all these stories, and the obviously inflammatory nature of the press, with their innate disregard for facts, – still something was missing. Something that no one wanted to talk about.

And then a link went viral, and suddenly the nickel dropped. Oh. Completely possible. Plug in the missing piece to the puzzle, and all at once everything is demystified:


Could these X-000 African deaths be a deliberate
categorization illusion, with the sole agenda to fan the flames for a new, uncontrollable epidemic, for maximum promo value?

Could they really pull something like this off? Why not? They sold all those other epidemics – none of which ever occurred. And the American people never even asked why not. Because people don’t seem to have the attention span to track stories that are no longer in today’s Yahoo’s headlines.

Two things gave the Ebola story its legs:

– the recent deaths
– entry into the US

Both were vital to the story. Without a clear and present danger to the US, there would be no $6 billion. [16] Without the daily football-score Africa deaths, no funding.

But whose figures do we have to rely upon in order to buy the story? Pop media.

Are we even having this conversation? Are we suggesting the whole thing could be a put-up job, start to finish? OK, let’s run with it a little.


Who would benefit from a counterfeit Ebola epidemic?

    1. the US military, given $1 billion to “manage the
    epidemic” in Africa. [25] Why combat troops?

    2. pop media, luring readers hour by hour to watch
    disaster porn

    3. vax manufacturers like GSK and New Link [11]
    getting carte blanche to rush a vaccine into production,
    with returns of $1 billion annually if successful

    4. politicos, like CT governor Dan Malloy, getting political
    mileage out of passing draconian new laws for their
    states, before even one individual gets sick

    5. Vaccine investors: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg

    6. Vaccine patent holders, like the NIH and CDC [21]


Reflexively fetching the stick of media-directed popular demand, Obama asked for $6.2 billion in early November 2014, to “fight the epidemic.” [16]

To follow the routine pattern of all Boutique Epidemics, once the money is spent, we see a radical reduction in cases, followed by a complete disappearance. With or without the vaccine. And thereafter they will be congratulating themselves at the wrap party at the Hilton on how they saved the world from Ebola. Remember?

This is not a conspiracy – it’s a vertically integrated business model.


Comes down to a matter of trust, really. Every day we read about all the “numbers of infected.” Like football scores. What tests are they getting? Without a specific, reproducible diagnostic test, we never know for sure if any given patient really had Ebola.

This has become a standard deception for our Boutique Epidemics: diagnosis is by symptoms only. Early Ebola symptoms are identical to those of many other much less serious diseases.

Even Thomas Duncan, the first American who died in Texas. What proof do we have that he really died of Ebola hemorrhagic fever? How was the virus identified?

CDC’s Thomas Frieden described Duncan’s diagnosis by PCR test as “highly accurate.” [12] Might be time for ol’ Tomcat to review his lab sciences.


The primary test for diagnosing Ebola is the Polymerase Chain Reaction test, invented in the 90s by Kary Mullis PhD, originally to diagnose HIV. How does the PCR work?

From Axiom’s site:

    “The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique widely used in molecular biology. It derives its name from one of its key components, a DNA polymerase used to amplify a piece of DNA by … enzymatic replication. This sets in motion a chain reaction in which the DNA template is exponentially amplified. [283]

    “With PCR it is possible to amplify a single or few copies of
    a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating millions or more copies of the DNA piece.

    “PCR testing therefore allows for accurate diagnosis of underlying conditions which may not be currently clinically active but have a likely hood [sic] of developing in the future.”

Scientists can’t spell, but this is a pretty accurate idea of the
test. Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel prize for inventing the test, explains its limitations – why the PCR is not particularly diagnostic, for HIV or for anything else:

    “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR is intended to
    identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests
    cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV.

    “The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.” [22, 23]

So all these people who were being counted as Ebola patients and Ebola deaths, if they haven’t been PCR tested, there was no evidence they ever had any viral pathogens.

And even if they had been PCR tested, there still is no conclusive diagnostic evidence that they have any Ebola viruses at all! Rappoport goes a step further: he can find no evidence of a complete Ebola virus ever having been isolated and sequenced, by any scientist. [289]


PCR is not a test that isolates, identifies, or even detects any particular virus. If you’re sick and have some viral fragments, the PCR test just amplifies those sequences millions of times, from the sample.

But any association with viral disease is all just a theory – just a guesstimation. Nothing like an exact science that says definitively Ebola or HIV virus is present in this patient.


In keeping with the requirements of any Boutique Epidemic, there must be a back end – a market angle, a golden goose. That’s the contract – we create the villain, you market the hero.

With any new infectious disease, real or imagined, if antibiotics won’t work, the next rabbit from the hat will be the promise of a vaccine.

And years later, that’s all we have—the promise. What a great business – they never have to come up with an actual product – just a promise. The “millions of doses” of Ebola vaccine promised by W.H.O. by 2015 never happened. [15]

Nobody remembers 2014 any more, and the Ebola hoax. We have traced it here just to show once more the tried and true formula for the Boutique Epidemic, and to expect the next one at any time.